Jul 7, 2024 2:52 am

Ravenland is a ravaged and fragmented kingdom. The area where you grew up is familiar to you, but the rest of the land you know only through stories and tales. During ten human generations, travelers were devoured by the Blood Mist, a red and ravenous haze that rose from the ground at night. Very few dared venture outside after nightfall and fewer still know for certain what lies beyond the horizon.
A few years ago, the Blood Mist disappeared inexplicably, and now people look over their shoulder anxiously. The bravest sharpen their blades and prepare to leave. They can’t bear the oppressive weight of their homes and hearths any longer. Perhaps they hope to find that which was lost and take back what was theirs. Perhaps they are simply driven by an insatiable lust to see
what lies beyond the horizon, to discover if the myths are true, to conquer that which remains or has been stolen, and to carve out their own place as lords of some abandoned castle ruin. Humans have inhabited the villages of Ravenland for generations, and still they are considered intruders by elves and dwarves, who have yet to forget the ancient and bloody wars between humans and he elder kin. The elves sent their servants the orcs to war, but left them on their own when the battles became too savage,
a betrayal that lives on in the songs of the orcs.
The Blood Mist may be gone, but the land may have become even more dangerous because of it. In the last stages of the Alder Wars, when the king of Alderland beyond the wall sent armies to subdue his former governor, the spellbinder Zygofer, it is said that the wizard desperately opened gateways to demon worlds from which hordes of indescribable horrors poured out into the land.
Many claim that the Blood Mist followed the invasion. What is certain is that one can run into horrifying beasts in the forests
and among the ruins: completely alien or twisted combinations of various creatures that never should have existed.
It is said Zygofer is still alive, transformed into a demon and worshipped as a god by the priesthood of the Rust Brothers close to Alderstone in the west. There are whispers about half-demons and undead created to finally conquer Ravenland. At the same time, the elves are standing fast in the woods and the dwarves in their mountains, while orcs no longer serve or spare anyone. On the plains by the ocean in the least, forces are gathering to crush Zygofer once and for all, in the name of the old gods. Others simply want to live in peace – these may be the remnants of human settlements now living in hidden villages, half-elf druids, the wolfkin of the woods, or halflings in their burrows.
Ravenland is holding its breath for tomorrow.
✅ The Meta
In Forbidden Lands, you are not heroes sent on missions dictated by others – instead, you are raiders and rogues bent on making your own mark on a cursed world. You will wander the wild lands, discover lost tombs, fight monsters, and, if you live long enough, build your own stronghold to defend. During your adventures, you will uncover the secrets of dark powers lurking in the shadows and, in the end, you can be the ones to decide the fate of the Forbidden Lands
This game is a hexcrawl, sandbox-style game with an emphasis on wilderness exploration. The players are free to make their way in this dangerous world as they see fit. There will be a lot of randomly generated content and homebrew adventure sites. The plan is to use the campaign book Raven's Purge though I may change parts of it to fit the story the player's weave. If you have played through the campaign or published adventures please inform me of what you did so if selected i know what to possibly change or omit.
✅ Our goal
The idea is to play through the Campaign Raven's Purge. Once the player's are assembled we will discuss the length of game. playing through the campaign will take a long while even if we just play the key locations. So expect a long game. I want player's who come in to at least play one full encounter (adventure). If you feel after that time you do not want to continue that is all well and good.
✅ Expectations
- Characters may die: They are people, not superheroes. Make the most of your time and have fun.
- Violence is deadly: Unless your PC is good at that, if you're in combat, you may have already lost. Like in real life, violence should be a last resort. Pay special attention after you take those first hits in combat. Your damaged attributes will make you even more likely to die.
- I plan the adventure sites, creatures and random encounter tables with a focus on "realism", not on PCs levels: This also means your characters may die, if you take too much risks. But you have the freedom to do as you please, flee or go elsewhere. This is a sandbox-style game, after all, and there will be plenty of reasonable options, things to do and places to explore. Just stay a couple of days in the village to heal after a dangerous combat or to avoid snowstorms.
✅ The Game System and Rules Version
This game uses the latest version of the Forbidden Lands ruleset by Free League Publishing. There is a free quickstart with most of the games rules here
✅ Adult Content or Controversial Themes
Game will include blood, demons, violence, poisoning, starvation, dehydration, environmental exposure, and many forms of character death. There's also depictions of tobacco and alcohol use, but not alcoholism.
Slavery, racism and prejudice is part of the setting, murder and breaking a slave free may be something that the players may or may not choose to do. They may want to choose the lesser evil (or not). Slaver PCs are not allowed, though.
I'm aiming for PG-13 for public posts though this is a dark game so we may push some boundaries (it will not be a public game) so expect possibly veiled or behind the curtain action that you understand the implication but not a detailed description of what may have taken place.
If you have a problem with a particular issue contact me either as a PM of private note and we can discuss making changes to make you and others feel more comfortable.
✅ Character Creation
Players will create their characters following Forbidden Lands rules as described in the Player's Handbook or in the Legends & Adventurer's Supplement. No homebrew or additional kins, professions, skills, talents or gear are allowed.
We will create all PCs in a Session Zero thread, where we will try to make a balanced and cohesive party.
✅ Post Frequency
We will move at hte player's pace but the aim is at least 3 per week but closer to daily is better if we wish to make headway into the campaign.
If you are not able to post for a week or more, please let me know. If you are gone for more than a month you will be removed from the game unless arrangements have been made.
✅ Public forum
This game will be not be public. The dark grittiness and controversial issues that may arise I do not want to be open for those who may have issues and do not realize what they may read until it is already to late.
✅ Application
I am looking for 2 to 3 players. Since you will need to decide how to move forward in the game, you can handle it in game but i will also allow a forum to discuss decision Out of game as well since their are many options and possible questions.
I will be taking applications for the game. You will need to PM me or post in private notes of why you would like to play the game and you realize that their is dark topics in the game and are willing to play accordingly. You also should give me an idea of what type of character you want to play as there is enough things in the game trying to kill you that a party that does not mesh will assure that the party dies. so the type of character and your play style will be needed for me to make a decision who will play.
✅ Player Experience
No previous experience with the game rules, PbP or Gamersplane.com are necessary. I'm more than willing to help.
Last edited July 10, 2024 4:24 am