3-2 The Forgotten Abbey

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Sep 12, 2024 9:47 am
Morik thrashed about to no avail, and then a familiar light sprinkled on him. There was naught else he could do but to continue attempting to break out of the grapple.
Not sure how to do the grapple check with Elysia giving assistance, but Morik is also in Faerie Fire. Dunno if he gets Advantage or not. If he does, feel free to roll for him, my rolls have been awful!
Last edited Sep 12, 2024 9:50 am


Dex (disadvantage) - Save - (2d20L1+0)

(164) = 4

Athletics - (1d20+4)

(5) + 4 = 9

Sep 12, 2024 1:58 pm
not sure if you still need this


DEX saving throw - (1d20+2)

(16) + 2 = 18

Sep 13, 2024 5:37 am
(go back to round two or ahead to round four)

Having avoided Elowin's casting of Faerie Fire last turn, Ishi (underwater) slashes at his invisible foe again. The creature takes 13 slashing damage.
Elowin tries to Toll the Dead but the invisible, glowing creature ignores the sound. Then, having noticed something about the room, she crosses the room and reaches out to grab the lone book on the shelves...only to find that it is attached to the shelf! There seems to be a clasp, or maybe a hinge, on its far corner...?
Caught with the creature in Lunea's limning, Morik is also grasped by the glowing, invisible-in-water creature. The bear tries to break the grapple again and cannot.
Elysia assists Morik in trying to escape, and gestures wildly for them all to surface and exit the pool. She then kicks for the surface...the creature uses its reaction to swipe at her, and misses. Elysia surfaces with a gasp and pulls herself out of the pool.
Like his sister, Adran prepares to attack the first person who appears in the archway.
At his command, his mechanical buddy Mara leaps into the pool and sinks rapidly. It attacks the transparent, glowing creature as it sinks past it. The creature takes 9 Force damage.
The creature is able to maintain its grapple on the bear and still attack another, as Ishi discovers when it attacks him and hits him, dealing 11 bludgeoning damage and 7 acid damage. But Ishi is raging! Ishi takes 5 bludgeoning and 3 acid damage (reduced due to Rage) and is also Grappled and Restrained.
Eozindra gives Adran bardic inspiration and urges him to help Elowin in examining the book.
[ +- ] The Library, end of Round Three

Note: The attack that missed Elysia was going to be on the creature's turn, but on her turn, Elysia swam away from the creature, granting it an opportunity attack. So that's the attack that missed, and when its turn came in the initiative order, Elysia wasn't there to attack, only Morik and Ishi. It attacked Ishi, who has been hurting it so much.

20 - Ishi (16/35) Underwater, Grappled, Restrained
15 - Elowin (17/24)
10 - Morik (Bear 10/34 Dwarf 33/33) Underwater, Grappled, Restrained, lit by Faerie Fire
8 - Elysia (24/24)
7 - Adran (26/26)
7 - Mara (20/20)
7 - Thing lit by Faerie Fire, invisible-in-water
1 - Eozindra (15/15)


Creature chooses a target (Ishi, Morik, Elysia) - (1d3)

(3) = 3

Creature attack on Elysia AC15, bludgeoning, acid - (1d20+5, 2d8+3, 1d8)

1d20+5 : (5) + 5 = 10

2d8+3 : (84) + 3 = 15

1d8 : (4) = 4

Creature attacks Ishi AC16, bludgeoning damage, acid damage - (1d20+5, 2d8+3, 1d8)

1d20+5 : (15) + 5 = 20

2d8+3 : (44) + 3 = 11

1d8 : (7) = 7

Sep 13, 2024 6:43 am
Now that the water creature is visible to her, she targets it with her sound attack. But again the sound just ripples the water with no effect to the water creature. Giving up on hurting it with sound and pricing weapons she then moves to gather the book for later study and to ready for more enemies.
I'm catching up on my games today. I apologize for lacking behind.
Last edited Sep 13, 2024 6:45 am


Toll the dead Wis save DC13 - (1d20+0, 1d12)

1d20+0 : (15) = 15

1d12 : (9) = 9

Sep 13, 2024 11:19 am
Frustrated at being grappled, Morik unleashed his rage on the grappler.
Not bothering with the bite atk since that’s piercing.

