Chapter 2 - Set, The City of Gods

Sep 15, 2024 1:10 pm

You set sail on the ship Uncommon Courage the following morning. The one-eyed halfling captain, whose name you learn is Touthan Roaves, runs a crew of twenty and ferries almost the same amount of passengers, mostly folks on pilgrimage. The journey takes three days is mostly uneventful. Mostly. On the second night, just before dawn, a few dozen miles from Set, the ocean is aglow with a green radiance deep beneath the waters. It causes a commotion among the sailors who mutter oaths and speculate on its origin. Most take it as an unfortunate omen and make signs to ward off evil. Some even swear to have seen a dark shape as long as the ship pass below, momentarily blotting out a large portion of the glow. But after a few moments the ship has moved passed and is in dark waters once more.

The city of Set is within sight a few hours after dawn of the third morning. The entire city is surrounded by walls which also divide the city into districts. A few sights soar above the walls: several towers in the north of white, black, and red; four large manor houses or temples in the west; and a large square structure of bricks just north of the docks. The docks district itself is not very large but has several notable features among its many long, low warehouses. A grey stone keep sits high on a hill overlooking the bay in the eat. The west side houses a temple of dark grey brick with red mortar that gives off a sinister air. And the most noticeable to anyone approaching is the large pitch black galleon. Everything, from wood to sails to rope, is pitch black and looks as new as if it were just completed yesterday. Even the waters around the ship is free of the seaweed that chokes the rest of the bay. Not even a single white smear of bird droppings mars it.

Captain Roaves stands on deck, one foot on the railing, smoking a pipe as his ship sails into the docks.

Sep 16, 2024 12:50 pm
The Halfling knew better than to harangue the weary dwarf. For that, the dwarf gives him a nod and murmurs:

"Aye, a fine job!" as he shimmies off the ship and disembarks.

Hargrac’s stomach lurches as the dwarf makes landfall. His knees almost buckle underneath him, as he gets his ground-legs back!

"I don’t care how we do it, but we’re traveling in luxury when we leave this place. My arse is still sore from that horse and now my legs have gone funny." he complains, massaging solidity back into his stocky legs.
Sep 16, 2024 2:23 pm
Theodore has taken to life at sea, and tried to pick up some of the trade. Maybe get a ship's ticket and work his way to their next destination should the need to save some coin be needed.

"Should we look into obtaining a horse and carriage?" he asks Hargrac. "Never stolen a horse before. About time they got a reason to update my wanted posters."
Sep 16, 2024 3:19 pm
Mortemiar stood on the deck eying the harbour and the city. Set, the magnificent place where you are given the freedom to choose whatever higher power you believe in. Well whatever everyone thinks, death was a certainty, a finality that you cannot escape. Then again there are foul corrupting magic to prolong the undeath, a blasphemy to the sacred cycle charted by Father Death himself. He was sent here to visit the temples and check on his superior solemn brothers and sisters. Every city have cemeteries that needed proper maintenance and vigil. Beside he was still an acolyte in who has just completed his training. He needed more knowledge and perspective. Taking out and wearing his skullmask, Mortemiar paid the due to the ship captain and disembarked the ship hoping to explore the city and find the temples of Solemn Brotherhood.
Sep 17, 2024 2:10 am
Fingas snort-laughs at Theodore 's joke, but turns the conversation to what their real purpose here is. "The prophecy says we have to find an aqueous God with a profaned altar. I have a feeling it will reveal itself to us, bloodily, before long. Also, we might have to be on the watch for sea creatures rising up. Let's ask around, shall we? After a good stiff drink."
Sep 17, 2024 12:32 pm
The halfling captains blows a smoke ring as everyone disembarks. As soon as you touch land he calls out, "Best hire yourselves an unspoken for a guide. There are so many gods, sacred temples, hell even sacred lampposts, you'll likely offend a dozen faiths before you've walked three blocks. Only those in the escort of an unspoken will get you anywhere unmolested."
Sep 17, 2024 2:34 pm
Mortemiar turned to the group as he heard the word 'god' while they were talking. They were probably group of pilgrims that has come to Set. He proceeded and politely asked, "Pardon my intrusion, I heard you were talking about god. Are you perhaps on pilgrimage here like everyone else? I am also looking for my religious brothers. Maybe we can make to the city together?"
Sep 18, 2024 8:18 am
"Well, as long as you pay for your share of the guide," Theodore says. "The more the merrier."
Sep 18, 2024 11:41 am
"An Unspoken…" Hargrac considers, turning the thing over in his mind. He’d never met a manling that didn’t love the sound of his own voice. One that didn’t speak all that much, if at all, sounded alright to the sea-weary dwarf!

Hargrac squints up at the new arrival, trying to get a feel for what lay beneath the mask. He hadn’t taken much note of anyone else on the ship. Looking down at the planks had done something to steady his stomach. Not much, mind… but something.

"Pardon the intrusion…" Hargrac says, with a grunting laugh. "A soft spoken manling! Aye, aye! Lead on!" he says, laughing some more.

