Adventure Abroad

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Aug 28, 2024 4:13 pm
Trevor was soaked and miserable when he was uncovered by the tarp, and a great deal confused. Uh... H-have we defeated then? He asked feebly. Hey, what are you all looking at? Me? I'm fine! Besides being wet to the bones, that is... He says when he regains his feet.

At the officer comes, Trevor quickly changes to a more pleasing attitude, bowing in response for the gratitude, Oh, it was nothing, really, don't mention it!
Aug 28, 2024 4:54 pm
Gutelos looks a little sheepish at the sodden Trevor, but goes along with the praise. Well done there mate, you really saw them off, didn't yer? Bet the sailors'll treat yer like an 'ero now!

I don't think they suspect I 'ad owt to do wi' it he thinks to himself. Prob'ly fer the best, really. Though mebbe I shouldn't try that again if we need it.
Aug 29, 2024 12:50 pm
Trevor tries to show some modesty at his compliments, oh well... I'm a man of action and quick thinking, you see... He says, scratching his head and chucking quietly.

It seems the results of my plan have yielded satisfactory results... phew! That's a relief.
Aug 30, 2024 2:07 am
You ride out the remainder of the ocean voyage with much less nausea and excitement. While Gutelos spends a bit of time with the sailors, picking up a couple interesting knots and their uses while Trevor and the other spar most of the time is idle and you end up telling stories. Soon in tuns into a game of telling trying to discern if the tales are true or false. Ireena has a bit of a flare that lends in her stories sounding plausible but outlandish, Danniel's you are certain are all second hand stories, and Trevow is such a bad storyteller that you almost hope none are true and a life of adventure can be found despite his stories and years of experience saying otherwise.

One day as you near your destination Gutelos overhears the captain having a rather heated argument with his officer about the second leg of the trip. With those damn lizardmen all riles up the river passage is not longer safe. And we can only make it half way anyhow to the lake. I doubt it would be a good idea to stay there. I say the land route is the best.

Emil Toranescu
I am not so sure. With the Sahuagin also making trouble it will surely be lost if left with a skeleton crew while the captain and other half of the crew are pretending to be carters. if you stay then perhaps you can hide it or keep it safe with your magic. But I suggest you can take the launch with the 2 crew, the cargo, and those adventurers upriver. With you magic to speed the ship you can get there in half the time.

The argument continues but Gutelos is forced to move along as a passing crewman gives his a stern look. Rushing back to the daily practices he shares what he overheard with the others. It seems you may have a change in plans and perhaps an opportunity to shape your future. Throughout the next day Luvash is in a foul mood and give you all either appraising or disparaging looks. Finally the ship pulls into a shallow cover and the captain sends some men to get fresh water before calling you all to talk with him.

You may have learned and he glare at the Gutelos who sits looking as innocent as any gobin ever seen. That there may be a change in plans. The original plan was to leave the ship here and set out across land. But I am wary of leaving my ship for the weeks it will take for the land crossing.
So I have 2 options. Continue as planned and likely lose my ship, or it on you and your skills to help me pass any troubles we find on the river. Are you confident in facing of agitated lizardmen with only me, two sailors, and you five? I can add another 10 gold each if you get me to Paphos and back, 5 if you only go with me upriver. What do you say?
Aug 30, 2024 2:03 pm
Gutelos scratches his head a little. Well, I wouldn't say confident, exactly, but I'm up fer givin' it a go. What do you lads think? he asks the others.
Aug 30, 2024 4:02 pm
Trevor's days of storytelling are quite pleasing, and he himself share some that he read in various books... Of course, changing the fact that he was actually a character in them.
When the captain calls them all to listen to him, he hears it attentively.

Worry not, my good sir! You mustn't bother even with sending the two crewman with us; in fact, you mustn't bother to come along either! I alone would be enough for the task at hand! With my friends then, it'll be a piece of cake!

And then, for sparing the risk on your two sailors and on yourself... You could offer us a raise!



