A Time for Harvest Gameplay - Chapter Two

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May 15, 2017 12:38 am
Chuck shot misses, but it's enough to scare off the remaining upstairs attacker. Leaping over the detritus of books, Gibbons bolts down the stairs and out of site.
May 15, 2017 12:41 am

Noakes breaks free of the remaining dog and backs up alongside Trent. There's a shout from the staircase to their right and Trent fires off another cloud of mist, obscuring the view of the exit. By the time it clears, they are gone.

You have successfully defended the library.
May 15, 2017 3:49 am
Clive calls down Is everyone alright down there? He turns to Chuck Good job. We scared off those two. Then looks at Evie Are you okay? I know it took a lot for you to come back over and help.
May 15, 2017 1:14 pm
Chuck nods at Clive, and listens intently for any response. "What in God's name did they do to the stairs?" he whispers.
May 15, 2017 1:17 pm
When all the adversaries have left mathis will stand up.

"That was rather uneventful compared to what I expected. Apparently the alien's flunkies don't like much conflict."

Mathis huddles everyone together to check that we have no casualties or injuries, and once he knows the group is whole, will go and check on Professor Armatige.
May 15, 2017 2:36 pm
Evie gathers her wits and blinks away her tears long enough to look around for anything she can protect herself with.


Spot Hidden, I guess? - (1d100)

(5) = 5

May 15, 2017 5:01 pm
Bill will check on the vital area of the library to make sure no one sneaked past in the confusion. They join the group to try to sort out what happened.
May 15, 2017 6:38 pm
Evie finds nothing to defend herself with, though the danger now appears to be over.

Chuck and Clive pick their way past the remains of Mathis's book trap. On the way down , the find Professor Harrold, neck snapped from the fall. Gibbons, it appears, escaped and never got close to the restricted section.

Finding Bill and Mathis, the security guards are fine but both dogs are dead, the second caught in the final mist blast. It is frozen solid.

Chaos is still reigning outside the library with what sounds like a riot breaking out.
May 19, 2017 11:35 pm
Clive makes sure his rifle is fully loaded as he walks over to Mathis. Well...it seems like they might have agents in the University. Is there a way to check to see if something happened to that professor over there to make him turn?
May 20, 2017 3:00 pm
Bill examines the dog to determine what unearthly weapon did this sort of thing. "Where is that nursing student?"
May 24, 2017 9:25 pm
No sign of the nurse. Is there anything anyone would like to do at this point>?
May 24, 2017 9:55 pm
Without any vetinary training or indeed medical experience, Bill surmises both dogs died from extreme cold. The bodies are stiff as if left in a freezer.
May 25, 2017 12:19 am
"Thank God they didn't point that at us." Chuck looks around, reloading the shotgun.
May 25, 2017 12:43 am
Actually...they did...I'm just glad it did reach us. Must have a limited range. Clive looks around and sees if there is a way to figure out the range of these new weapons.
May 25, 2017 3:35 pm
"Who attacked exactly? Did you see them? I didn't see them? Were they some sort of ray gun that did this?"
May 26, 2017 2:19 am
Well, the good Professor is dead over there with a snapped neck. Some guy named Gibbons was with him. It seemed to be more like a mist gun...


Science (Metallurgy) (61) possibly see what kind of metal the gun was made of - (1d100)

(94) = 94

Mechanical Repair (55) Possibly see what kind of mechanism it was that shot the mist at us - (1d100)

(26) = 26

May 26, 2017 2:45 am
Chuck shudders, and switches to carrying his shotgun under his arm. "Alright, let's reset these defenses. We don't know if there is a second wave, or reinforcements."
May 26, 2017 12:52 pm
Mathis is still looking to see if Dr. Armatige is ok.
May 27, 2017 5:50 pm
Evie is still still shaking in terror, but manages to push herself to stand by Chuck to see if he needs help.
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