Planet VI: Ice Planet

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Sep 29, 2024 5:09 pm
[ +- ] Details
You have landed almost entirely the shadow of the downed cruzer. Hulk of the ruined cruiser class ship is 360 meters long, over three times the length of the Odyssey and has multiple gaping holes from combat damage a that have long since been allowed the cold and ice of the planet to invade the interior. Scans reveal that some rooms may still be sealed but you will need to investigate. Some systems are still active on at lease emergency power and one of the hangers still holds a shuttle that may be salvageable.

There are signs that several of the caverns below the ship are not natural but most of the passages are open to the wind and ice and extremely weathered. Due to the extreme cold and composition of the planets atmosphere you will definitely need to stay in your suits. Krom's suit, due to being combat hardened, will be best able to function there long term but as long as you are not in a strong storm the others will suffice. The low gravity will make moving a bit difficult but you are all at least familiar with low and 0 G environments. There are some weights that can be add to the suit boots, belts, and harnesses to make movements easier but these are not necessary as long as you move carefully.
Sep 29, 2024 6:09 pm
"Whose up for spelunking?", Alandra says staring at the massive hull of the downed cruiser. It's gargantuan size looms large in her mind.

"Opportunity or disaster", she thinks and stands up from her chair.

"I'd like to be part of the landing party. Who knows if anyone survived this crash. Did we catch it's markings on the way down? Do you think it might be registered in our ships database? You know if it belongs to our fleet or not?", she asks everyone as she checks her medical kit.
Last edited September 29, 2024 6:10 pm
Sep 29, 2024 7:18 pm
"We may wish to interface with their systems to gather information about the cause of the crash and their cargo manifest."
How will the cold affect us machines?
Sep 29, 2024 7:26 pm
"Sure, we do need to investigate this ship to see if there is anyone we can help, and what can we salvage.
Does anyone wants to stay aboard?
The rest can form the landing party..."

If nobody wants to stay Stinger will, otherwise Stinger also goes to scout.

"No doctor, I don't recognise the ship. Anyone does?"
Last edited September 29, 2024 7:27 pm


Does Stinger recognise the ship, or it's flags? - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Sep 29, 2024 7:55 pm
Robots are resistant to thermal ranges beyond most organics. However this is not mentioned in the rules for holograms indicating their cores are more fragile. I think this is a slip and am revising Holograms to be more resilient. Both are still susceptible to damage and a slip and fall can still be fatal to both. You can walk and work without suits but may still with to equip gear to handle situations the environment may present.
The ship is not in your database, what you managed to recover, and though the markings are not known the ship does identify them as a known language. Though none of you can read the scripts any data enabled device will be able to assist with a rough translation without too much trouble.
Sep 30, 2024 5:27 pm
I'll stay on the Odyssey. Avro volunteers. Once you are suited up, check in so I can link your suits to the bridge, i can remotely record everything from the suits cameras for further analysis later on.. If the landing party splits up, I'll be able to track everyone. I'll also monitor the environmentals and watch your vital signs. I'll keep an eye on our sensors and an eye in the sky for those other ships.
Sep 30, 2024 8:07 pm
"That's great Avro, thanks!!
Please do run those ship marks and brands on the computer. It may recognise origen and language."

Then he check that the holographic emitters are running smoothly so any ship checking the ship will only see rock below the wreckage.
Finally, Stinger suits up and wait for the rest outside...
Sep 30, 2024 9:48 pm
HAL nods to Avro. "Then I will accompany the team that investigates the ship." HAL proceeds to find suitable footwear attachment to augment its traction, exploration tools that may prove necessary, a portable scanner, and its regular gear. Once suited up, HAL proceeds to the airlock to join the expedition.
Sep 30, 2024 9:50 pm
"Thanks Avro! Well, I'll get my suit on.", Alandra says and goes to put her E.V. suit on. A short time later, she enters the bridge.
"Ready when you are to make the link."
Oct 1, 2024 5:45 am
By comm, from outside the Odyssey...
"Sam, Krom, are you coming or staying in our ship?"
Oct 1, 2024 12:34 pm
The terrain outside is primarily flat but just around the ship the ice has been shattered and large chunks of it have been thrust up at odd angles. Fortunately the wind has worn down most of the jagged edges and snow and ice have built around the base of the pieces alowing for easier travel. However scans from the ship reviealed that not all the snow and ice you see in the jumble is solid underneath. The jumble of ice has created pockets that have been covered over byt the wind blown sleet oover time.
Oct 1, 2024 1:55 pm
The Ships scanners are getting a better image of the ice pack folks. There are some danger areas. Sending the safest route to the ship interior to your suit H.U.D.s...
Last edited October 1, 2024 1:55 pm
Oct 1, 2024 4:14 pm
"Good job Avro, I love good news!" Says Stinger as he opens Acro's route in his visor. Then he doublechecks his backpack, weapon and shield.