Aug 30, 2024 6:07 pm
Looking you over the captain considers your words while the trio of warriors exchange glances of surprise, disbelief at your arrogance/confidence, and a touch of uncertainty.
If you fell you can guarantee the safe delivery of my cargo I can promise a hefty reward. But I warn you the river path goes right through the Lizardmen territory and they have grown increasingly aggressive and resistant to others passing their territory. The land path will take you longer and has no set threat but is home to numerous beasts and monsters. Are you certain you can do this? The cargo is of great importance to Paphos and I was charged with ensuring its safe arrival.
[ +- ] Image of known world
He lays out the citation, using a map to highlight your journey. Paphos lies on the river, white circle in bottom left quarter of the page, which empties to the sea. If you take the river you will have to row upstream through the swampy area SW of the city. The captain was planning to use his magic to speed this process greatly. The overland journey would involve cutting from the coast SE of the city and travel through grasslands with occasional hills and small streams bordered sparsely by the only trees, small though they are, in the area. Trevow speaks up about known dangers and you learn that besides the lizardmen the swamps are infested by massive beast known as dinosaurs and there is a lake with a strange pyramid. The plains have large herds and predators that follows them as well as occasional monsters that are either territorial or roam with the herds. Both paths are know to be areas with a decent fey presence. Should you encounter signs faerie he suggests trying to avoid them, or slay them only if you can make peaceful arrangements, as they tend to hold a grudge fiercly.
Aug 31, 2024 3:35 am
Hmm... Trevor ponders the situation. In that case, I'll take Gutelos with me!!!

Hmm, by the way... How big is this cargo of yours? Wouldn't it be a wise choice, as we are at great risk in here, to split it in two? One part going through land and the other up river? Trevor nods to himself and his idea.
Aug 31, 2024 5:06 am

Giving you an odd look he shakes his head. No, it is not that easily managed I am afraid. WIth a sigh he sends one of his men to fetch the "cargo". Before he returns Luvash explains the cargo is actually an old woman Morgatha is vital to certain activities within the city of Paphos and must reach there safely. Though now beset with old age along with a failing strength of body and presence of mind she was once a keen practitioner of the mystic arts. She still reattain much of her abilities she is often not clear on present conditions and so can not be relied to act in ways that others might consider to make sense. After several minute the crewman returns with an elderly woman whom the captain introduces.

Morgantha Grimesifter
The boy said you were having trouble with the fish and lizards and I might actually be let off this ship finally. Never did like traveling by boat. and she continues to prattle on about the many uncomfortable times she has had to be on board a ship while the other officer leans over and explains that as far as anyone knew, including her when she first came aboard teh ship, she had never been out to open sea in her life.

Luvash ask you again. Are you sure the two of you can do this? I am sure the other adventurers could be convinced to aid you if you wish. And how do you plan on reaching Paphos? By land or river?
Aug 31, 2024 4:46 pm
What? It's just an old lady?! That makes things extra easy! he approaches her and bends, to come about her size, putting his hand gently on her shoulder, I understand, madam, you don't like the ship, the sea... Don't worry! We're talking you out of here! He nods convincingly at her.

Gazing the other adventurers whom he travelled so far, he says: Well, you can come along if you so choose...
Sep 1, 2024 1:09 am
Gutelos stands dumbfounded as Trevor volunteers to go with the gnome alone. 'Old on a sec, ne says as Trevor continues to assert that the two of them could successfully complete this mission. They're offerin' ter come with us an' 'elp. I don't want ter turn that down! An' if this cap'n can use 'is magic to get us there quicker, like, I don;t think we should be turnin' that down neither!

When the "package" they are intended to deliver is brought up from below, Gutelos nods in agreement as the old woman mentions her dislike of the sea. Couldn't agree more, he mutters darkly.
Sep 3, 2024 12:54 pm

Looking slightly anoyed Luvash says Figure it out between you. But whether you taike the others, should they choose to go with you, and accept my own pressence I leave to you. I must finish preparations. Tell one of my crew when you are ready to go. and he turns and walks down into the hold snapping commands at sailors nearby who begin shifting cargy and grabbing parcels and taing them topside.

