[Closed, Waitlist OK] Without Benefit of Compass

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Jul 29, 2024 10:46 pm
Name: Ludmilla "Tante Lude" Sheyn (pronounce the e in Lude)
Race: Human (Variant)
Class: Cleric (Tempest)

Background: Courtesan (Custom)
Trait: I've enjoyed fine food, drink, and high society among the elite. Rough living grates on me.
Trait: I'm a hopeless romantic. I love deeply each time and if it is not permanent, that makes it the more poignant and sweet.
Ideal: Passion: I always throw myself completely into whatever life brings me.
Bond: Despite the past, my loyalty to my sovereign is unwavering.
Fault: A scandal prevents me from returning to court. That kind of trouble seems to follow me around.

Appearance: Tante Lude is a strong healthy once beautiful woman now in her golden years. The gold is now cosmetics, though to be fair, it always was. Her voice is deep and throaty and her manner at times overly artificial but always self aware. She has the facial lines of one who has loved deeply and laughed frequently and the bearing of one who has aways been the object of admiration.

Backstory: Lude came to the capital as a young woman, on the arm of a lesser baronet. She quickly became the toast of the court for the next generation of young lords, moving on from the baronet, to a count, a marquis, a duke. It is said that more men died in duels over her favor than you have fingers on your hand. She even became the lover of the crown prince in time, though she was by then twice his age. Here, she finally reached too high and the king sent his Master of Assassins to reason with her. She was persuaded to be reasonable and sent to take holy orders, away from the court.

To everyone's surprise but her own, she took to holy orders and the martial and magical training like she had been raised as an acolyte. She always says the key to life it passion; live it fervently and without reservations and everything you wish for will come to you. So, now, in her second life, she has become a hero, a priestess, and a master of the storms.

Roleplay sample (from her 1st brief game): The entertainment starved orcs were in an angry mood but the captain had wanted this done peacefully, if possible. Tante Lude heard the end of Tara's story. It seemed things were looking up after the initial failures; the orcs had listened, cheered the pushups, now it was time to finish things up. Lude cast a light cantrip behind her shoulder blades so that she would be surrounded by a circle of light and a thaumaturgy to make her voice three times it's normal volume. Not subtle, but this wasn't a subtle crowd. She was counting on it being a crowd that knew each other though. One not that different from an embroidery circle of noblewomen. To quote her old friend Dorothy, Lady Algonquin, "If you haven't got anything nice to say about anyone, come sit by me."

She pushed open the saloon door and strode in, the light gleaming around her.
Hello there girls and boys, I hear you've been having a little trouble with some humorless guards. And there they are, cuffed to that post with their own manacles. Nice work.

But they are a sad little bunch aren't they.
She strode over to the scouts, her light highlighting them now as well
Insight into what might make them sympathetic = 16