"If we are all ready, Let's get going!

About walking order for exploration... I think Krom should open and Stinger close the group as they are most equipped for melee combat. HAL please do navigation based on Avros route, and run handheld sensors. Alandra and Sam, please keep a look out for resources. If you agree, we can do the following walking order:
Krom, Hal, Alandra, Sam & Stinger
Oct 1, 2024 11:14 pm
"Yeah, let's get going.", Alandra says an extends her shock staff. A brief crackle of electricity dances on it's tip before discharging. She slams the staff onto the floor eccentuating her eargerness.
Oct 2, 2024 2:44 am
@Viking1031 / "Sam" Samantha Delecort is still active, just not here, while @Kaneda_Shepard / Krom Horden is idle for over 2 weeks. Someone else can direct him as this kind of action seems right up his ally. I will reach out and if I don't hear back this week we will open for another player. Sam and Hall can catchup if they wants and we will assume they were always there.
Grabbing packs with supplies, including portable power cells to activate systems as needed you set out. Krom leads the way followed by the others with Alandra in the middle and Stinger bringing up the rear. You make you way across the short stretch to the other ship. With Avro relaying information from the sensors you avoid any major pitfalls and reach the hull of the ship. The ice has entirely encased the lower section of the ship. Likely the impact melted large amounts of the snow and ice then as the ship cooled it froze to the ship. Moving around the bulk of the ship you spot a hanger dozens of feet up the curved side of the ship and another docking bay further forwards and only half the distance up. Both systems often have manual overrides but as you move to get a better look you are slightly surprised to note that the docking port is partially open but most of the opening is now filled with ice or snow.
Oct 2, 2024 10:27 pm
"The docking bay doesn't look like an easier climb, but something is making me suspicious of it. Avro, do you see anything untoward through our suit cameras?"
Who wants to run Krom?
Oct 3, 2024 10:25 am
Let me see...


perceptive, noticing anything out of the ordinary - (3d6)

(325) = 10

Oct 3, 2024 1:31 pm
Scanning the area and ship reveals nothing new or unexpected. No life signs or active systems save those on the ship that persist from the crash. Localizing the scan Avro determines that the ship still has an active power core which is promoting low level power to various circuits but move of them are active at this time.
Oct 6, 2024 9:30 am
Stinger looks for a suitable piece of metal from the ship's hull in which to throw his knotted 50ft cord. He wishes to use it to climb to get to the docking port opening.


Getting the cord in place for climbing - (2d6h1)

(66) = 6

Oct 6, 2024 2:46 pm
It makes sense the ship would have some gear above/beyond basics so ... when you hit situations and roll good enough I may add gear "from the ship store" to the story. Nothing supper exotic but anything small enough and that currently exists would not be that far fetched to be common in the future
Having prepared for the rugged terrain Stinger uses the cable caster with a magnetic tip and secures the attached rope to a clear section.
Oct 6, 2024 3:49 pm
Alandra tests the rope with her hand and nods to Stinger with approval. "Nice and sturdy, Stinger."

She hooks her shock staff onto her back and then starts to climb.


Climbing - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Oct 6, 2024 4:50 pm
With the rope secured to the side of the opening, Alandra makes it to the lip of the door and peers inside. The interior is dark with red emergency lighting strip where walls meet floor and ceiling dimly illuminating the are within. The inner hatch is also open and small snow drifts have accumulated within the airlock area. Unable to see anything else she deftly climbs into the small chamber and peers past the 2nd door and sees an empty hallway, similarly light by the dull red glow that barely makes it better than pitch black. The local terminal in the airlock is dead as are all door controls.
Assume poor visibility without another light source or enhanced vision but a good range for vague outlines, especially if anything breaks like of sight with a light strip.
Oct 6, 2024 5:30 pm
Stinger can't believe his luck!!
Stinger secures the cord, and let's everyone climb, closing the formation. Then, once inside, turns on his flashlight and checks what is around.
Oct 6, 2024 6:14 pm
HAL climbs up the rope to the hatch, following Alandra. Once inside, HAL checks the terminal in the airlock and notes that it isn't functional. With its dark vision, HAL looks around for anything of interest that might help the boarding party while the rest of the group climbs into the ship.
Last edited October 6, 2024 6:22 pm


