::0jkks.26/41/T - Jack, Kirin, Kirk, Salomon

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Jul 17, 2024 2:30 pm
And a Manipulate roll from you too AceRancheros before I post!
Jul 18, 2024 2:01 am
Manipulate away!


Manipulate - (7d6)

(1664636) = 32

Jul 19, 2024 3:01 pm
Kirk was latest to the party, and clueless as to what was really going on, apart from witnessing a fallen Salomon on the ground, and expressions ranging from displeasure to outright infuriation. Jack and Kirin had been working their efforts to talk down boss Marlotte, but she was too far riled to even consider any of the the pleadings on behalf of Salomon.

Kirk's silver tongue, or more accurately his long, fast, sticky tongue, flicked out with an entirely opposite effect. Perhaps it was the subtle flattery he added to the end of his spiel which saw a slight smile form on Marlotte's lips, or perhaps he simply read the room better than the others, but with boss Vislen raising an approving eyebrow, Marlotte turned to him. "A hunting party to restock our supplies. Or even better, a zone expedition to explore what else is viable out there. You think you can do better than Yassan?" There is was, the opportunity to overtake his pal if he could pull this off. And what better chance than to rope in Jack and Kirin here; Kirk had already slipped in their names in his pitch.

"Get that one out of my sight. If you think he won't get you all killed, that's on you. If he's as much a thorn out there as in here, don't return with him.

Now go make your preparations, I want you to set off tomorrow morning."
Great roll AceRancheros! With a goodly number of successes, I'll let you play out any other favour or request you or the team wants to request from Marlotte before you go.
Jul 20, 2024 12:13 pm
Kirk kept his smiled bust cursed internally. He had come here in hopes of working with Yassan, not to compete with him. Kirk was no scavenger, but he guessed he just had to roll with it for now.

"Well I'm not want to talk badly about a friend, especially one as gifted as Yassan. But these gentlemen here, they're the best of the best."

Kirk gestures to the others, no idea how they'd act outside the confines of the Ark.

"We proudly accept this mission you have bestowed upon us. We will valiantly forge outward...but, if I may. An expedition such as this requires that its voyagers are properly outfitted...additional water, rations, and equipment will likely be needed. If you would be so gracious as to sponsor us in this endeavor, you would surely guarantee a return on investment."
Jul 22, 2024 1:57 pm
"It is the Elder who approves any expedition into the Zone," the senior chronicler, Adara, spoke up, her voice grave. The Elder's absence had taken its toll on the Chroniclers of the Vault the most. Without the wise and calming presence of the person everyone unconditionally respected and listened to, the People threatened to fracture into opposing camps, each led by respective bosses and their gangs, and it fell to the Vaulters to keep the peace and maintain the wishes and tenets laid out by the Elder. Marlotte and Vislen were no doubt here to sway the chroniclers to their plans, before some of the other bosses could get their own schemes enacted.

"but in such times of crisis, we shall trust ourselves to act on the Elder's behalf. This is what they would agree to." Adara looked at her fellow chroniclers, Silat and Thane. "We grant Marlotte the opportunity to carry out the next expedition into the Zone. The main objective is grub. Our reserves were wiped out in the recent shift. Find us enough supplies to last the month, or discover some source of consumables that we can rely on, or some means to grow or produce our own food."

"My proposal exactly," Marlotte smiled, her teeth gleaming. "And it appears we have a ready crew for this, all except ..." she assessed Jack, Kirin, Kirk and the slumped over Salomon. "... you lack a tracker, or dog handler. You won't get far into the Zone without one."

Satisfied that she had gotten the blessing of the chroniclers, she turned to signal for the motley to follow her. "If you're so inclined to put your fate in his hands, bring him. Come, you will outline a plan subject to my approval. You set off tomorrow morning."
As proposed in the other thread, Hunting Party it is! I don't need us to roleplay the full details of the planning process. There's no grub, so what you have in your personal stash is it. Water is freely available for now, how much you can acquire is dependent on how much you want to carry. Warfare level is really low still, so you don't get to have anything by way of more sophisticated weapons (but if you want scrap melee weapons, with Jack the gearhead on your team and the resources provided by Marlotte, you can have them.) Anything in particular you want to ask for?
What you do need to find though is a tracker or dog handler. (hope Furmyr's character hasn't died in their own thread.
Jul 22, 2024 2:36 pm
Kirin is offended at the idea that a Stalker would need a dog to find his way through the zone!

