Gutelos gets a few rough tools, as the ship has no true crafting implements, a file, fish hooks, needle for making and repairing nets, a spool of fishing line, a small jar of pitch, a few nails, a small hammer, and an old and broken spyglass the captain no longer used but the goblin may find a use for.
At high tide the captain has you sent ashore with your supplies, the trio of adventurers, and Gan. With map and compass in hand you start making your way to the north west. Danniel turns out to have fairly good senses though Trevow is more familiar with and skilled at navigating the wilds. Ireena, it is soon discovered, grew up in a city and though she tries to hide how she dislikes the constant walking under the sun in the open countryside you can plainly see she is the least at ease for this portion of the trek. Gan for her part prattles on at length about her past, only lowering her volume to a mutter when reminded of the need of quiet to avoid attracting beasts or monsters. From her tales, questionable as they are, the woman had a rather frightening early career as she served in the army in the scouts. It seems Gutelos reminds her of the goblins she worked with in those days, small, clever, and a bit greedy or mischievous. Thus she alternates between giving him warry glares and chatting with him on possible exploits to liven the day.
Though talking near incessantly the old woman is keeping up remarkably well. Though the slowest by far of all in the group she sets a constant pace and keeps to it for miles and hours at a time. The shoreline had more brush and trees but after only an hour these start thinning into the open grassy plains that extend to the horizon. The occasional hill is usually so gradual that you may not even notice it until you crest the top and get a slightly better view for a few moments. The grass is tall and dry in the summer heat and you begin to miss the cool salty breeze of the ocean as your path takes you further from its cooling effects.
Give me a rough party arrangement, any division of labor, special activities other than navigating and walking, and anything else your characters may be doing as you continue