A Time for Harvest Gameplay - Chapter Two

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Jun 3, 2017 1:02 pm
With Evie's help, Chuck resets the defences at the top of the stairs. "Bet you never want to see a library again after this," Chuck chuckles, then grits his teeth in sudden frustration. Stupid! "I mean, because, well, evil."
Jun 7, 2017 3:26 pm
"I mean, I definitely will want to see a library again eventually," Evie replies. "I'm just not sure when." She dusts her hands off on her skirt. "Is there... I mean, is there anything else we need to do?"
Jun 12, 2017 12:58 pm
The attack on Orne Library is over and Dr Armitage and the special section of the library has been saved. After some time, the craziness going on outside, which includes several lecturers found wandering about naked, comes to an end. It seems some kind of mass hysteria happened though no-one is sure how or why. The university is mostly unharmed, that is except the science lab.

Professor Learnmouth.s corpse was discovered in his lab, though his brain had been removed. All his papers and precious minerals gone as well. It is later discovered that his wife was found dead in her home, seemingly of a heart attack.

Professor Harrold is dead, though your involvement is muddied thanks to Armitage's explanation that he was crazed and fell while running up the stairs.

Of the attackers and everyone from the original expedition, there is no sign.

Alma, the nurse friend of Mathis, was found days later, wandering the campus with no memory of events, short of being kidnapped and held in a dark place, the sound of hooves on the floor above.

Over the coming weeks the press sensationalize the whole scenario, in particular the grisly fate of Learnmouth and you are each hounded for answers and the police are also investigating your backgrounds.

End of Part 2

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