DavidDezo says:
vicky_molokh says:
I want to play the reprogrammed terminator, so you probably get to pick my PC's 'name'. I was leaning towards picking a leaner, faster chassis (pilot/driver, agility, ranged weapons &c.), though maybe I should change that depending on who else wants to play what.
We have a pilot, a medic, a computer specialist and a soldier.
After some thinking about what we do and don't have, here are three directions I think I can go (approximately):
T-800 variant: 'Roughneck', S8A7W3E2, Heavy Machinery 2, Stamina 1, Close Combat 3, Ranged Combat 1, Comtech 1, Mobility 1, Observation 1. Resilient. The stereotypical big tough chassis in a biological outer shell. Very tanky, somewhat versatile, but not particularly good at anything except terminatory stuff.
T-799 variant: 'Kid', S7A8W3E2, Mobility 3, Survival 1, Observation 3, Ranged Combat 1, Comtech 1, Piloting/Drive 1. Either Beneath Notice or Dodge. More mobility- and physical-stealth-and-counterstealth-oriented, but not as fighty.
T-803 SAD variant: 'Marshal', S4A7W7E2, Observation 3, Ranged Combat 3, Manipulation 3, either Mobility or Comtech 1. Investigator. Seek-and-destroy model, weaker than the usual chassis, and meant to rely on ranged weapons to compensate. On the other hand, it has superior analytic capability and some manipulative capability, which were meant for infiltrating human camps, then finding and eliminating a specific and non-obvious target.
Thoughts on which of the roles are more likely to be relevant given the expected campaign style/genre/&c. and party composition?