Climbing roll with focus - (2d6)

(25) = 7

Searching (assuming there's something to find) - (2d6)

(25) = 7

Oct 7, 2024 12:29 am
The pair easily reach the portal and climb in. HAL notes there are signs of wear on some of the surfaces of the panels and door. They could be tool marks from repairs but . . . it could also be from someone forcing access to the electronics behind them. Other than that there is little of note here and you will need to delve deeper into the ship to learn more.
Oct 7, 2024 5:17 am
With all the team inside the ship, and the attentive help of Acro from the Odyssey, we start to look for resources we can salvage.
Stinger let's HAL take the lead on checking (sensors?) every room while he, taking advantage from his pilot experience, starts to map the ship while they explore it.
"Alright, we are in! Let's do this right, check for anything of value, and let's get out as soon as possible."

And then signals Krom to lead us out of the deck.
Last edited October 7, 2024 2:20 pm
Oct 7, 2024 12:46 pm
Turning on your suit lights you begin moving into the ship. The first thing you notice is that the snow blown into this hallway shows signs of traffic, wiht a path being trod into it in the middle compressed, but fresh snow covering it indicates it is not recent though you would need to examine or scan it for a guess on when this happened. You quickly come to a T intersection with what looks to be a main coidor heading forewards towards where the drridge is likely to be and aft to the engines. So far the ship seems to follow the standard layout.

The few rooms you pass and look into, most being closed and accessed with simple magnetic clamps and retractors, are a basic mix of storage and crew quartes. This section of the ship appears free of combat damage but there are signs in the rooms, itmes knocked about littering the floor etc, that whatever hit them must have shooken the ship seriously or the inertial dampeners were failing when they crashed. The trail in the corridor indicates that there were either survivors or someone visited the wrecage afterwards often enough to compress the snow. Deeper into the ship past the first intersection the snow has thinned though a thin layer of ice still coats most surfaces.
Frwards, towards the expected bridge, or aft to engineering and/or the shutle? Both directions will likely have access to other ship systems, storage, weapons, life support, but until you get a better scans or an idea of the ship make/model you are uncertain
Oct 7, 2024 3:40 pm
"Let's head to the bridge, if there are survivors we should be able to locate them from there.
More importantly , let's NOT divide the team."
Oct 7, 2024 5:56 pm
"A prudent decision. Perhaps, there will be functioning, or repairable, systems."
Oct 7, 2024 7:32 pm
Guys, this is a strictly OOC question... I don't usually play captain or team leader, I'm used to team discussed decisions... but since you named Stinger leader I've been doing what I can to play the part. But... is everyone comfortable/happy with the way Stinger has been acting? How do you feel about him continuing to act as lately?

I'm asking, because this is a game, and we should all enjoy it together... so far nobody has really commented on Stinger's captain-ing style... And I'd actually appreciate honest and direct comments! So as to change it, continue it, or decide something else together.

As a player here, I don't have a preference to be a leader or not, I don't mind doing it, but I would definitely thank your comments.
Oct 7, 2024 10:10 pm
I'm used to team discussed decisions as well. In this situation, I think it helps to have a leader and I'm happy to have Stinger be the leader. I'd say continue on. You're taking into account character concerns of the characters and situation.
"I agree. If we can get some systems running, we may be able to find a map. Let's be careful though. Those tracks look old, but they are fresh enough that they aren't completely covered. We might be able to access the security system. It would be good to give Avro eyes more eyes on us.", Alandra says as she looks at the tracks.
Oct 7, 2024 11:34 pm
I'm with micro on this. You're doing fine. A good leader listens to the advice offered and concerns raised by those he/she leads and makes decisions based on that.
Oct 8, 2024 12:18 am
Everything good on my end. We are a crew and even with a hierarchy we feel free to offer opinion. I think it helpmoves things forward and I might present some interesting role playing opportunities. Also, I think I was the one who suggested an acting captain lol, so would be weird for me to rename now. Thanks for checking in though. That is appreciated.
Last edited October 8, 2024 12:19 am
Oct 8, 2024 3:18 am
You make your way forwards and soon discover that the chance of their being survivor, at some point in time, is quite high. As you advance down the corridors you find almost all the doors are shut but not locked. There are a few that are locked and it would take time to open each of them so you continue on. Then you come to the first door taped shut. A quick scan by Avro determines that the area beyond that door is open to the planets environment and much of the structure is ruined making accessing it dangerous. With this in mind you continue making your way until you come to a section that is taped but not sealed. Opening it reveals the command bridge.

