Thieves' Tools
Thieves' tools include a small file, a set of lock picks, a small mirror mounted on a metal handle, a set of narrow-bladed scissors, and a pair of pliers. A mini crowbar, small mallet and iron/steel wedge, grease tube, tweezers (or something similar), and a small vial of corrosive acid (not strong enough to eat bars, but strong enough to eat through small wires, etc.), a hearing cone, and a version of a magnifying glass.
Your tools weigh 2 lb and costs 20 gp.
That's a generic list complex from multiple sources. Some things are easily created once you have the a told and materials, ex file, pliers and small iron rods. But some need to be bought, mirror, lens, mallet...
I don't work about the previous to much in this game so go ahead and get some basic tools then buy any specifics, acid mirror, etc