Just what they needed to sand off the rough edges of this group…
Sep 19, 2024 4:55 am
Scatteted around the docks are a few dozen men and women of all ages dressed in black robes festooned with all manner of pins, badges, ribbons, and fetishes. You recognize symbols for Astrid, Father Death, the Seer, and many more. You also see an equal number you don't recognize at all, most likely very small cults and gods who haven't been worshipped in centuries outside of this city. Many of these people lead small groups of two to five people like a tour guide, others wander freely and approach people offering their services. These are clearly the unspoken. At least three are nearby your ship's dock.
Sep 19, 2024 9:20 am
"Alright, manling! You’re up! Put those soft words to good use and get us a decent price!" Hargrac requests of the newcomer!
Sep 19, 2024 11:45 am
Mortemiar looked at the dwarf wondering if this was some sort of test. His eyebrows furrowed but within the skull mask it was probably not visible. He looked around the group of odd devotes and chose one who was clearly a follower of Father Death. This would make his life easier as it was 'knock two birds with one stone' kind of deal. He approached one devotee and said, "Greetings Solemn initiate. I am brother Mortemiar Holmes from the Solemn Brotherhood. May Father Death watch over your soul and guide you through death. May our vigil be strong lest some lose their ways in their path through the eternal cycle. May our fealty to Him give us sight to correct the cycle from the perils of blasphemous. I and some of my associate has just arrived in the City of Gods. Can you guide us through this city as neither I nor them has set foot on this city before."

The words were spoken with a distinct confidence as being a member of the Solemn Brotherhood, he expected this as a customary service that he was entitled to. But he added a smile to emphasize that he wanted his associates to be treated in the same way. Though, he had no idea how the Brotherhood operated in Set, he waited to see the outcome.
Sep 20, 2024 1:11 am
The unspoken whom Mortemier approached looks androgynous but chuckles in a feminine voice. "I thank you for the blessing, but I am not a member of your order. Or any order. We unspoken are, by law, unspoken for by any gods or goddesses. We are neutral guides through the city. We may not enter the temples of any faith, but in compensation we may traverse the city without harassment or causing actionable offense to any faith. Our services are hired by the day for a flat fee of seven silver shillings, non-negtionable. Would you like my services?"
Sep 20, 2024 1:26 am
Are they all going to be so talkative?… Hargrac thought to himself.

When he hears mention of the price being non-negotiable, he grunts to those not conducting business:

"They all say that! Let’s see if this lad can haggle!"
Sep 20, 2024 2:06 am
Fingas tried to stay hidden in the back. This is a task for the tall folk to handle. He knows how poorly his kind is treated.
Sep 20, 2024 5:40 am
Mortemiar raised his eyebrows when he heard about the hefty price, "Well, I wasn't aware that touring the city with the unspoken was such a costly affair. After just completing such a voyage, I find myself lacking with funds to procure your service. You have every right to decline me as you just said that the price is non-negotiable, but hear me out. Death is a silent touch of fate, uncaring and uncompromising. You see, my order is solely responsible for helping with the funerary process of one's demise. I cannot offer you a price, but I will assure you that in our order, should you require any aid, baring any outrageous demand, it would be provided to you. I will personally handle it with the higher clergy when the time comes. Won't that be an amicable compensation for showing us around the city? Surely, you can make one exception?"
I know it sound outrageous, but instead of paying, I want them to provide the service at free of cost in exchange of an exclusive service from Father Death temple. Beside, Mortemiar doesn't even have 7 silvers. I want to persuade this unspoken. Ahh! I am back with sweet sweet rolls. Oh! How I have missed rolling low in SotDL games!
Last edited September 20, 2024 5:41 am


Persuade roll - (1d20+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Sep 20, 2024 5:54 am
"Poor buggers probably get propositions like that five times a day!" Hargrac mutters to the others, shaking his head at the sorry bargaining at play.

He had expected the man to try for five gold, maybe four. To give the lad no gold for a day’s work wouldn’t be right! The dwarf clears his throat, trying to get their new companion’s attention.

He then goes about fishing some silver out of his own purse!
Last edited September 20, 2024 5:55 am
Sep 20, 2024 8:57 am
Stalker05 says:
I know it sound outrageous, but instead of paying, I want them to provide the service at free of cost in exchange of an exclusive service from Father Death temple. Beside, Mortemiar doesn't even have 7 silvers. I want to persuade this unspoken. Ahh! I am back with sweet sweet rolls. Oh! How I have missed rolling low in SotDL games!
Lol! It was a creative attempt. Sadly they are basically government employees and are literally legally bound to be neutral and may not accept any offers from any faith to remain neutral. Their fee is dictated by the government so it would be like trying to haggle down the cost of a passport. Don't worry, the others have plenty of money relatively speaking from their last adventure.
The unspoken coughs awkwardly. "It is a most generous offer but I am afraid we are legally forbidden from accepting anything except coin. Favors are seen as, well, favoritism potentially, and jeopardizes our neutrality. All faiths are equal in the marketplace of cold hard coins. I can understand if you lack the funds, it happens quite often that people must brave the city unescorted. But it seems your friend may be able to help you with payment...?" she says, looking at Hargrac fishing in a money pouch.
Sep 20, 2024 10:02 am
Theodore stands back in silence and considers a five finger discount of stealing back the money for Hargrac. He eventually decide not to, at least for the moment. It would be in bad taste should it be discovered.

Instead he walk over to the death priest. "I hope you have the funds to pay us back your share. I'm hoping I won't need your services for many years yet."
Sep 20, 2024 12:51 pm
Mortemiar nodded, "Ofcource; I thank you all for your generosity. I think I will be able to get you the money back once I get more accustomed with Set and the temples of our brotherhood. As for my services, I am not just only a mortician. So, there are otherways I can aid you if the need arise."
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