With Jubilee's fireworks, you can see there are only five people in this room. Two of the injured FoH members, two members operating the double spotlights, and an elderly man in a lab coat and with two cybernetic gauntlets on his hands.

Dr. Ezra Strain
Cyclops rushes the one he recognizes as grabbing him previously and stealing his powers. The guard raises the gauntlet to defend or maybe counterattack, but Cyclops easily dodges and lands a mighty punch that hits the FoH member, crumpling him into an unconscious pile immediately.
Wolverine leaps to one of the enemies behind a spotlight. The member is caught off guard and Wolverine's claws rip into him.
Gambit rolls close to the enemy that stole his powers and unleashes a brutal swing of his staff. The man crumples to the floor.
Both of the previously injured FoH vanguard members are now down, one FoH member is heavily injured. Nightcralwer still can still take his standard action before the enemies act.