Need testers for some big changes on staging

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Sep 9, 2024 2:14 am
FlyingSucculent says:
@Chalrytharendir, avatars missing is a temporary thing.
Ooops, didn't realize. It's hard keeping track of what's been reported already 😅
Sep 9, 2024 12:01 pm
Maybe it can be useful to have some sort of master post to record everything in? A Google doc, maybe? I can keep track of it! Although since most of the things are fixed, maybe there is no real need now. XD
Sep 9, 2024 1:28 pm
That's a great idea. I guess let's see where we're at next time Keleth checks in, but if there's still a lot of testing to do, a master list of known bugs would be great. Also a check list of features that still need testing/retesting would be useful too.
Sep 9, 2024 9:23 pm
I made a doc as suggested: Also, as I can't find it, we need to relist any fields we think/know have emoji's in it so I can update them.
Sep 9, 2024 10:08 pm
List. :3
FlyingSucculent says:
Keleth says:
- Lets list out what data has/likely has emojis so I can fix all the fields
[ +- ] To the best of my imagination
Chalrytharendir also mentioned character sheets, but I didn't add them since they're a different system, right?
Last edited September 9, 2024 10:09 pm
Sep 10, 2024 2:37 pm
Keleth says:
I made a doc as suggested: Also, as I can't find it, we need to relist any fields we think/know have emoji's in it so I can update them.
Awesome, thanks!

Found another one to add this morning:

If a character is in a game, then when you are viewing the character sheet page, there are usually links to the game forum and game details pages in the footer. On staging those are missing at the moment.

But feels like bugs are getting harder to find, so I think we're getting close!
Sep 17, 2024 9:55 am
Name of user running the game missing on main page, android mobile, kiwi browser
Sep 17, 2024 11:43 pm
I wasn't able to replicate the header games menu not working, but I fixed everything else. If the header games issue is still happening, just let me know and I'll log into staging as your user to see where the issue is. We're nearly there!
Sep 18, 2024 1:17 am
Keleth says:
I wasn't able to replicate the header games menu not working ...
This issue seems to be linked to whether there are Favorited games. When I cleared all my Favorites the game menu started working as expected. This happened on by my main and test accounts.
Sep 18, 2024 4:08 pm
vagueGM says:
Keleth says:
I wasn't able to replicate the header games menu not working ...
This issue seems to be linked to whether there are Favorited games. When I cleared all my Favorites the game menu started working as expected. This happened on by my main and test accounts.
That context fixed it. Looks good now.
Sep 18, 2024 4:24 pm
I found a weird niche bug. This happens to the bottom tool bar on specific pages:
[ +- ] Screenshot
The pages I found it on are My Characters and various Custom character sheets. Happens on both desktop and mobile (both Chromium browsers).
Sep 18, 2024 5:02 pm
Fixed the tool bar bug.
Sep 18, 2024 5:07 pm
Keleth says:
... That context fixed it. Looks good now.
Keleth says:
Fixed the tool bar bug.
Both look good now.
Sep 18, 2024 7:28 pm
Once we think there are no more bugs, I'll do one last data load, ping in discord for anyone else who wants to look, and if we're all happy, we schedule an upgrade.
Sep 19, 2024 1:36 pm
Also, for those of you active here, if you don't find any more bugs, just mention it, rather than me assuming you're just not yet posting. That way, once the three of you think we're good to go, I'll do the data reload and ask for last eyes.
Sep 19, 2024 2:40 pm
• I edited an existing Numenera character (merely toggling a Skill Attribute type), saved the sheet and now staging thinks it is a starwarsffg character sheet does not display it correctly.

Edit: The sheet was and is now listed as
Last edited September 19, 2024 2:42 pm
Sep 19, 2024 2:53 pm
vagueGM says:
• I edited an existing Numenera character (merely toggling a Skill Attribute type), saved the sheet and now staging thinks it is a starwarsffg character sheet does not display it correctly.
I don't even have words for how that could possibly happen. I changed NO logic in how chars function. Heck, I don't even think there is logic for doing that update. I'm gonna have to try to replicate...
Sep 19, 2024 2:59 pm
It worked all the way through editing up until I hit Save and Exit, when it swapped to using the Star Wars logo and the data no longer worked.
Sep 19, 2024 5:51 pm
vagueGM says:
• I edited an existing Numenera character (merely toggling a Skill Attribute type), saved the sheet and now staging thinks it is a starwarsffg character sheet does not display it correctly.
Donno how we missed this one; it was there since the beginning of this project. It's been fixed now. I recommend testing with a new character as well as existing ones. It only happens on AngularJS char sheets, so the more popular ones for the most part.
Sep 19, 2024 8:06 pm
Are we still ignoring avatars (user and character)? That issue is not resolved for me yet.

Seems to be an emoji issue in header now:

Elsewhere, emojis are working.

Might not have time to search for more bugs until the weekend, but I'll let you know once I have, even if I find none.
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