Saving Face

Jul 24, 2024 11:32 pm
It’s a bright, sunny day. The smell of the ocean is in the air, with only a slight breeze cascading off your skin. The six of you are headed towards Rock Rump, a small village on the coast, only locally famous for the annual clam fest. It's the clam harvest season, and the festival starts in a few days. The festival is important, because it brings in a lot of money from all over; whole livelihoods depend on the money generated at the festival to last them for the rest of the year. But also, it’s a festival, and the good cheer it generates is great for local morale. Everyone looks forward to Clam Fest.

Your superiors have tasked you with meeting one Eidella Haraldsdotter, the local noble who owns these lands.
For your opening post, describe your character and provide a cool picture for them.
Jul 25, 2024 12:55 am
Shadow rode tall in her saddle atop a pure black Clydesdale stallion named Phantom. The breeze felt good on the hot summer day as she rode alongside her five Paladin companions. Each from different orders but all tasked to the same mission. They weren't exactly sure what that was yet and would find out once they'd met with the woman they had been sent to meet in the village of Rock Rump.

He wore a thick but tight fitting and tailored suit of leather armor, stretch over the leath and slender female human form he regularly used. It was crafted to appear like platemail but only protected like heavy leather. From her waste hung a long tattered leather skirt. A sheathed scimitar was strapped to her back just under a backpack which held her gear. Over the backpack was slung a round steel shield. Her long white hair fluttered and wisped in the breeze.

As usual she was fairly quiet as they rode. After days on the road there wasn't really a whole lot to talk about anyways.


Jul 25, 2024 8:41 am
Caranthir, the largest half-elf anyone had ever seen, looking hungrily at the preparations for the clamfest. He was busily, and expertly shaving in his saddle. He had absolutely no doubts at his victory as he was going to compete. He had been talking about it all morning. "I tell you there is nothing I love more than eating a clam." He had joked for the 12th time that day. He winks at Sigrid, and breaks into a cheeky grin as he was overcome by how gorgeous, strong, and brilliant she was. He wore that same stupid grin that he had just dumbly offered when he first met her, back when he was too shy to talk to anyone.

He was of course gigantic compared to the average humanoid. Even Shadow's complexion was darker than his chalk skin and platinum hair. Something about Caranthir was just unfair, he had all the right mutations. Bearing the face of his mother Skadi the Seeress, but the nose and brows of Imlerith. It was sharp, a deadly and fierce beauty. But also maintained majesty through his savage and brutish demeanor.

The glow of magic, its taste, sound, and the effervescence of it radiated from him. As did dread and an unrelenting will to conquer. It focused on Mimir, his shamanic fetish. A glowing mummified head on a chain and hook about his waist. He would occassionally converse with it, as they spoke the runes on Mimir's flesh would warp. Caranthir idly touched the head and refilled the casks on his mount's saddle bag.
Jul 25, 2024 11:39 am
Sigrid rolls her eyes at Caranthir's joke. "Would that I had a shell I could close around myself, that I wouldn't have to hear your tired puns!" she says with a good-natured laugh.

The jotun paladin is massive, towering even over Caranthir. Her light blue skin is the color of a glacier under the midday sun, with darker patches under her eyes and in the creases of her skin. Her long, white hair falls like snow, and her eyes are white with flecks of red. Her muscles bulge, straining her mail armor, and her well-worn sword and shield leave little doubt as to her combat prowess.

"I do hope that the harvest was bountiful this year, though. I am bringing my appetite with me!"
Jul 25, 2024 3:36 pm
Hugh sat in his saddle, content to let his nondescript brown horse follow the others as he quietly watched the countryside pass them by. He hid a smirk at the Jotuns' back and forth, but otherwise ignored them.

Hugh was unique in how completely average he was. Like somehow, he defined nondescript. A human male of average height and weight, brown hair, brown eyes. If it was possible to be more average than average... Hugh had accomplished it in spades.

A genuine smile crossed his face as they entered the town of Rock Rump. "Aye, I also hope their harvest was bountiful. Good people deserve the rewards of a good harvest."
[ +- ] Hugh
Last edited July 25, 2024 3:36 pm
Jul 26, 2024 12:57 pm
Brainac has informed me that she will be extremely busy for the next few weeks and may not be able to post at her normal rate. We will move on without her for now.
Jul 26, 2024 1:15 pm
But... but I posted! :D
Jul 26, 2024 1:20 pm
Dangit! How'd I miss the big blue lady?! I'm all messed up! LOL. I blame pre-coffee posting.
Who are we missing? Fachna and Lorenzo! I'll ping them on discord.
Jul 26, 2024 3:08 pm
Everyone looks forward to the Clam Festival...except Fachtna. He hates seafood and the briny smell of the ocean makes his stomach queasy. The elf was already an oddity, although less of one currently with the large jotuns and half-jotuns around the place, and the festival made him feel even more of an outcast. Fachtna has a few tell-tale signs of the fae: animal horns and tail, with green moss growing in patches on his dirt-colored skin. He keeps most of these traits hidden under his clothes and a full-length hooded cloak dappled in forest green and tree-bark brown.

Nevertheless he is on a mission and must mingle somewhat. He moves among the people and inquires among those alone or in small groups of twos or three for the whereabouts of Eidella Haraldsdotter.
Jul 26, 2024 4:52 pm
A rather sad looking donkey pulled a cart behind the group. The cart jangled with scraps of metal and whatever other bits of junk the group had decided to throw in there for later use. In the rider's seat of this cart was Lorenzo, another rather plain looking human man with some exceptions. This priestly paladin was barely taller than a dwarf, and one of his arms was not made of flesh. Instead, a mechanical prosthetic adorned with some shining bits of plating gripped the reins. He didn't mind the extra attention his arm earned him over his bland brown hair and typical facial features. Well, that was before traveling with this exotic group, anyway. Now he felt practically invisible compared to the towering mountains of muscle, snow-haired beauties, and leafy fey.