The damage is extensive but not complete. The lack of an bodies again hints at survivors or everyone escaping before impact. Either way you start looking over the systems for anything that is functional or easily fixed or accessed.

Give me a list of search criteria, priorities, time frame you want to spend, and other activities. Include rolls on actions
Oct 8, 2024 7:52 am
I appreciate the trust! Feel free to speak up anytime.
"So this is the bridge. Let's search for any information on resources within the ship, on possible survivors and on ship's tech we could harvest to our ship. Please Sam, take care of the tech part. The rest is free to choose.
Remember my security background allows me to open locked doors or cabinets. So if you discover something locked, call me and I'll give it a shot."

We are not in any hurry... Stinger looks for a map of the ship for a while, then starts looking for signs of survivors for which he asks Avro for help.


Looking for a ship's map - (2d6h1)

(66) = 6

Looking for survivors - (2d6h1)

(43) = 4

Oct 8, 2024 5:52 pm
"I will endeavor to access the ship's internal sensors."
This assumes that they're even functional. If not, just ignore.
Last edited October 8, 2024 5:53 pm


HAL3000: Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Re-roll failed sensor system test - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Oct 8, 2024 7:05 pm
"I wonder if we can access the crash report, and if the med bay is still functional.", Alandra says sitting at a console.


Accessing crash report - (2D6)

(55) = 10

Is med bay functional? - (2D6)

(35) = 8

Oct 9, 2024 12:10 am
You begin examinging systems and soon find several terminals that though they are damaged are still functional. Connecting your portable generator you power on just the terminal interfaces and gt to work.
Stinger is quite excited to find nearly compete navigation logs and star charts and sets up a data dump with Avro after scanning all data for any malicious code.
HAL gets acces to internal systems but finds they are all dead. Though he is unable to access any current sensors without getting to engineering to push power throughout the ship to activate them, he is able to access some logs. Unfortunately the ship, like the Odessey, does not have extensive internal sensors so most of wht you have is at security points, including th bridge, engineering, and the docking ports up to the point of the crash which disabled the sensors, or power to them.
Alandra is able to get basic access to ships logs, the rest are encrypted beyond a few moments trouble, and is able to determine that the ship did indead crash after a fight. The enemy was a carrier class ship with multiple strrike ships. The fight drove them to this planet where the gravity pulled the ship down.
Unfortunatley is seems that this ship is one of those designed to be partitioned so that few systems can diretly interact, an old anti AI protocol often used by ships from those that fear or distruct synthetics or with high security concrns. This means that to acess any medical records you will need to find and access the medical bay directly. Fortunatley you are able to get a ships layout and locate where you need to go.

Let me know any other details you are intersted in.
Oct 9, 2024 12:10 pm
That's great! Lots of info.
Can we have a draft on the ship's layout?
Stinger would like to walk each room from bridge to engines... but maybe they could go to engineering first to secure some low level energy, to make the best of the visit without alerting any ship in space. He would want to look at that layout before planning the visit though.
Oct 9, 2024 2:27 pm
Avro continues to monitor the area and track the away party’s suit cameras and systems. They offer the following advice: Team, a word of caution on activating power and systems. Right now there is no evidence of the pirates or the salvage ships, but a sudden spike of power from an ice planet might light up their sensors like drag race starter lights. Mean time, I’ll focus the odyssey’s sensors on life signs.


Focus, calibrate sensors for life signs - (3d6)

(454) = 13

Oct 9, 2024 4:46 pm
"Perhaps we will be able to generate minimal power that would be too faint to detect at distance. The alternative would be to proceed to high priority targets such as the medical bay, cargo hold, and armory to determine if there is any salvage that we can use."
Oct 9, 2024 5:26 pm
[ +- ] Basic ship sections
Sam gets to work looking for any compatible components and stripping them form the ship for use on the Odyssey and points out that the ship suffered catastrophic damage from the attacks and crash. All signs show that power was lost or shut down when it crashed. Signs indicate people have been here at some point but the power was not restored. Avro may have a point that that restoring power might light up the ship, just not from simply activating systems but any unforeseen consequence of existing damage. We can check for fuel and I can try powering specific systems if needed but we are likely safer using the generator for now.
Oct 9, 2024 5:54 pm
"Ok, let's continue then with our own power supply."

Do we find anything else useful in the Bridge?


