Aug 23, 2024 12:40 pm
Continued from It will rain again tomorrow.
- Benji -
You have swung by Lizabeth's place to collect what she desperately needs. You got the strong impression you were being watched the whole time you were there, but nothing materialised, and you departed unmolested.
Approaching your apartment the watcher is more obvious. It is one of Elliot Parry's people. Elliot is probably not someone you wanted involved in this affair.
• Do you spot them in time to try to avoid them? Do you try? If they are watching your apartment they will be watching your Harbour too.
What do you do?
- Benji -
You have swung by Lizabeth's place to collect what she desperately needs. You got the strong impression you were being watched the whole time you were there, but nothing materialised, and you departed unmolested.
Approaching your apartment the watcher is more obvious. It is one of Elliot Parry's people. Elliot is probably not someone you wanted involved in this affair.
• Do you spot them in time to try to avoid them? Do you try? If they are watching your apartment they will be watching your Harbour too.
What do you do?
Spotting them in time to take evasive action would be a Keep Your Cool roll with Spirit. Or you can just let them see you and Lizabeth.