Look at this, it's barely weaned. Growing his first little shadow of a moustache and trying to play with the big boys. Aww. Did things not go well for Mommy's widdle special one? Are the big bad orcs being mean to you. And at the other end of the spectrum, we have grandad over here. Babysitting the newbie and stuck in a situation when all he really wants is to be getting pissed at some quiet and very dark bar where he can put his head down and pass out properly, not stuck here in a light show. And then there's baldie, Mister Tough Guy with his shaved head and his tattoos. How did a big strong man like you get taken down so fast, and not an orc in the place with even a broken finger? You are going to have to do some creative report writing on this one.
She pauses to gather attention and to make sure she has the crowd getting behind her. Making fun of guards is always a good ice breaker, "what comes next is a bit riskier.
Insight for insulting the leaders of the orc group in the bar = 19
. She walked over to the bar where a large unkempt looking orc hadn't shut up yet sniggering to his friends, her spotlight moving with her to shine on him and his sycophants.
Well, look who wants to be in the show? C'mon, tell us one of your jokes now. All of us. (pause long enough for it to get awkward but not long enough for him to come up with something). Aw, goblins got your tongue? Well, that's okay, Gods and Goddesses know with the jokes you've been butchering, you might get manacled up here with the little guardlings.
She pats him on the cheek while he is discomforted and moves quickly to another before he decides to start talking again. She picks a slower witted target this time, a huge fat orc sitting at a table piled up with used plates and empty mugs, his face buried deep in another quart of whatever he was drinking.
And look at this big boy, sitting all by himself. I don't blame the rest of you, if you were careless your hand or foot might end up in his mouth along with everything else within 5 feet of him
Walking archly past without actually stopping ending up next to a slimmer, somewhat tattered and torn up looking specimen, probably a thief from his mannerisms.
And what's this? I didn't know you boys came 20% off. This must be a merchant. See, everything is cut rate. His clothes are cut rate, his weapons are missing a few chunks,
she looks over the table at his lap as she says the last one, winking at her next upcoming victim,
and even his head came discounted. What were you listening to that your shouldn't have been, eh?
She pauses behind an ever more skinny and twitchy orc, who keeps looking over at the entrance and purses her lips giving a sharp whistle that brings his attention around with a snap.
And who is after you? Ready to run from little ol me? Now now, whatever you did, I'm sure these men will all stand with you . . . unless you somehow ended up with something belonging to one of them or somehow annoyed their pet sheep. (the orc starts at the loud voice and the attention) Oh, was that it? Well, I'm sure you weren't baaaaad to it.
And finishing her crossing of the tavern, Tante Lude came to a tall orc standing at the back of the tavern. He looked extremely uncomfortable as she came closer outlining him in her light. His hair and beard and wild and tangled, greasy with bits of food sticking in them.
Now, now, no running away from you either. Stand up and take it like a man. Or at least like a sheep, eh.[/SAY] The orc colors and starts looking upset, like he might start swinging. [SAY]Now now, it's okay, twitchy there already has a friend. Right? At least when you start running you won't have to grab supplies. You have a whole little herd crawling around there in your beard that you can snack on. And, to go with it, you can run your fingers through your hair and have gravy. Now that's forward planning.
Having walked clean across the bar, from where the scouts were being held to the back wall, she bows to the orcs raucous shouts.
Thank you for playing our little game, and if you enjoyed the entertainment, let the little guardlings go so they can run home to their mommies and tell them about the big bad orcs. Eh?
And with another bow, Lude cancels the light and sound spells and lets herself breath a bit.

badbaron sent a note to Dipper
badbaron sent a note to Dipper
Last edited August 4, 2024 12:14 am
Jul 30, 2024 11:24 pm
It's drinkslotsa from over on rpgcrossing, would I be able to resubmit iskwe for this game or are you full up?
Jul 31, 2024 1:28 am
Drinkslotsa says:
It's drinkslotsa from over on rpgcrossing, would I be able to resubmit iskwe for this game or are you full up?
For you two, we make room. :) Iskwe is definitely welcome to come on the pilgrimage, and we can consider the pre-play we did over on RPGX as canon for that. Do note, though, that I decreased the starting level from 3 to 2, so you'll have to adjust accordingly. You can keep the uncommon magic item as a "thanks for crossing over" present.

I do want to state, for the record, that Aisede did his little recruiting stunt without my permission or knowledge. As mad as I was (still kinda am) at the admins over there, I wasn't really about to disrespect their rules concerning recruiting people away from that site. But what's done is done, and I like you guys and you're here, so it is what it is. ;) But someone else has to tell pen that he's invited, I am not acknowledging that any of this happened over on the RPGX side.
Jul 31, 2024 1:17 pm
ok, thanks, now I know :-)

It's not showing up on the Games tab though. Is there a link to go to or something? If there are PMs on this site, I'm not sure where the notifications are for that either.

Will take me a little bit to get everything in place.
Last edited July 31, 2024 1:19 pm
Aug 1, 2024 3:13 pm
I see your one short of 12. Are you still taking on players to fill?
Aug 2, 2024 2:31 pm
Basil says:
I see your one short of 12. Are you still taking on players to fill?
I am, I am, and invite sent. ;)

Game's now closed.
Aug 2, 2024 4:20 pm
@Dipper you might want to edit your first post, there you can alter the forum headline to '[Closed] D&D 5E: Without Benefit of Compass'

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