Additional Search - (2d6h1)

(53) = 5

Oct 9, 2024 10:39 pm
Can someone check the navigation station and try to download the astrogation maps? That may speed up our repair on our corrupt systems.
Oct 9, 2024 11:19 pm
"Thanks Avro, we'll use caution. Hopefully we didn't make too big of a splash. I have some news on the fate of this ship. They went down in a firefight. A big ship hit them, carrior class. There's an old A.I blocking me from accessing the medical logs. We'll have to go to the med bay to find them. What do you all want to do? If we go to the med bay we may be able to find supplies, but those foot prints...There has to be survivors. Should we look for them?"
Oct 10, 2024 5:41 am
"I've already got all maps and nav logs." And he sends them to Avro through the Comms for analysis.
"I'm aware doctor, just let me a moment to finish this additional search please. We can go to Medway afterwards.
I believe that, if there are survivors here, we will run into them just by checking the rooms in order without being sneaky. Or they will find us.
If we finish searching the ship and they haven't appear yet, we could always search for them specifically."
Oct 10, 2024 1:08 pm
Other than the components Sam is collecting for spare parts and the mostly intact navigation charts there is nothing useful to be found in the room. You are able to determine that the ships communications systems has been entirely ruined and sam doubs she will be able to get much of use from it anywhere on the ship.
[ +- ] Basic ship sections

Where to next
Oct 10, 2024 1:12 pm
Remembering Alandra's strong curiosity on the ships Medbay...
"OK, we've got maps, nav logs and spare parts from the bridge. Let's go to the Medbay."
We get in travelling formation and walk to the Medbay.
Oct 10, 2024 10:33 pm
Alandra waits for Stinger to finish and then responds, "Great, the Med Bay it is. Hey look at that. According to your map the armory is on the way. Is everyone ready?", Alandra says gripping her staff.
Alandra will follow whoever leads us further into the ship."
Oct 11, 2024 3:56 pm
The trip to the medbay will take you back through the ship, past the armory and a storage bay. Depending on which way you go (there are 2 main corridors that divide the ship into 3 sections) either an empty shuttle bay or cargo hold. Glancing in you see the armory is partially looted, with many of the weapons missing or damaged. The lockers show signs of forced entry, and several weapons have been disassembled with damaged looking pieces scattered around the room. A few weapons, pieces of armor, crates, and cases remain, though they are covered in frost.
Basic ship layout says:
1. B1 Shuttle 4. Quarters 7. B3 Cargo
0. Bridge2. Armory 5. Comms 8. Medbay/Lab 10. Engineering
3. B2 Cargo 6. Mess 9. B4 Shuttle
Oct 11, 2024 4:45 pm
Thanks for the layout!
You are right doctor, let's check the armoury first. Stinger remains at the door of the armoury to protect the team, while the rest can search for anything useful.
Krom, with his weapon knowledge would search for weapons and protection, but also for pieces and parts that could ensamble completé items. Also for ammo.
Since Krom has no player now, if it's ok with everyone, I'll roll his search.


Kroms search - (3d6h1)

(221) = 2

Oct 11, 2024 5:55 pm
Not if you're going to roll like that! JK ;)
Oct 11, 2024 9:29 pm
I was just kidding! = JK and I winked! Don't sweat it.
Oct 11, 2024 10:32 pm
you find a couple laser rifles that are at least not in pieces but given the environment no one wants to be the one to plug power cells into them. There are several grenades frozen solid that may work once thawed, carefully and possibly remotely. There are also multiple discarded armor pieces but they are for humanoid use so Stinger has no use of them. Any of the others may be able to wear the one decent vest, with a bit of adjustment or tailoring.
Oct 11, 2024 10:49 pm
"That's a pretty good piece of armor, we should take it. Maybe Avro can use it. It looks a little big for me.", Alandra says. Then consults Stinger's map, "Looks like comms are next. I'll grab some of these frozen grenades. Who knows, they may work after they thaw., Alandra grabs the grenades and exits the room.
Thanks for the map! Cathamber, you can roll for Krom. How many grenades did we get?
Oct 11, 2024 11:48 pm
you find 5 grenades, 2 laser rifles, 6 depleted power cells, 1 armor vest, and scraps of armor and weapons that might be salvaged for more with time and effort.
Oct 12, 2024 6:56 am
We take it all, and continue to Comms room.
Even the armour and weapon pieces because back in the Odyssey Sam may try to put them together. Stinger is putting all in his backpack for carrying.
Yes, maybe Avro could use it. But we are not sure this ship is free of risks, and Krom is walking first in our formation... I think he should wear it for now.
I can't see Krom's character sheet, I don't know if he already has a better armour. If he does, the armour could be used by whomever got the least effective one at this time.
Last edited October 12, 2024 8:23 am
Oct 12, 2024 1:55 pm
While monitoring the the away party, Avro starts to load the astrogation charts from the wrecked ships and get the ship AI to start overlapping our corrupt data with the charts recovered to see if they can get a fully functioning Navigation system.


