Sep 8, 2024 9:33 am
The Halls of Arden Vul lie within a massive rock plateau that looms over the valley of the Swift River. From the top of the plateau, the Swift River drops 1,500’ to the valley floor in an enormous waterfall.
The Long Falls are visible on a clear day from many miles away on the verdant and temperate valley floor, appearing as a thin stream of white against the grey and green of the cliff face. They are audible from three miles away as a dull buzzing sound in the distance. At two miles it becomes a sustained white noise, as loud as a person speaking. At one mile a white cloud of mist and moisture, roughly 200 yards in diameter, becomes evident, and the sound is loud enough to impede conversation. Beneath the falls conversation is almost impossible, and the sound is as loud as a freight train among the smell of the damp, mould, and mildew.
As one closes towards the falls, about a mile away, the Colossal Defenders become apparent. The one representing Arden is placed just to the right of the falls, on the east side of the river. The other, representing Vul, stands another 400 yards further to the east. The figures are carved out of the rock face and extend a good 1,000-1,100’ up the cliff face.
The Colossus of Arden is an enormous crouching warrior woman, helmed, with her right hand gripping a sword blade down. The left hand is extended outward, palm up; the palm is only about 100’ above the valley floor.
The Colossus of Vul is altogether different: slender, cowled, arms folded across its chest, with a stone staff in the crook of the left arm. It always appears to be looking at those who glance at it.
You are currently standing in front of the cliff face, to the east of the falls, having approached along the old Imperial Road from the town of Gosterwick to the south. Below is a picture of what you can see. I have also added a map of your surroundings to the "Maps" thread. Rather than bombarding you with a mass of information in this first post, have a look at these two images and ask if you’d like further details or explanation of anything you can see.
There is one additional feature that isn’t shown in either the picture or the map - a bridge spanning the river to the south of the pool at the foot of the waterfall.

Lore (common knowledge): Arden the Swordswoman was one of the Twenty Worthies of the ancient Archontean Empire, and the companion and lover of Vul the Sorcerer. With Vul, she founded the city that bears her name. She is famous for her Twelve Labours, which have become a ubiquitous part of Archontean culture.
Vul the Sorcerer was one of the Twenty Worthies of the ancient Archontean Empire. Along with his companion and lover, Arden, Vul located the hidden caverns below the plateau and founded the site that bears his (and Arden’s) name.
Noon, Demmasday 1st Lucreon (April) 2993 AEP
Ellagel, Elven Fighter/Magic User 1/1: 6/6, 60’
Grimidek, Dwarven Cleric 1: 9/9, 60’
Jacky, Halfling Fighter/Thief 1/1: 6/6, 60’
Thrudmarr, Wiskin Fighter 1: 5/5, 90’
Vasco, Thorcin Thief 1: 6/6, 120’
Zacharias, Archontean Fighter 1: 10/10, 60’
Billie, Mule, 120’
The Long Falls are visible on a clear day from many miles away on the verdant and temperate valley floor, appearing as a thin stream of white against the grey and green of the cliff face. They are audible from three miles away as a dull buzzing sound in the distance. At two miles it becomes a sustained white noise, as loud as a person speaking. At one mile a white cloud of mist and moisture, roughly 200 yards in diameter, becomes evident, and the sound is loud enough to impede conversation. Beneath the falls conversation is almost impossible, and the sound is as loud as a freight train among the smell of the damp, mould, and mildew.
As one closes towards the falls, about a mile away, the Colossal Defenders become apparent. The one representing Arden is placed just to the right of the falls, on the east side of the river. The other, representing Vul, stands another 400 yards further to the east. The figures are carved out of the rock face and extend a good 1,000-1,100’ up the cliff face.
The Colossus of Arden is an enormous crouching warrior woman, helmed, with her right hand gripping a sword blade down. The left hand is extended outward, palm up; the palm is only about 100’ above the valley floor.
The Colossus of Vul is altogether different: slender, cowled, arms folded across its chest, with a stone staff in the crook of the left arm. It always appears to be looking at those who glance at it.
You are currently standing in front of the cliff face, to the east of the falls, having approached along the old Imperial Road from the town of Gosterwick to the south. Below is a picture of what you can see. I have also added a map of your surroundings to the "Maps" thread. Rather than bombarding you with a mass of information in this first post, have a look at these two images and ask if you’d like further details or explanation of anything you can see.
There is one additional feature that isn’t shown in either the picture or the map - a bridge spanning the river to the south of the pool at the foot of the waterfall.

Lore (common knowledge): Arden the Swordswoman was one of the Twenty Worthies of the ancient Archontean Empire, and the companion and lover of Vul the Sorcerer. With Vul, she founded the city that bears her name. She is famous for her Twelve Labours, which have become a ubiquitous part of Archontean culture.
Vul the Sorcerer was one of the Twenty Worthies of the ancient Archontean Empire. Along with his companion and lover, Arden, Vul located the hidden caverns below the plateau and founded the site that bears his (and Arden’s) name.
Noon, Demmasday 1st Lucreon (April) 2993 AEP
Ellagel, Elven Fighter/Magic User 1/1: 6/6, 60’
Grimidek, Dwarven Cleric 1: 9/9, 60’
Jacky, Halfling Fighter/Thief 1/1: 6/6, 60’
Thrudmarr, Wiskin Fighter 1: 5/5, 90’
Vasco, Thorcin Thief 1: 6/6, 120’
Zacharias, Archontean Fighter 1: 10/10, 60’
Billie, Mule, 120’