Chapter 4: Welcome to Alderheart

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Aug 16, 2024 8:05 am
Sparing Scylla a side glance with a highly raised eyebrow, Sherry asks herself if the vulpins mother never had the hawk tuah talk with her daughter. Some parents - she muses and puts a none commiting smile on her face. "Well ... you know ... men like women. When women act as they like 'em as well; especially - laughing at their jokes, touching their biceps and in particular smiling and looking them deep in their eyes; they try to impress us." The mapach shrugs her shoulders "And that is the moment they start to spill all the useful bits of information we need to know."

Looking at the vulpin, checking how her words are received, the former bandit steels herself for follow up questions.

Having her hands full with Scylla at the moment, Sherry forgets completely to make Charun's life hard and simply follows the Luma without her normal show of heartfelt defiance.
Aug 16, 2024 5:03 pm
Scylla looks at Sherry as if illuminated, "I see, we were participating in a social deception. I have never actually attempted one before."

She smiled happily at her success, "By copying your technique they didn’t even know I have no interest in men and thus our deception was successful. I must remember to use this technique if I require information in the future."

When Charun lets them know the situation she nods, "I will pass a note if necessary."
Last edited August 16, 2024 5:04 pm
Aug 16, 2024 9:28 pm
Slightly lost at the girls conversation, not a new experience for Charun, he shrugs it off (filled with boundless optimism) and hopes that one day when he gets married his wife can explain it all to him.

When everyone is ready to go Charun head to find Speaker Bita, asking directions as needed.
Aug 16, 2024 10:48 pm
Leif cleared his throat. "So... um, where to now, Charun? You off to see the Council on your own?"
Aug 17, 2024 2:33 am
No, I thought we could ask go see Speaker Bita and he looks confused at his mouse companion.
Aug 19, 2024 12:51 pm
Satisfied that their "social deception" was to Scyllas liking, Sherry feels rather proud and smiles companionable at the Vulpin woman. "That's the way tails, that's the way. she purres in answer.

"We follow you into this wretched hive of scum and villainy." she replies to Charun in a good mood and winks at him. "Lead the way."
Aug 19, 2024 2:21 pm
Slightly baffled and hoping all the leaders are not that bad Charun leads on
Aug 20, 2024 8:13 pm
The fox woman's tail wags happily behind her at Sherry's praise. It is only when Sherry described their next location that the wagging stopped and the wizard checked to make sure her wand was ready to be pulled.
Last edited August 20, 2024 8:13 pm
Aug 26, 2024 7:14 pm
Walking towards the Council Chambers, you can see a huge domed structure rising up through the foliage. The building is cradled into the natural curve of Alderheart’s giant trunk. A large platform has been built around the imposing structure, connecting it to the branch-roads that run throughout the city. It is adorned with brightly-colored banners displaying crests of the major settlements of the Wood. Two guards in resplendent armor stand watch at the entrance, turning away those who do not have permission to enter. A throng of people mill about nearby. If given the letter of introduction the guards will lead you inside.

Everything has a certain aura about the dealings her, with almost a bureaucratic disdain for the urgency of the matter. You are lead from the outside of the building into a waiting room where you are asked, again and again about your business. No one bats an eye at the urgency of the matter and it seems like it will be a long wait.

After a few hours of navigating the process you are told you are to wait for the audience of the council and are seated in a waiting room outside their chambers. Aids and others seeking an audience are seen coming in and out of the chambers, before the group is called you can see many a birdfolk and humblefolk step out of the chambers seemingly disappointed but some with a glimmer of hope. None look completely satified.

As you enter the chamber, you see a council of 6 Birdfolk nobles sit before you, all with plaques that have their names in front of them and where they are from. In the center holding a gavel is a Luma woman, the plaque reads "Speaker Bita. Alderheart"

With that, we will move on to the next item on our agenda. We will now take audience the party brought to us from Meadowfren and Winnowing Reach with news from Ashburrow.

Her tone shifts from procedurally mechanical to warm:

It is unusual for such a quick audience to be granted, what brings you all here?
Aug 27, 2024 2:50 am
Ok, sorry but totally swamped at work and exhausted so glossing over a bit here
Charun Move to the appropriate place and addresses the council Honored council we were sent to bring word that Ashbarrow has been consumed and the flames of the Scorched grove are surging in greater potency than in a great time.
Meadowfen asked us to alert the council of the growing danger as the flames were heading south and east. They seek aid to understand these alarming events and stop the groves expansion before more lands are lost to it.

He will then explain details, as coached to him by his fellows, laying out the danger and emphasising the possible repercussions if the threat is not taken seriously before it grows to great to be averted and exhorting the council to answer the call for help.
Other players feel free to "guide" the narrative with points you feel pertinent that we would have gone over on the trip.


Persuasion * - (1d20+5)

(20) + 5 = 25

Aug 27, 2024 11:29 am
Spending the waiting hours nervously complaining about the injustice of having to wait for some old bird people, Sherry fidgets without end and strains the nerves of everyone present.

As the group is finally brought before the council, see stares at them with contempt and frustration.