Merging the star charts - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Oct 12, 2024 4:10 pm
Kroms sheet got put into the character creation thread at the end but more has been added with the newcomer. I will add a link for both him and sam into the ship sheet under the crew sheet
Moving back down the ship you come to the open gap in the ship and confirm that the section taken out was one of the ships bays (B1). The shuttle Bay has been ripped open by fierce weapons damage. It appears as if focused laser fire exposed the base for a follow up missile which delivered a shaped charge gutting this room and cutting deep into the ships interior. The room is completely open to the icy atmosphere, making it treacherous to navigate. Snow has piled up inside, covering the wreckage of the shuttle. The freezing winds howl through this section, making any exploration dangerous.

Peering into the space and looking at the ship layout you downloaded you determine you can either try to navigate the rough and ripped metal through the missing hall to an opening that should lead to the comms room or circle around to access it from the other side. Choosing the saver path you backtrack to the bridge then around the other corridor. On the way to the comms room you glance into the other bay and see the bay doubles as a cargo hold, with rows of large crates and containers tumbled around the room. Some of the cargo is intact, though most have been opened and frost covers everything.

Continuing your search of the ship you force the comms room door open. This room is heavily damaged, with the a section of far wall blown away. The room is completely open to the icy atmosphere, making it treacherous to navigate. Snow has piled up inside, covering the wreckage of the shuttle. The freezing winds howl through this section, making any exploration dangerous. Most of the terminals you can see have destroyed interfaces which will required a more manual approach to any data recovery.
Oct 12, 2024 5:08 pm
HAL proceeds into the room and attempts to physically remove any data modules.
Looks like HAL was unsuccessful.
Last edited October 12, 2024 5:09 pm


HAL3000: Test DC: 4 - Basic - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Oct 12, 2024 5:35 pm
On the initial check of the bay, Stinger searches the ' large crates and containers' there, before continuing to the Comms room.

Then, on the Comms room, he looks for something useful.
Sorry Psybermagi, I can't read the 'TSO Ship' tab again.


Checking the cargo - (2d6h1)

(46) = 6

Searching the Comms room - (2d6h1)

(11) = 1

Ice Ooze


Oct 12, 2024 6:20 pm
A quick search of the cargo containers reveals ruined supplies, due to exposure, broken tools, and raw materials useful in a working ship but not for survival. This includes drained power cells, a few hand and power tools for ship repair, a couple spare space suits, a few containers of universal circuit board. There is a variety of ruined good, including food pieces of equipment ripped apart with key components stripped and containers of ruined medical supplies.
fixed , again. likely to the the migration to the new system and I heard they had some issues with that so they may be playing with the settings while fixing the code?
Ice Ooze
As Hal moves into the room and finds a terminal to power up and interface with a slight sound alerts him to movements in the room. Turning he sees a pile of snow shift and begin to rise.

Everyone Roll Initiative for combat (about time, you guys are so careful, geeze :P )
[ +- ] Initiative
[ +- ] Combat


Ice Ooze Initiative - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Oct 12, 2024 8:15 pm
Preparing the Flame-thrower we just got from those crates ;p


Initiative - (2d6)

(63) = 9

Oct 12, 2024 9:19 pm
Internal sensors on alert, HAL's hidden weapon deploys.


Initiative - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Oct 13, 2024 5:13 pm
Alandra spikes her shock staff, the electricity at it's end crackles a brilliant blue.
It was bound to happen sometime, lol
Last edited October 13, 2024 5:14 pm


Initiative - (2d6)

(61) = 7

Oct 14, 2024 3:07 pm
Summary of initiative:
Stinger 9
Hal/Sam 8
Alandra 7
Krom 6

So, just to keep pace, and nobody did it before, I'll roll Krom and Sam initiatives.
Avro is on the Odyssey, but I guess could help us somehow. Probably should roll too.
Last edited October 14, 2024 3:09 pm


Krom - (2d6)

(24) = 6

Sam - (2d6)

(53) = 8

Oct 14, 2024 3:17 pm
unpiloted PC auto go last but I use team based initiative after the first round, and then only on surprise events, like now. So . . .l
Stinger and Hal can go first, then enemy, then everyone can go including Stinger and Hal again as well as SAM and KROM
Oct 14, 2024 5:17 pm
Stinger shoots first, asks.. later?
All in: 2 shots of his laser pistol aimed at the ice ooze.
So, ranged weapons in fantasy context (bows, crossbows) normally need 1 action to load and 1 to shoot. I'm guessing laser pistols are automatic weapons and there's no need to reload. If we do need to reload, please consider reloading and 1st shot.


