Space Ship

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Jun 18, 2024 1:38 am
Here is the Stat Sheet for your ship and an illustration.
Jun 22, 2024 6:21 am
This is in no way written in stone. Its just a default.
Character Default starship role
Seer Pilot
Poe Science officer > Gunner > Engineer
Syr'alla Captain
Humfry Science officer > Engineer > Pilot
The Solarian Gunner
Last edited June 22, 2024 8:27 pm
Jun 22, 2024 8:24 pm
You may add backup pilot for Humfrey.
Jun 22, 2024 8:44 pm
Great, so...

Actions go in the following Phases
1. Engineering
a. Divert
b. Hold it together
c. Patch
d. Overpower
e. Quick Fix

2. Helm
a. Fly
b. Maneuver
c. Stunt
d. Full Power
e. Audacious Gambit
f. Balance
g. Scan
h. Target System
i. Lock On
j. Improve Countermeasures
k. Glide

3. Gunnery
a.Fire At Will
b. Shoot
c. Broadside
d. Precise Targeting
e. Snapshot

Note: I will expand this list later. These rules are found on p. 316 of the Core Rules.
Jun 25, 2024 3:18 pm
umbraldragon says:
runekyndig says:
Don't the ships computers add +10 to computer use? Or is that calculated into the DC?
Where do you find that? I was thinking something similar, but I could not find anything. I'll look again, and if you find it, let me know.
Obviously he succeeded and the difficulty was not out of range for 1st level characters. Thanks for chiming in, I encourage anyone pointing out any inconsistancies. For now we move on and address that in OOC if that's ok.
Found it here @umbraldragon or is it the stats for NPC captains, engineers, gunners pilots science officers?
Jun 26, 2024 4:26 pm
You have assumed correctly. Those are the Stats for NPC crew if you need to make some Skill checks and don't have any PCs playing those roles.

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