Jun 26, 2024 3:41 am
The Night War is a Homebrew 5e campaign in a homebrew setting. It follows a group of young heroes as they attempt to free their land from the vicious and tyrannical Vampire Queen Rivka and her Court of Night. The game will start with the players at level 1 and all being from the same village. More details on that in the setting.
System: D&D 5th edition.
Players: Six Level 1 characters.
Posting frequency: Aiming for 1 post a day in private game forum
Who can play: Experienced Players, LGBTQ+ friendly.
Themes: Dark Fantasy, Slavery (Players will have a chance to free them.), Politics, and violence.
Rating: PG-13
How to apply: Post interest and a basic character concept. I will pick from those that best fit the game.
The land of Morath has been ruled by the Vampire Queen Rivka and her Court of Night for one thousand years. Tyrannical and oppressive in almost every way imaginable. The people live in constant fear and terror of the Queen's wrath or hunger. It has been this way for nearly a thousand years and most are unwilling to fight back. There is a so-called resistance but they only ever seem to get innocent people killed. Worship of the gods has been outlawed and anyone caught practicing is sent to off to be food for the Vampires. There are many laws and most carry the same punishment.

In the last few months rumors have been spreading that the resistance was gaining strength and the Vampires were actually worried that they may upset things. This recently came to a head when members of the resistance managed to kill the Vampire Valis Zoran, a member of the Court of Night. The members of the resistance have fled and gone into hiding but the vampires have managed to track on of them to the small village of Smyrton on the edge of the Forbidden Valley. This is where you come in. You are from Smyrton. A small farming village that has until recently managed to never garner the attention of the Vampires. Now the people of your town are afraid the vampires will punish the entire village if they find a member of the resistance there. You have lived your life here and now your home is being threatened.
System: D&D 5th edition.
Players: Six Level 1 characters.
Posting frequency: Aiming for 1 post a day in private game forum
Who can play: Experienced Players, LGBTQ+ friendly.
Themes: Dark Fantasy, Slavery (Players will have a chance to free them.), Politics, and violence.
Rating: PG-13
How to apply: Post interest and a basic character concept. I will pick from those that best fit the game.
The land of Morath has been ruled by the Vampire Queen Rivka and her Court of Night for one thousand years. Tyrannical and oppressive in almost every way imaginable. The people live in constant fear and terror of the Queen's wrath or hunger. It has been this way for nearly a thousand years and most are unwilling to fight back. There is a so-called resistance but they only ever seem to get innocent people killed. Worship of the gods has been outlawed and anyone caught practicing is sent to off to be food for the Vampires. There are many laws and most carry the same punishment.

In the last few months rumors have been spreading that the resistance was gaining strength and the Vampires were actually worried that they may upset things. This recently came to a head when members of the resistance managed to kill the Vampire Valis Zoran, a member of the Court of Night. The members of the resistance have fled and gone into hiding but the vampires have managed to track on of them to the small village of Smyrton on the edge of the Forbidden Valley. This is where you come in. You are from Smyrton. A small farming village that has until recently managed to never garner the attention of the Vampires. Now the people of your town are afraid the vampires will punish the entire village if they find a member of the resistance there. You have lived your life here and now your home is being threatened.
Last edited November 8, 2024 8:01 pm