The End of the World: Zombie Apocalypse

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Sep 26, 2016 12:45 am
I've got a zombie apocalypse campaign I've been wanting to give a shot, but I'd like to try using the End of the World: Zombie Apocalypse rules. Looking to see if there's any interest in play testing this with me. You won't need the book or any previous experience; the game's basic mechanics are pretty easy to just explain in a couple of posts. And we can't deal with any hurdles along the way.

The game itself can be run so that encounters are really deadly and many characters don't survive the first session, or it can be run more cinematically. I'm looking to play it somewhere in the middle. Not so deadly as to TPK the first encounter, but just dangerous enough for players to question whether diving head first into a small horde of zombies while armed with nothing but a machete like a murder hobo is really the best idea.

Any interest?
Sep 27, 2016 2:24 am
No takers!? What? It's almost Halloween. This game needs playing.
Sep 28, 2016 5:47 pm
I love the system and ran a game of my own a while back, but I don't know if I have the time to join in another. I actually get to do a few games of The End of the World: Wrath of the Gods for FFG's Arkham Nights in October. :)

Hope you get the game going.
Sep 28, 2016 6:14 pm
I'm interested, but I'm definitely not familiar with the system, so I'd need some help.
Sep 28, 2016 6:29 pm
The game's a really easy system to pick up, and character creation is a breeze. I've done a PbP run of this game before with some friends using a different website who were all completely unfamiliar with any sort of RPGs. There will be a couple threads in the game once it kicks off on character creation and another one on gameplay rules. If there's any questions after that, explaining the rules is easy enough.
Sep 28, 2016 6:30 pm
Well I'm definitely interested then if you'll have me!
Sep 29, 2016 9:57 pm
Im down if you explain the system lol
Sep 30, 2016 2:15 am
This will be my first game with this system, but I have the book and the rules for the players take up maybe 20 pages. Then there's another 10 for the GM, and that's about it. There's really not much to it.
Sep 30, 2016 4:13 pm
I will certainly explain it in a couple of threads this week.

It looks like we have at least three takers, which should be enough to get the game going (3-5 is what I was hoping for). I'll make the game page and post it on Sunday, October 2nd. I'll also send the three of you a link to the game.
Oct 1, 2016 7:10 pm
I'd be interested as well. How would we do the positive/negative die pools on here?

Edit: Been reading through the book, and I'd only be interested if we were playing fictional characters. Playing as myself holds zero appeal for me.
Last edited Oct 1, 2016 7:38 pm
Oct 1, 2016 10:13 pm
@AaronCH: I have no issues with fictional character creation. We're going to ignore the voting section of the character creation process anyway. Nobody here knows each other irl probably, sonI would have no idea if you have made yourself or a fictional character. Ear in mind that even though fictional characters are fine, the game's character creation system is still designed to make for basically normal everyday joes. It's unlikely that you'll be able to build some sort of navy seal on the 10 point allocation system.
As far as the dice pool goes, we'll just roll the total die pool and the first dice are positive and the rest of the dice are the negatives. So if you have a pool of two positive dice and one negative die, roll 3d6 and look at the individual dice. The first two rolls are going to be your positive die and your remaining dice would be your negative.
Oct 1, 2016 10:16 pm
@TeamBanana71: Yup, you make our fifth and final player. I will set up a game room tonight and invite you all tomorrow to it where I will have a post on how to create a character. I hope everyone has fun!
Oct 1, 2016 10:16 pm
@TeamBanana71: Yup, you make our fifth and final player. I will set up a game room tonight and invite you all tomorrow to it where I will have a post on how to create a character. I hope everyone has fun!
Oct 1, 2016 10:21 pm
Oh yeah I'm cool with playing an everyday joe. I was actually thinking of playing a cab driver.
Oct 1, 2016 11:46 pm
If I were to be me, Id be a combat medic, so maybe I should make more of a average joe, haha.
Oct 2, 2016 1:32 am
Reading the whole "play yourself" concept I see so many issues cropping up. What if you are physically disabled in real life? What if you have some kind of chronic disease that needs regular medical attention? What if you have kids and don't want to roleplay them dying or becoming zombies? Just me rambling, but man that concept seems to be pretty bad for a lot of people.
Oct 2, 2016 1:44 am
AaronCH says:
Reading the whole "play yourself" concept I see so many issues cropping up. What if you are physically disabled in real life? What if you have some kind of chronic disease that needs regular medical attention? What if you have kids and don't want to roleplay them dying or becoming zombies? Just me rambling, but man that concept seems to be pretty bad for a lot of people.
These are really good points that I had never thought about on reading the material. However, I think thematically it adds a level to "horror" element, and makes the game fairly unique to think that "you" hypothetically end up needing to consider these kinds of things. Yet, I think the idea of roleplaying horrible things happening to people you care about IRL could be intense. Probably best all that stuff be sorted out before the campaign begins.

One thing I thought about when reading through it is that, how many times would you want to play yourself in these scenarios? If you end up being killed in the games and starting a new campaign only to have it happen again, I don't know, it feels kind of redundant. It almost has the feel of Wil E Coyote falling off a cliff over and over again in the old Warner Brothers cartoons.
Oct 2, 2016 2:02 am
Oh I hadn't thought of the issue of death and character replacement. Seems like you'd have to play a fictional character eventually anyway. Anyway the system seems decent enough, so if we are all playing fictional characters count me in.

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