3b: Some Time Aside

Jun 30, 2024 11:56 am
[ +- ] Mood Music
The men follow Verity out of her apartment. She gets into a black sedan with tinted windows parked up the street from where Spencer parked. Spencer follows the car as it makes its way to the Hollywood Hills. The larger houses continually spread out further and further spaced as the estates transform into sprawling gardens and lavish landscaping.

The car pulls into a large four acre estate ringed with a high wall and a massive black iron motorized gate. The driver speaks to the guard briefly and the gate begins to open. The car pulls forward and then the men can see it stop abruptly and the driver side rear window lowers. The guard looks surprised, but then waves Spencer on as they approach the gate.

The gardens of the Celebrity Retreat are immaculate and well cared for. Several themes permeate different areas of the garden turning into an impromptu world tour of different vegetation. The building itself is a sprawling Spanish style mansion with colorful tile roofs and a off white stucco exterior.

The car pulls up to a large circular drive with a fountain in the center. The men see Verity get out of the car and quickly make her way into the retreat, not waiting for anyone.
Jun 30, 2024 11:10 pm
Spencer slammed the car into park, bringing the vehicle and its occupants to an abrupt halt directly behind Verity’s car.

You know anything about this place David? We better hurry to catch up. Don’t want to lose her he said, slinging himself out of the drivers seat and trotting after the swiftly disappearing woman.
Jul 1, 2024 7:10 pm
Does David know any more details about the retreat?
"I don’t know, I… I’m having trouble understanding what’s even happening right now"

David gets out of the car and quickly follows Spencer. He’s starting to rely on Spence for a sense of safety and will let him lead the way, but only staying about a step behind.

David looks back and forth to see if this place rings any bells.
Jul 1, 2024 7:44 pm
Could I have a luck roll to see if David has been to the retreat previously? Blake would also know all about the retreat.
Jul 1, 2024 7:52 pm
Luck roll?
Jul 2, 2024 2:34 am
Blake would know the general layout and theme of the retreat. It is a place to groom new celebrities who are already famous to accept the teachings of the church. The retreat employs masseuse, operates a spa and dining area, has a large theatre space for shows and talks and has luxurious gardens for centering and calming. Of note are the emptying chambers that Blake helped replicate. They are small soundproof rooms in which counselors can guide individuals through progressive emptying methods to relieve stress.

Plus anything else you can think of that would be appropriate! I.E. sensory deprivation tanks, etc
Jul 2, 2024 3:23 am
"This place is really a masterpiece of engineering. Did she mention where she was in the process?"
Jul 2, 2024 9:35 am
Feeling Lucky!


David Otera: Luck (67) - (d100)

(64) = 64

Jul 3, 2024 10:21 am
David has been to the retreat before and would know the general layout. The emptying suites are to the left from the main lobby. The theatre is straight back and offices and support rooms are to the right and upstairs. David spent a good amount of time at the spa and pool lounging area to the back of the emptying suites.
I’m sorry Lunitar, I’m not sure if that question was for me or one of the other characters?
Jul 3, 2024 12:53 pm
Looking at Spencer’s sheet, would he also know about the retreat? It mentions that he’s ok doing anything so long as he can be "emptied of his woes" afterwards.
Jul 3, 2024 12:55 pm
That is really just the process of guided meditation and relaxation the church uses. This is done in people's homes or at rooms at the church headquarters. The retreat really is for grooming celebrities into joining the church by showing them a good time and showing them the benefits of emptying. I'll take a hard luck roll from spencer to see if he's been here, though!
Jul 3, 2024 2:07 pm
It was spoken by Blake to the other players
Jul 4, 2024 1:31 am
Looking around nervously, it will finally click where it is that Verity has taken them.

"Ah! I knew this place looked familiar. I spent a good deal of time here early on in my career. The church saw my stock rising in this town and latched on early. Makes sense that Verity would want to come here. This is the perfect spot to relax and get back to ones self again."
Have we caught up to Verity or are we looking for her again?
Jul 4, 2024 12:54 pm
The men all exit the car running up the steps to follow Verity. As they open the main door they enter into the reception area. Modern paintings hang above sleek white furniture. The natural light of dormer windows and the smell of some kind of incense hangs heavy, giving the place a calming feel. In the center of the reception area, a woman sits at a large desk, her brown hair is pulled tight in a pony tail and she wears a headset. She looks up at the group smiling, her cheeks rosy and forming dimples with the smile. Hello and welcome to the Calming End! How can I help you?
Give me Spot Hidden rolls to see where Verify went!
Jul 4, 2024 1:18 pm
Hi there, we’re here to meet a friend of Mr. Otera’s. She arrived just before us. Did you happen to see which way she went? Spencer asked, trying to hide the fact that he was already slightly out of breath.


Spencer Shull: Spot Hidden(55) - (d100)

(90) = 90

Mandi Solek


Jul 4, 2024 6:38 pm
Mandi Solek

Mandi’s face turns to a frown. I’m sorry sir, but as we double as a state recognized rehabilitation center, our client privacy is the utmost importance. If you give me Mr. Otera’s friends name, I can look the person up and see if any of you are on the release form?
Jul 4, 2024 7:28 pm
Look, Mandi is it? Spencer said, sidling up to the desk and peering at her name tag. You might not know me, but I work for the church. Private investigative work, you understand? I’m here on church business now in fact. Now, I’m not asking for names or who’s staying where, just if you saw a lady walk in the doors just now and which way she went. So we’re not breaking any confidentiality rules right? It’s very important you let me do my job. The church doesn’t want law enforcement involved just yet, or all the legal headaches that would come with it.


Spencer Shull: Law (45) - (d100)

(12) = 12 Hard

Jul 5, 2024 11:42 am
David pipes up from the side, trying to bring back his charm out of his rattled mind.

"Hey there, I'm Mr. Otera...David Otera. You might recognize me, I've been a patron of this establishment before. We're here with Verity, I know she walked in right before us. We came separately and she didn't wait up for us before walking in, but surely you know that her and I are very close friends.


David Otera: Spot Hidden(25) - (d100)

(13) = 13

Mandi Solek


Jul 5, 2024 2:28 pm
Mandi Solek

David catches sight of Verity through the window next to the door on the left that leads to the emptying suites. David would know from his previous visit that any door out of reception needs to be buzzed open by the receptionist.

Mandi takes in Spencer and David's words with a slight smile that doesn't reach her eyes. When they finish Mandi takes a small breath before navigating on her computer. She says in a voice that indicates reading a well known line. I do apologize, Mr. Otera, but I don't have you down as a registered contact on any client's HIPAA form. Please know this is not a verification that the requested client is present on the premises or has been helped by the Calming End in the past or presently. Also know that current medical information privacy rights as enacted by US department of health prevent the sharing of any medical information without the express consent of the person being treated or some identifiable familial relationship.

Mandi then looks up from her screen and smiles a cold smile at both men. Will that be all?
Jul 6, 2024 2:12 am
"Um, no. I am sure you know me as I do all the personal relations for the church. If the woman we just brought here isn't located, the film we are currently in the midst of creating will fail, and Mandi, I don't want your name coming up in that discussion. She didn't have time to check in, and we brought her here from her apartment. So, I would love to tell the heads of the church that you were helpful and discreet in this manner."


charm versus 70 - (d100)

(33) = 33

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