Yep you got it exactly lol.
Despite Logan's destruction of much of the cockpit, enough is functional for Kurt to land the helicopter as softly was possible given the current circumstances. And just in time too as a few sparks in the shredded control panel ignite and start a fire in the cockpit. The smell of burning metal and plastic begins to fill the tight quarters with noxious fumes.
Outside the few guards remaining are shouting angrily as their helicopters are taken down. The rush Gambit, Jubilee, and Cyclops, arms outstretched, cybernetic gloves at the ready. All three are successful in grabbing the X-men members, who are surprised how strong these metallic gloves really are. They are equally surprised as they feel their mutant powers drained away!
Each character is grabbed and has had their Elemental Control powers stolen. To escape a grab you must spend your action to Escape, making a Melee check against the target's Melee Defense, which is a 14. If you succeed you can still take a move action. On a fail you remain grabbed. Jubilee takes 34 damage in addition because of the enemy's Fantastic Success.