Advantage due to Faerie Fire.

Edit: $@&$! I really hate my rolls
Last edited Sep 13, 2024 11:20 am


Claws (Bear) (Advantage) - Attack - (2d20H1+6)

(46) + 6 = 12

Claws (Bear) - Damage - (2d6+4)

(53) + 4 = 12

Sep 13, 2024 11:50 am
Frustrated over her inability to help, the rogue quickly surfaces and looks around the room for anything that might help her do damage to the now glowing creature or help free her friend.
Not sure if that takes up my whole move or not, but that’s at least where I’m at for now if it doesn’t.
Last edited Sep 13, 2024 11:50 am


Perception - (1d20+5)

(10) + 5 = 15

Sep 14, 2024 6:49 am
again Ishi attacks the the now glowing creature. he still angry and raging.


attack creature with advantage on great sword - (2d20h1+6, 2d6+6)

2d20h1+6 : (172) + 6 = 23

2d6+6 : (32) + 6 = 11

Sep 15, 2024 7:55 pm
Glancing into the water with a frown, Adran instructs Mara to dive in and aid the others in fighting... well, whatever tbe glowing thing was... while preparing to fire a hand crossbow at whoever enters the room.


Attack (Force-Empowered Rend) - (2d20H1+3)

(207) + 3 = 23

Damage (Force) - (1d8+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Crit Damage - (1d8)

(1) = 1

Sep 16, 2024 2:29 am
Brows furrowed, Eozindra hones her attention in on the sole book within the dilapidated library. She hisses a stage-whisper to Adran, pointing to the lone tome. "Adran, see if there is something up with that book. It’s strange that it’s the only one left." In summation, she points her finger to him and adds, "But be careful about it!"
1d6 Bardic inspiration to Adran. Holding shot for something aggressive coming down the hallway.
Sep 16, 2024 11:28 am
@Redamancy what book are you refering to? The one the Elowin picked up?
Sep 17, 2024 2:46 am
runekyndig says:
@Redamancy what book are you refering to? The one the Elowin picked up?
I think it's the one Elowin tried to pick up earlier in round three:
spaceseeker19 says:
Elowin ... crosses the room and reaches out to grab the lone book on the shelves...only to find that it is attached to the shelf! There seems to be a clasp, or maybe a hinge, on its far corner...?
Sep 17, 2024 2:56 am
(preceded by round three, followed by round five)
[ +- ] Library, Round Four
Struggling deep underwater in the enfolding grip of the glowing creature, enraged Ishi still manages to connect with the monster, cleaving it with his greatsword! The creature takes 11 slashing damage!
Note 1: the ADV of Faerie Fire and the DISADV of being Restrained cancel each other, but both of your rolls would hit the creature (which means it has a *low* AC).
Note 2: You'd declared your attack before Elysia fled and the creature's attack was directed at Ishi; if you'd rather amend your action to break the grapple, let me know.
At that moment, the figures of the two Lord Mayor's men left to guard the outer Abbey walk around the corner, entering the archway and peering into the darkness to look for the source of the mysterious and repeated rings of a doleful bell, weapons drawn and ready to bear. Adran, who has been waiting with bated breath for just this event, looses the bolt from his crossbow, piercing the closer of the two. Lord Mayor's Man 1 takes 10 piercing damage! Similarly prepared, Eozindra sinks a bolt into the same target; Lord Mayor's Man 1 take 2 more piercing damage!
Given that it's a new round, it may be unorthodox, but I'm saying that those who prepared an attack action last turn get to activate it now as the guards enter the view. Those attacks are happening now, at the top of the round, before the enemies get a chance to act. These attacks are also separate from your actions this round.

Eozindra also prepared an attack, but didn't roll it. Would you care to roll your round three prepared attack now, @Redamancy?
Edit: that attack has been incorporated into the description above.
The two robbers are armed, one with a crossbow and sword, the other with a bow and sword. It's clear that they plan to attack.

Lord Mayor's Man #2, armed with a bow, sees Elowin standing in front of the bookcase; he looses his arrow at Lunea's chosen. Elowin is pierced for 5 damage. He also sees Eozindra and looses a second shaft at her (partial cover from the bookcase). The arrow thuds into the bookcase, the barbed head punching through the wood and stopping just short of her torso.