Morgantha Grimesifter

Well I aint getting any younger. What'l it be? the ages mystics asks with her keen eyes on you as she settles gingerly down onto a nearby crate.
Note this is your story so challenges and situations may vary but should never exceed your characters capabilities without warning.
How do you want to ravel?
A: by river/swamp with the captain and other adventurers
B: overland with the other adventurers
C: on your own overland?
Sep 3, 2024 1:02 pm
My preference would be for A, but I'm not opposed to B. C seems like it might end up being more trouble than we can really handle.
Sep 4, 2024 12:13 pm
Following my character's desires, I should advocate for B or C (he doesn't care one way or another).
Sep 4, 2024 2:03 pm
Looks like B will be the compromise option then.
Sep 4, 2024 10:56 pm
After some more discussion with the adventurers and Morgantha, who insista you just call her Gan, you decide to make your way across the grasslands and head north west to Paphos.

Your provisions are loaded aboard a longboat which takes you all ashore in one trip. Besides your usual provisions you are provided the oportunity to take extra food, oil for lanters, water skins, tents, blankets, a coupe compasses (magical and magnetic) a couple rough copies of a map of the trail, any amunition requested, rope, shovel, ax, hand-saw,candles, and numerous other miscilaneious items.

The other trio focus on food ad a few light blankets, rope, and small items that can fit in their bags without ovrburdeninig them. Gan packs her own pack and though she looks frain you learn she has tough corded muscles beneath her agesd, wrinkled, and sagging skin. Though not strong she can move quite quickly and seems tireless once put into motion. Though she requires ocasional redirection as she wanders or gets distracted.

Feel free to ask for ayt other mundane supplies before elaving the ship and setting out.
Sep 5, 2024 10:41 pm
Besides a replenishment for his torch and oil flask, Trevor doesn't ask for anything else. He seems eager to set foot on the land and start his very own adventure!
Sep 6, 2024 12:29 pm
Gutelos asks for a selection of small tools god for all sorts of things, if the ships can spare them, a bit of extra food and waterskin, and will happily take the compasses and maps.
Sep 7, 2024 12:05 am
Gutelos gets a few rough tools, as the ship has no true crafting implements, a file, fish hooks, needle for making and repairing nets, a spool of fishing line, a small jar of pitch, a few nails, a small hammer, and an old and broken spyglass the captain no longer used but the goblin may find a use for.

At high tide the captain has you sent ashore with your supplies, the trio of adventurers, and Gan. With map and compass in hand you start making your way to the north west. Danniel turns out to have fairly good senses though Trevow is more familiar with and skilled at navigating the wilds. Ireena, it is soon discovered, grew up in a city and though she tries to hide how she dislikes the constant walking under the sun in the open countryside you can plainly see she is the least at ease for this portion of the trek. Gan for her part prattles on at length about her past, only lowering her volume to a mutter when reminded of the need of quiet to avoid attracting beasts or monsters. From her tales, questionable as they are, the woman had a rather frightening early career as she served in the army in the scouts. It seems Gutelos reminds her of the goblins she worked with in those days, small, clever, and a bit greedy or mischievous. Thus she alternates between giving him warry glares and chatting with him on possible exploits to liven the day.

Though talking near incessantly the old woman is keeping up remarkably well. Though the slowest by far of all in the group she sets a constant pace and keeps to it for miles and hours at a time. The shoreline had more brush and trees but after only an hour these start thinning into the open grassy plains that extend to the horizon. The occasional hill is usually so gradual that you may not even notice it until you crest the top and get a slightly better view for a few moments. The grass is tall and dry in the summer heat and you begin to miss the cool salty breeze of the ocean as your path takes you further from its cooling effects.

Give me a rough party arrangement, any division of labor, special activities other than navigating and walking, and anything else your characters may be doing as you continue
Sep 9, 2024 1:50 pm
Gutelos spends most of his time with Gen, roughly in the middle of the group, his eyes darting into their surroundings while talking to her quietly. Every now and then he'll pause to check the maps and compasses too. If she gabbles away, Gutelos will do so too; if she grows quiet or vigilant suddenly, he too will go silent and stay alert - she's been a scout for years, decades probably, and he feels that he can learn something from her.

So what did you reckon we should o' done, he asks her quietly. An' what do yer reckon o' the others?
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