If you prefer a simpler character sheet, you can use my format too:
[ +- ] OSRIC 2e
Create character
Race: | Class: | | | Languages
Alignment: | Levels: | | |
Deity: | Experience (adjustment: ): | | |
Gender: | Height: | | |
Age: | Weight: | | | |
Base THAC0: 20 | AC hit: -(1d20+bonuses) | Armor class: | Hit points: /
Attack with : | Range: | Saving throw vs. aimed magic item:
Damage: | Rate: | Saving throw vs. breath weapon:
| | Saving throw vs. death, paralysis & poison:
Attack with : | Range: | Saving throw vs. petrification & polymorph:
Damage: | Rate: | Saving throw vs. spells for unlisted categories: |
Ability | Score | Effects
Strength | | +X to hit, +X damage, +X lbs max encumbrance, X-in-6 minor tests, X-in-6 major tests
Dexterity | | +X surprise bonus, +X missile bonus to hit, -X armor class
Constitution | | +X hit points per die, X% survive resurrection & raise dead, X% survive system shock (minor test)
Intelligence | | +X additional languages
Wisdom | | -X mental saving throw bonus
Charisma | | X maximum henchmen, X% loyalty bonus, X% reaction bonus |
Base movement: | Encumbrance: | Current movement: |
Light load (): | Medium load (): | Heavy load (): | Encumbered (): |
Thief skills |
Climb walls: | Find traps:
Hear noise: | Hide in shadows:
Move quietly: | Open locks:
Pick pockets: | Read languages: |
Item | Weight | Quantity | Note | | Money
| | | | | Platinum:
| | | | | Gold:
| | | | | Electrum:
| | | | | Silver:
| | | | | Copper:
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | | |
[table][b]Race:[/b] [_=]|[b]Class:[/b] [_=]|||[f=right][b]Languages[/b][/f]
[b]Alignment:[/b] [_=]|[b]Levels:[/b] [_=]||[f=right][_=][/f]|[f=right][_=][/f]
[b]Deity:[/b] [_=]|[b]Experience (adjustment:[/b] [_=][b]):[/b] [_=]||[f=right][_=][/f]|[f=right][_=][/f]
[b]Gender:[/b] [_=]|[b]Height:[/b] [_=]||[f=right][_=][/f]|[f=right][_=][/f]
[b]Age:[/b] [_=]|[b]Weight:[/b] [_=]||[f=right][_=][/f]|[f=right][_=][/f]
[linebreak][table=][b]Base THAC0:[/b] [_thac0=20]|[b]AC hit:[/b] [_$=thac0]-(1d20+bonuses)|[f=right][b]Armor class:[/b] [_=][/f]|[f=right][b]Hit points:[/b] [_=] / [_=][/f]
Attack with [_=]: [_=]|Range: [_=]|[f=right]Saving throw vs. aimed magic item: [_=][/f]
Damage: [_=]|Rate: [_=]|[f=right]Saving throw vs. breath weapon: [_=][/f]
||[f=right]Saving throw vs. death, paralysis & poison: [_=][/f]
Attack with [_=]: [_=]|Range: [_=]|[f=right]Saving throw vs. petrification & polymorph: [_=][/f]
Damage: [_=]|Rate: [_=]|[f=right]Saving throw vs. spells for unlisted categories: [_=][/f][/table]
Strength|[_=]|[_=+X to hit, +X damage, +X lbs max encumbrance, X-in-6 minor tests, X-in-6 major tests]
Dexterity|[_=]|[_=+X surprise bonus, +X missile bonus to hit, -X armor class]
Constitution|[_=]|[_=+X hit points per die, X% survive resurrection & raise dead, X% survive system shock (minor test)]
Intelligence|[_=]|[_=+X additional languages]
Wisdom|[_=]|[_=-X mental saving throw bonus]
Charisma|[_=]|[_=X maximum henchmen, X% loyalty bonus, X% reaction bonus][/table]
[table][b]Base movement:[/b] [_=]|[b]Encumbrance:[/b] [_=]|[b]Current movement:[/b] [_=]|
Light load ([_=]): [_=]|Medium load ([_=]): [_=]|Heavy load ([_=]): [_=]|Encumbered ([_=]): [_=][/table]
[table][b]Thief skills[/b]|
Climb walls: [_=]|Find traps: [_=]
Hear noise: [_=]|Hide in shadows: [_=]
Move quietly: [_=]|Open locks: [_=]
Pick pockets: [_=]|Read languages: [_=][/table]
[_=]|[_=]|[_=]|[_=]||[f=right]Platinum: [_=][/f]
[_=]|[_=]|[_=]|[_=]||[f=right]Gold: [_=][/f]
[_=]|[_=]|[_=]|[_=]||[f=right]Electrum: [_=][/f]
[_=]|[_=]|[_=]|[_=]||[f=right]Silver: [_=][/f]
[_=]|[_=]|[_=]|[_=]||[f=right]Copper: [_=][/f]