In retaliation, Elowin pulls on her bow and sinks a shaft into Lord Mayor's Man 2. She gives better than she took: LMM2 takes 9 piercing damage.

Meanwhile, deep underwater...grappled, restrained, and glowing with Lunea's light, Morik the bear slashes and claws at the transparent (and glowing) creature that enfolds him. The transparent monster takes 12 slashing damage!

Dripping wet, Elysia still has her rapier in hand. Gripping it tightly, she bounds over the edge of the pool and runs at the man aiming his crossbow at her (LMM1). She runs up and lunges at him as he begins to move. The blade slips between his ribs and emerges again. LMM1 takes 8 damage. Almost before he has realized what's happened, she steps away (Cunning Action) and skips back to take cover by the bookcase where her sister Eozindra stands.

Lord Mayor's Man 1 takes two steps in the room, grunting as missiles hit him and then Elysia stabs him (he cannot take an opportunity attack holding a crossbow). He tries to retaliate against Elysia, triggering his crossbow in her direction! The fusillade of shafts thudding into his body throws off his aim, and the bolt punches into the stone by Elysia's head! He yells: "ALARM! INTRUDERS IN THE LIBRARY! TO ARMS!"

Elowin, Elysia, Adran, Mara, and Eozindra can all take their round four actions now.
Ishi and Morik can wait, or they can declare their round five actions now (it's up to you, based on whether you want to see what happens with the monster, and/or if you think anything happening "up above" will affect your choices of actions).

Adran hastily takes a follow-up shot at the ruffian who is walking towards them. Instinctively, his aim is true, and the bolt plunges deep in Lord Mayor's Man 1! LMM1 takes 15 piercing damage! He staggers, looks down at the crossbow bolt, frowns, and falls onto his back, dead.

Mara, underwater, continues to sink like the massive steel construct that it is, but in a stroke of luck, its flailing legs contact the rough stone sides of the pool. Its claws chip and dig at the stone, and with creaking, intense stress on the tips of its metal feet bearing the weight of all its mass and the water above it, Mara is able to struggle slowly back toward the furious combat in the watery twilight. The metal canine lashes out with its jaws at the vague glow, nearly dislodging itself from its precarious toeholds. The transparent monster takes 8 Force damage.

Having engulfed both Ishi and Morik, the monster tries to bash one of them again. The glowing, transparent underwater monster slops a portion of its body at Morik, attempting to slam the Restrained bear once more. The blow crushes the bear, and the druid reverts back to his dwarf form.
Morik the bear takes 10 damage and reverts back to Morik the dwarf, who takes the remaining 20 damage.

Eozindra sees her sister safe behind her, and releases a bolt in the direction of the only visible foe left standing: LMM2, but the attack goes just wide. The bard ducks back behind the bookcase with Elysia.
[ +- ] The library, end of round four
This ends round four.
20 - Ishi (24/35) Grappled, Restrained, Underwater
16 - LMM2
15 - Elowin (12/24)
10 - Morik (Dwarf 13/33) Grappled, Restrained, Underwater, Limned by Faerie Fire
8 - Elysia (24/24)
8 - LMM1
7 - Adran (26/26)
7 - Mara (20/20)
7 - Thing - Underwater, Limned by Faerie Fire
1 - Eozindra (15/15)


Lord Mayor's Man 1 initiative - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Lord Mayor's Man 2 initiative - (1d20+2)

(14) + 2 = 16

LMM2 bow attack on Elowin AC16, piercing damage - (1d20+4, 1d8+2)

1d20+4 : (12) + 4 = 16

1d8+2 : (3) + 2 = 5

LMM2 bow attack on Eozindra AC15 (half cover), piercing damage - (1d20+4, 1d8+2)

1d20+4 : (9) + 4 = 13

1d8+2 : (3) + 2 = 5

Sep 17, 2024 8:13 am
Leaving the attached book for now, Elowin raises her bow and launches an arrow toward the bowman


Longbow - (1d20+6, 1d8+4)

1d20+6 : (17) + 6 = 23

1d8+4 : (5) + 4 = 9

Sep 17, 2024 8:55 am
Sorry, I think I got confused. Life been a bit chaotic here. I will revisit the posts and amend my text but here is my held shot for now:


Crossbow (Hand) - Attack - (1d20+3)

(9) + 3 = 12

Crossbow (Hand) - Damage - (1d6+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

Sep 17, 2024 12:47 pm
Readied Action was worth it. Lol
Adran hastily takes a follow-up shot.