Kirin will look into bullets. He'd also look into grabbing a machette, but bullets are his first priority.
Jul 22, 2024 2:49 pm
Ha, that comes from the outcome of your failed Manipulate roll from earlier, Kirin didn't impress Marlotte.

Alright noted on the bullets and machete, I'm going to let Jack our GearHead pitch some equipment he can jury-rig out of what Marlotte's supplies can offer. Kirk is the fixer with the persuasive successes, so Marlotte will hand over some raw supplies directly for him to manage, and then we see what Jack makes of them.
Jul 22, 2024 3:14 pm
Ok, I'm semi-back on GP. I like how it turned out! Salomon fighting to the end and now have some MP:) Just tell me when and where Salomon will wake up, but it doesn't have to be too fast... as I have risen workload after my vacations:) But I also wander if he will manage to fully heal before our departure? As for equipment I think Salomon is set in terms of grub and water, but he would never refuse another Scrap Spear or Machete if the old one would broke at the Zone.
Jul 25, 2024 2:33 pm
"Not to doubt your new stalker," boss Vislen, a slim-built man with strangely large eye sockets almost disproportionate to the rest of his face, who had hardly spoken up to this point except to order Mister to deal with Salomon, spoke in a low hypnotic, near buzzing voice, "But I have someone at my disposal, good with dogs, to round up your team."

"Then we're all set. See Ratha to see what he can dig up for you. Failure is not an option, the survival of the Ark depends on this. See me tomorrow morning before you depart."
Welcome back Pedrop. Salomon will wake up in a moment!
GeneCortess, when you can, give me a skill roll relevant to one of the Gearhead associated skills.
Furmyr, if you read this thread, Vislen is referring to Chomp. It'll make sense once we wrap up your individual thread.
Aug 2, 2024 3:12 pm
I'll properly describe it in an in-game post, but AceRancheros and MaJunior, you may pick one melee weapon from the list on p86, or you may have 2 bullets instead. You may also exchange grub for bullets at a 1 for 1 rate.

We'll pick up on this again!
Aug 2, 2024 3:57 pm
Kirin will take a scrap machette, and trade in 3 grub for 3 bullets.
Aug 5, 2024 12:57 pm
Kirk will pick up the scrap knife
Aug 8, 2024 12:44 am
GeneCortess, when you can, give me a skill roll relevant to one of the Gearhead associated skills.

Touch lost here and could use some guidance.
Aug 8, 2024 2:36 am
We fast forwarded past that bit thinking you were away. So let's skip that. Pick a weapon from p86 and add it into your equipment list.
Aug 8, 2024 4:37 am
Pick a weapon from p86 and add it into your equipment list.

Ah. I don't have a book or download to do that. At least I don't think I do.
Aug 8, 2024 2:51 pm
@GeneCortess I got you, man. Welcome back to all your games, btw.

Aug 8, 2024 3:05 pm
Solid Machete is appetizing, but I will like the distinct sounds of a 'Bat with Spikes'. :) Mutant Jack really isn't a hefty girl but she has some meat on her body to wield it. Or possibly give it away. I can picture her with it as being very year end'ish.
Last edited August 8, 2024 3:08 pm
Aug 8, 2024 3:40 pm
Thanks MaJunior, I was going to post the list too, but I also remember Gene saying he owned the rulebook (which was his main motivation of playing this game! :) )
Aug 8, 2024 3:51 pm
LOL. I hunted my downloads and forgot I had the hard bound book. Gesh. Have to love my memory. GM gave me a recall.
Aug 9, 2024 7:40 pm
Reading more I guess Jack's 3 grubs is going to have to do. How much water can Jack obtain as she only has 1. Does she need to Jury-Rig anything for the party? (It is what she does best. She does better with fixing rather than creating.)

By the way, Jack is a fine tracker but she does it by scent actually. To be sure she knows each person personal scent. She is rather knowledgeable about the zone as well.

Not actually sure how to do Jury-Rig or tracking. Gotta love a new system.

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