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Sep 22, 2016 2:27 pm
Hi all,

Heard about this site on the Talking Tabletop podcast and sounded like it would help me scratch the RPG itch that's been driving me crazy for a while now (log story short we have a 3 year old now so my ability to get out and play games has been severely curtailed in the last few years!). Just going to have a mooch around for a while and once I've got a better feel for how things work I'll probably try and sign up for a game before trying to run one.

I'm a voracious roleplayer and have played and run a silly number of games over the years. I have played in a few PBP games over on the Privateer Press forums but almost everyone of them simply collapsed so I'm looking forwards to engaging with a community that seems as focused on the games as this one does.

Sep 22, 2016 2:46 pm
Hi Scott, welcome to Gamersplane !

I am new too, and hope you find this site to be a good fit for you.
Sep 22, 2016 2:51 pm
Hey Scott, glad to have you with us! Hopefully you find games that last you better than they did over on the Privateer Press site, though it is an unfortunate nature of PbP that it comes and goes. Having a solid community does help a lot though, and I'd like to think the work I've done on focusing on community has paid off. Though I wouldn't mind more non-game focused conversations :p

Any particular systems you're interested in?
Sep 22, 2016 3:01 pm
Hi and welcome!
Sep 22, 2016 3:06 pm
welcome! It is very hard to game with little ones. This format works well for me; you can just post whenever you have a moment instead of having to commit to a big chunk of time.
Sep 22, 2016 3:28 pm
Welcome :)
Sep 22, 2016 3:37 pm
Hello and welcome.
Sep 22, 2016 3:40 pm
you can do what I did, started a gaming group with other people who also have small children and let the kids play with each other while we roleplay... and also do PBP
Sep 22, 2016 4:01 pm
Sep 23, 2016 8:56 am
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.
Keleth says:
Any particular systems you're interested in?
Well the three I'm pretty focused on at the moment are 7th Sea (2nd edition), D&D 5e, and the FFG Star Wars line so would probably be looking to stick with them for the time being.
Sep 23, 2016 5:55 pm
If you twist darth's arm, he may have a spot in 7th Sea for you. :)

Welcome aboard!
Sep 23, 2016 6:01 pm
Sep 24, 2016 4:09 am
Welcome to GP!
Sep 25, 2016 2:47 pm
Love your avatar, but don't you think you're getting a little carried away? :-)

(Obviously something glitchy with "The Gamers" page. :-))

Sep 25, 2016 3:04 pm
Welcome, Scott. I've heard such great things about 7th Sea, but I neglected to back the 2e KS. In general, I make poor life choices.

When my daughter was small, I still got lots of IRL gaming in, mostly because my wife is a rabid gamer, too. Many sessions where there was breastfeeding at the table, haha, or "here, hold my infant so I can roll these dice and kill some shit."
Sep 25, 2016 7:08 pm
Welcome to the site! Happy gaming!
Sep 26, 2016 8:22 am
szemely says:
Love your avatar, but don't you think you're getting a little carried away? :-)

(Obviously something glitchy with "The Gamers" page. :-))
Lol, yeah seems that using a SVG file type allowed it to upload at 655x655 pixels! Have corrected that now :)

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