Hoping Mara can hear him, he tells his companion to continue attacking whatever was in the water.
Last edited Sep 17, 2024 12:51 pm


Attack (Hand Crossbow) - (1d20+7)

(20) + 7 = 27

Damage (Piercing - Magic) - (1d6+5)

(5) + 5 = 10

Crit Damage - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Attack (Force-Empowered Rend) - (2d20H1+3)

(711) + 3 = 14

Damage (Force) - (1d8+2)

(6) + 2 = 8

Sep 17, 2024 3:36 pm
The round four post is updated, above, but here is the outcome of the enemy action and Elowin's response in initiative order.
Lord Mayor's Man #2, armed with a bow, sees Elowin standing in front of the bookcase; he looses his arrow at Lunea's chosen. Elowin is pierced for 5 damage. He also sees Eozindra and looses a second shaft at her (she has partial cover from the bookcase, +2 to AC). The arrow thuds into the bookcase, the barbed head punching through the wood and stopping just short of her torso.

In retaliation, Elowin pulls on her bow and sinks a shaft into Lord Mayor's Man 2. She gives better than she took: LMM2 takes 9 piercing damage.
Elysia is next, followed by Lord Mayor's Man 1 (if he's still standing), and then Adran and Mara's attacks will land, the Thing in the Water will take its turn, and then we'll end with Eozindra's round four turn.
Sep 17, 2024 5:55 pm
Luna, mother, maiden and crone.
Leave these men in darkness.
Let them be lost in the woods
Let the wolfs feast!


Concentration Faerie Fire - (1d20+2)

(20) + 2 = 22

Sep 18, 2024 11:41 pm
Just wanna confirm, this is still round 4 right? I'm fine with the wait, I'm just making sure I'm not holding anything up.
Sep 19, 2024 1:12 am
grifter730 says:
Just wanna confirm, this is still round 4 right? I'm fine with the wait, I'm just making sure I'm not holding anything up.
So far I have only described round four actions, yes. As I wrote:
spaceseeker19 says:
Ishi and Morik can wait, or they can declare their round five actions now (it's up to you, based on whether you want to see what happens with the monster, and/or if you think anything happening "up above" will affect your choices of actions).
Nearly everyone has performed their round four turns; only Elysia and Eozindra remain. @kilikina , @redamancy ?

So you're not holding anything up, but you can take your next turn. Tell you what: on the assumption that the people on the surface are going to deal with the threats on the surface, I will take the Creature in the Water's turn, and you and Ishi can respond to that with a high degree of confidence that you're not stepping on anyone else's toes.
Sep 19, 2024 1:21 am
Mara, underwater, continues to sink like the massive steel construct that it is, but in a stroke of luck, its flailing legs contact the rough stone sides of the pool. Its claws chip and dig at the stone, and with creaking, intense stress on the tips of its metal feet bearing the weight of all its mass and the water above it, Mara is able to struggle slowly back toward the furious combat in the watery twilight. The metal canine lashes out with its jaws at the vague glow, nearly dislodging itself from its precarious toeholds. The transparent monster takes 8 Force damage.

Having engulfed both Ishi and Morik, the monster tries to bash one of them again. The glowing, transparent underwater monster slops a portion of its body at Morik, attempting to slam the Restrained bear once more. The blow crushes the bear, and the druid reverts back to his dwarf form.
Morik the bear takes 10 damage and reverts back to Morik the dwarf, who takes the remaining 20 damage.
Up on the surface, it is Elysia and Eozindra who still need to take their round four turns.


Monster chooses a target (1 - Ishi, 2 - Morik) - (1d2)

(2) = 2

Monster attacks Morik AC11, bludgeoning, acid - (2d20h1+5, 2d8+3, 1d8)

2d20h1+5 : (1920) + 5 = 25

2d8+3 : (57) + 3 = 15

1d8 : (6) = 6

Crit damage - (3d8)

(333) = 9

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