Jul 10, 2024 6:22 pm
[ +- ] MAP

[ +- ] plaque

[ +- ] North: Devil face
The walls and floor of this fifteen-foot-square room are cracked and carved with images of terrified humanoids falling. Set into the middle of the floor is a stone bas-relief of a bearded devil face, painted green. Forlorn cries echo from the black void of its gaping maw.
[ +- ] East - curve in corridor
At a four-way intersection, the corridors to north and south curve upward and out of sight, but with no rails or steps to allow them to be climbed. The corpse of a half-human, half-goat creature in robes sprawls ten feet to the north. It grips a staff tipped with a bronze goat's head.
[ +- ] Tomb
This room smells of wine. On a checkerboard marble floor, a gilded coffin sparkles in sunlight streaming down from the chamber's vaulted ceiling, which arches twelve feet overhead. Four huge stone gargoyle heads, their mouths agape, protrude from the walls.
[ +- ] Doors
Three oval holes are carved into a nine-foot-wide, nine-foot-high stone door at human head height.
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