First shot - (3d6h1)

(453) = 5

Second shot - (3d6h1)

(653) = 6

Oct 14, 2024 6:55 pm
Light and heavy ranged do not worry about ammo in combat but do require a test at the end of combat or be out of ammo. This is by character not weapon. So even if you have 2 hand pistols you roll 1 test and a fail indicates you need to go recharge it at the ship or somewhere. This is referred to as Cinematic Ammo
Oct 14, 2024 10:35 pm
@ForeverDED Hal is up
Oct 14, 2024 11:05 pm
Psybermagi says:
Light and heavy ranged do not worry about ammo in combat but do require a test at the end of combat or be out of ammo. This is by character not weapon. So even if you have 2 hand pistols you roll 1 test and a fail indicates you need to go recharge it at the ship or somewhere. This is referred to as Cinematic Ammo
Edit: I guess I'm out of ammo now
Last edited October 14, 2024 11:06 pm


Ammo test - (2d6)

(22) = 4

Oct 14, 2024 11:30 pm
nope, ammo check is after the end of combat
Oct 15, 2024 12:48 am
HAL fires two quick shots with his laser pistol.


HAL3000: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(62) = 8

HAL3000: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(13) = 4

Ice Ooze


Oct 15, 2024 2:56 am
Stinger sinks two shots into the creature and HAL follows up with another pair of blasts. Though both form HAL strike the creature one only glances off of the things smooth surface.

Ice Ooze
The creature moved strait for HAL as is to envelop the robot in its mass. HAL roll a test save vs being Grappled.
"On a successful hit, the enemy must roll a Save Test to avoid being grappled. Each round an enemy is grappled, it takes 2 damage. On its turn, a grappled foe can use an action to make a Save Test (or Strength Test) to break free."
[ +- ] Save Tests
A slam alerts you as two more of the creatures drop from the what you thought were ice formations on the lip of the torn ships skin above to land on the deck and shoot out shap ice javelins at Stinger. One of the ice javelin strikes Stinger for 1 damage

Parties turn for combat


Ice Ooze Evade - (1d6, 1d6, 1d6)

Ice Shards - (Stinger:2d6, Stinger:2d6)

Stinger:2d6 : (33) = 6

Stinger:2d6 : (26) = 8

Oct 15, 2024 9:50 am
Stinger, guessing that the first ooze should be low on life after the initial 3 hits, shots again against it.
Edit: :0
Last edited October 15, 2024 10:24 am


1st shot - (3d6h1)

(131) = 3

2nd Shot - (3d6h1)

(121) = 2

Oct 15, 2024 12:35 pm
Alandra spikes her charge staff and the light gets brighter. She swings it twice towards the icey mass.


Shock staff smack - (3d6)

(211) = 4

Shock staff smack - (3d6)

(651) = 12

Oct 15, 2024 12:38 pm
Sorry! I just looked at the sheet and Alandra has heavy melee. So she only attacks the thing once.
Last edited October 15, 2024 12:40 pm
Oct 15, 2024 12:39 pm
The mass around HAL stops moving
the thing is dead but HAL still needs to roll a save it be stuck in the creatures now inert corps
2 other ice ooze are further in the room
Oct 15, 2024 2:47 pm
Hmmmm. Blornvid is attacked by green ick in TSL; HAL encounters ice ooze here. 🤔
HAL's circuits are perplexed by the existence of this creature.


Avoid grapple - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Oct 15, 2024 3:03 pm
HAL can use actions to try and break free or just shoot still as he was not completely engulfed before the creature was slain. However her is such and can not move
Oct 15, 2024 5:29 pm
HAL thinks, Most peculiar, upon realizing that the ice ooze has partially frozen over HAL's body. HAL then attempts to break free of the ice ooze. Fortunately, it doesn't prove difficult for his servos. Once free, he shoots at one of the other ice ooze creatures.
Last edited October 15, 2024 5:30 pm


First Action to break free - (2d6)

(65) = 11

Second Action: Shoot - (2d6)

(65) = 11

Oct 16, 2024 1:14 pm
Stinger manages to break free as with a roar Krom moves in to attack but misses spectacularly and nearly falls into the creatures. (move & attack)


Krom attacks Heavy - (3d6)

(111) = 3

Ice Ooze


Oct 16, 2024 1:15 pm
Ice Ooze

The two creatures move to surround Krom is is nearly entirely enveloped. 4 damage to Krom who is barely still alive However you note that they try to avoid his laser sword.
Oops, 1 too many saves, there, ignore the last save
You are up again.


