"Gentelmen: now I can share with you most interesting information that Master Brodert Quink told me while we were working in his lab!" - apparently Li liked dramatic entrances as much as dramatic beginnings of his conversations.
"Maser Brodert - after many researches that he did - have a theory about an ancient powerful kingdom once existing under our very feet. Under the town of Sandpoint! He also claims that the Old Light (the lighthouse) once was a war machine capable of spewing fire to a range of more than a mile. Do you imagine how helpful it would be to have such weapon harnessed to defend this city? I don't thing there would be a goblin attack like... ever again in this town. But the problem is that as Old Light probably was 700 feet tall back in the day, but now it is just a crumbling ruin and Mayor Deverin refused to allow Master Quink exploring it, on fear that I'd destabilize the ruins more. But have no problem with kids playing in that area. Politicians here are truly different than in Minkai... but not that much" - he reflected fast after recalling some bigger and smaller scandal's that he remembered from the times when he still was at his daymo court.
"Do you imagine exploring the actual Thassilonian ruin, Master Khel? What other inventions we could find there, that would better the lives of people here in Sandpoint and maybe in the whole world? Master Chigaru - does your monastery order could be so old to remember those times?" - Li continued trying to infect his companions with his enthusiasm.
"So I say: after dealing with Kaijistu we should turn our steps towards Mayor office and get us permission to visit those ruins. And when all our companions will be back in town, we should definitely check them... as one thing is bothering me from the moment you told me about the supposed necromancer simply appearing in the cemetery 'out of nowhere.... not being seen by anyone in the town... and now, that we know that this necromancer is most probably: Tsuto - who's return would be a BIG event in town... it doesn't add up... maybe he or his companions use some of those ruins to get into the town undetected?" - Li asked with big eyes, apparently being surprised by his sudden idea too.