But - at least for the moment - the mapach woman stays silent and awaits, without much hope for the people of Meadowfen, the verdict of the council.
Aug 27, 2024 2:18 pm
She hadn't been part of the group for the whole scorched grove was burning, so she stands still and tries to look like she belongs here. Maybe she could help out? How though, well maybe if she brought up important points from what she knew about Scorched grove and the rest of the world. "If I am remembering my books correctly Scorched grove has an annual harvest of..." She brings up all the variou harvests that she knows might be affected by the flames and the loss of income, lives, and potential damage to the Alderheart economy if the blazes and whatever is causing them is not stopped.

Unfortunately, the fox woman tends towards boring numbers more than making her presentation really hit anyone's feelings. It's dry, technical, and just not very persuasive.
Last edited August 27, 2024 2:19 pm


Persuasion - (1d20+2)

(4) + 2 = 6

Aug 27, 2024 11:36 pm
Was there anything so boring as waiting? Waiting for a play to start, waiting for prey to enter your trap, waiting waiting waiting, but there was no waiting worse than waiting for a bunch of stuffy birdfolk. Reflexively Leif nearly soured his face when they were finally called, but he caught himself in time and made sure to keep a straight if not jovial face. He also knew better than to open his mouth in front of the winged ones, so he simply nodded and smiled encouragingly any time Charun looked their way.
Aug 29, 2024 6:31 pm
A Raptor councilmember next to Bita, name tag reads "Gregor Birdfellow, Talon Coast", speaks up.

Ashbarrow has burned to the ground? You don’t say! The Councilman looks down at his papers as he strokes his chin. [b"Now, that is important. Unfortunately, I am bound by my office to be fair, so your news will have to wait, just like everyone else. I recommend you
make yourselves comfortable and enjoy the splendor of the city.[/b]

Bita next to him looks disgusted and steps up. While I cannot guarantee that we can act immediately, what I can do is promise we will act. Unfortunately Gregor is correct there are some processes we have to follow. What we can do is send a small militia force to Meadowfren in order to reinforce the people there. That is something that only I as speaker can do unilaterally...and I will gladly do it. You can see her stare down Gregor as she speaks.

As for a full force act to save Ashburrow, I will set an official council discussion and vote set for two weeks from today, the earliest we are allowed to do so.

Gregor stares at Bita I am sure this will be of utmost useful of our time with the bandits at our doorstep.

Bita dismisses him, thanks the group for helping and says she must go on to the next topic but feel free to come to the next discussion to provide further testimonial.
Aug 30, 2024 4:37 am
We thank Speaker Bita and the Council for your promise of support and offer our meager selves to aid the council, either as guides for the militia or any other effort the council may deem more critical, if only to ensure the innocent bird and humblefolk of the west can get the aid the need and call for.
Speaking before thinking is a bad habit and only after he says the word does he hesitate as he considers how they may impact his companions. Glancing back nervously at the others only a moment he returns his focus to any nearby attendant to ask when the council will meet again about the matters to the west.
Once safely out of the councils attention he give councilor Birdfellow a measured look, unimpressed with the self important politician and listens to the council for a moment as they talk on other matters, to get a better sense of the words, promises, and actions the council takes.


Insight * - (1d20+4)

(14) + 4 = 18

Aug 30, 2024 8:33 am
Peeking up as the grumpy bird-person is talking about bandits, the mapach asks curiously: "Are you talking about Benna? In the northeast mountains? What is he up to exactly?" holding back a "these days" as this may sound to familiar with a known criminal right under the nosey beak of some old farts like the ones present.
Sep 3, 2024 2:37 am
Leif nodded and bobbed his head along as Charun walked out. "Well, that could've gone worse. At least Meadowfren gets a quick militia support. Two weeks for Ashburrow, though..." He left the words hang in the air.

"Now what?" He asked his winged companion.
Sep 3, 2024 12:31 pm
As he watches the proceedings, still patiently waiting a bit he replies softly to his furry companion. I am uncertain. I and inclined to head back with the militia. However if the bandits are not allied with the force creating the new troubles in the Scorched grove perhaps they can be reasoned with . If not then I wonder how we can affect such a massive organization. Sherry may better know what the next best step is.
Last edited September 3, 2024 1:09 pm
Sep 4, 2024 1:20 pm
"Could we possibly scout out the bandit organization? If someone or something is behind these brigands it might be good for that information to reach appropriate ears. Besides, which we could try and understand the underlying social dynamics of why people become bandits. A sociological perspective on this would be a truly insightful work."
Sep 5, 2024 5:17 pm
Sorry for the slow posting.
The council sends you on your way and you have a lot of time to think and make decisions it looks like. For those who don't have lodging already in Alderheart you get offered a stay with Eliza if you wish, otherwise temporary lodging and housing is available at one of the towns many Inns.
We can actually do this like downtime. Could everyone say what they want to do either as a group or individually, for the first 3 days. Then we can work on the next 3 days...etc. If anyone needs a more involved actions that is by all means possible. The module's intention is that you are all spending time in Alderheart but do not feel beholden to that
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