Sep 15, 2024 1:10 pm

You set sail on the ship Uncommon Courage the following morning. The one-eyed halfling captain, whose name you learn is Touthan Roaves, runs a crew of twenty and ferries almost the same amount of passengers, mostly folks on pilgrimage. The journey takes three days is mostly uneventful. Mostly. On the second night, just before dawn, a few dozen miles from Set, the ocean is aglow with a green radiance deep beneath the waters. It causes a commotion among the sailors who mutter oaths and speculate on its origin. Most take it as an unfortunate omen and make signs to ward off evil. Some even swear to have seen a dark shape as long as the ship pass below, momentarily blotting out a large portion of the glow. But after a few moments the ship has moved passed and is in dark waters once more.
The city of Set is within sight a few hours after dawn of the third morning. The entire city is surrounded by walls which also divide the city into districts. A few sights soar above the walls: several towers in the north of white, black, and red; four large manor houses or temples in the west; and a large square structure of bricks just north of the docks. The docks district itself is not very large but has several notable features among its many long, low warehouses. A grey stone keep sits high on a hill overlooking the bay in the eat. The west side houses a temple of dark grey brick with red mortar that gives off a sinister air. And the most noticeable to anyone approaching is the large pitch black galleon. Everything, from wood to sails to rope, is pitch black and looks as new as if it were just completed yesterday. Even the waters around the ship is free of the seaweed that chokes the rest of the bay. Not even a single white smear of bird droppings mars it.
Captain Roaves stands on deck, one foot on the railing, smoking a pipe as his ship sails into the docks.