Lorenzo scratched the back of his head, glancing over to Hugh. At least he wasn't totally alone in his relative normalcy. The Clam Fest may have been on the minds of the others, but all this paladin could think about was what secrets are hidden in the town of Rock Rump. It was a far cry from the wondrous city of Lij that he was raised in. It might as well have felt like a different world entirely. At the same time, there was something to appreciate about these quaint little places so far removed from the grandeur of the sights he had seen since joining the Keepers of Lore at Seven Spires. In addition to the mission they were given, he would seek out any important knowledge or relics so that they may be safeguarded back at the capital of the Holy Kingdom.

"I just hope this mission isn't too dull. A holy contingent of this size and might shouldn't be squandered on small matters."
[ +- ] Lorenzo
Jul 28, 2024 11:16 am
You walk along the old dirt road, ruts dug into the ground from years and years of wagons travelling back and forth. The sounds of the world - birds, insects, breeze - are broken by a sudden yell of pain. An old man is yelling and screaming as a flock of birds are attacking him from all directions.
Jul 28, 2024 11:42 am
Fachtna pulls out his staff as he runs over to the man, swinging it about trying to get the birds to fly away. "Back, back! Shoo you feathered fiends!"
Jul 28, 2024 12:08 pm
As the first of you run down to shoo away the seagulls, more of them fly up from the nearby rocks. More of them. Many more.

There's dozens upon dozens that take to the skies, each of them soiled or broken in some way. Feathers that are covered in some sort of grease or oil, skin missing and bones showing underneath, holes in their beaks - each one seems unbothered by it, their flight uneffected by their plight - with the exception that they are uncharacteristically hostile.

Being so close to these creatures is revolting.
Special Rule: If you are within 1 yard of a flock of spoiled seagulls, you are impaired.

Impaired: You make attack and challenge rolls with one bane.

Seagulls, as Caranthir and Sigrid well know, flee when danger gets too close. They are skittish creatures, only flying in when opportunity for a quick snack is left on the ground. These ones are anything but.
Combat has begun! Each the beginning of each round, you can decide if you want to make a fast turn. If you do, you can act right away, taking either a move OR an action. See here for a list of moves and actions you can take.

If you don't take a fast turn, then you automatically take a slow turn, in which you can use a move AND and action.

Initiative follows this order: Player Fast, Enemy Fast, Player Slow, Enemy Slow. You decide what order you go in.

As this is a PbP game, I would like everyone to post with one of the following:
• State you are taking a fast turn, and then post your action.
• State you are taking a slow turn and wait for me to say that slow turns can go.

At any time before the enemy fast turn occurs, you can change your mind and take a fast turn. You are also welcome to interrupt with a triggered action if it's appropriate. For triggered actions that grants boons and banes, such as the priest's Prayer talent, I allow you to add post hoc. While this gives you the advantage of knowing which roll to apply it for the best benefit, if we wait for the priest to declare a prayer before we roll then game will slow down too much. I feel that the added benefit to you is worth it over slowing down the game.

That said - please declare fast turn or slow turn, and those on fast can go now!
Jul 28, 2024 1:52 pm
Seeking to protect the man from being attacked, Fachtna reaches out a hand and touches him. The paladin utters a few holy words and the man disappears from the birds' sight.
[ +- ] Sanctuary | Utility | 1 | - | 1 creature | 1 minute
Jul 28, 2024 2:13 pm
Slow Turn.
Jul 28, 2024 8:38 pm
"Time for some thrilling heroics." Caranthir just walks into the birds and interposes himself between them and the old man. He waits to see if they disperse, any sign of hostility will be met with a slam from his navigation rod. His aura of menace surely would be enough to disperse a flock of seagulls.
A flock of seagulls?
A band of paladins?

What are we an 80s rock show?
Last edited July 28, 2024 8:40 pm
Jul 28, 2024 11:41 pm
Fast Turn

Shadow only goes near enough to the birds to be in range for her spell (Range: Medium).

OOC: She casts Clamor (Level 0) in the center of the birds Starting with the loud smashings of pots and pans being hit with a steel spoon and increasing the volume to the crashing of thunder until they disperse or the spell elapses in 1 min.

Clamor (ILLUSION UTILITY) Level 0 [casting 1 of 2]

Target: One point in space within medium range
Duration: 1 minute

The target point emits sound you choose for the duration. This can be noises or speech in a language you know, and its volume can range from as quiet as a whisper to as loud as thunder. For the duration, you can change the sound as you wish to mimic effects such as the clash of blades, a conversation, or the approach or retreat of footsteps.
Jul 29, 2024 12:56 am
Medium range is 20 yards - or 20 squares on the battle map. There's no extra if you use diagonal.

All three flocks are within medium range of you, so you can target any of them with that spell.

For reference:
Short Range: 5 yards
Medium Range: 20 yards
Long Range: 100 yards
Extreme Range: 500 yards
Sight: Anything you can see
Jul 29, 2024 1:53 am
target the birds that are attacking the old man
Last edited July 29, 2024 1:54 am
Jul 29, 2024 2:13 am
I just want to point out that Caranthir is VA'd by Kevin Michael Richardson in my head. Though I will perform any of the throat chanting he may or may not perform.

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