Ice ooze attack - (3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (546) = 15

3d6 : (446) = 14

3d6 : (515) = 11

3d6 : (545) = 14

Krom Save vs attack - (2d6, 2d6, 2d6, 2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (14) = 5

2d6 : (62) = 8

2d6 : (45) = 9

2d6 : (54) = 9

2d6 : (62) = 8

Oct 16, 2024 1:22 pm
Back on the ship
[ +- ] Avro
Oct 16, 2024 1:45 pm
Two attacks against whichever ooze looks weaker


1st - (3d6h1)

(112) = 2

2nd - (3d6h1)

(166) = 6

Oct 16, 2024 3:12 pm
Alandra rushes forward her staff raised to strike the ooze engulfing Krom.


Heavy Melee attack - (3d6)

(116) = 8

Oct 16, 2024 5:23 pm
HAL aims at the ooze attacking Krom, trying to avoid hitting the big guy.


First shot - (2d6)

(16) = 7

Second shot - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Oct 16, 2024 7:57 pm
Stinger drops two shots, the first glancing off again, but the second drills a hole straight through one of the creatures who writhes and emits a piercing screech. Alandra follows up with a slam of her staff and HAL finished off the 2nd beast moments later.

Krom roars and tries to struggle and break free ... only to fail as the last creature crushes him. You all see Kroms suit dim and all systems fail, including his sword as the last creature moves off of it and jumps at Stinger, partially enveloping him. Stinger feels a biting cold as the touch of the creature drains the heat provided by his suit. 1 damage to Stinger, and a Save or become grappled
[ +- ] Ice Ooze freezing grip
As this happens you hear a brief roar of engines from outside through the gaping hole to the thin atmosphere of the planet.
Back on the ship
[ +- ] Avro
PC turn


Krom escape - (2d6)

(21) = 3

Ice Ooze attacks Stinger - (3d6)

(125) = 8

Oct 16, 2024 8:54 pm
Oh no!

Edit after save roll:
Last edited October 16, 2024 8:56 pm


Save to escape - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Shot - (3d6h1)

(124) = 4

Oct 17, 2024 10:31 pm
Alandra takes a moment to focus her thoughts and the spins slaming her staff in the thing attacking Stinger as the blaster bolt flies towards the ooze.


Heavy Melee attack with focus - (3d6)

(455) = 14

Oct 17, 2024 11:15 pm
Over the comms channels:I know you are all busy, but it looks like a POD is going to land not too far away from us. I can't tell what the POD is carrying. It's too small to be the pirates or the salvage ships but it maybe a scout. Looking for instructions Captain. ETA of the POD is...
roll for ETA


properly determine ETA of POD landing - (2D6)

(64) = 10

Oct 18, 2024 2:20 pm
Avro calculates the pod is comming in fast and will land in a about a minutes unless they change their thrust levels.
Their "current tiem" will be a bit out of sync with the main story thread for a bit, but at this pint in this thread the pod is still descending.
Oct 18, 2024 3:44 pm
Stinger voice sound agitated through the Comms...
"We are at battle... can't do much now... but try to win"
Oct 18, 2024 5:33 pm
HAL turns his focus to aim at the last remaining ooze.


First shot - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Second shot - (2d6)

(34) = 7

Oct 18, 2024 9:09 pm
Alandra slams her power staff on the creature and HAL blasts it. The creature turns to attack Alandra semininly oblivious to self preservation but she nimbly steps away from its charge.
PC turn


Ice Ooze - (3d6, 3d6)

3d6 : (211) = 4

3d6 : (223) = 7

Oct 19, 2024 5:41 pm
I am going to assume the pod has landed 100m from our ship.
I can see the battle via your suit cameras! I'll continue to monitor. The Pod is about a minute out and should make land fall only 100 meters from the ship. I will continue to monitor and will try to contact them via coms or ships external speakers. I won't let them fully board the Odysee but if they are in distress, I can isolate an airlock until you can get back to the our ship.

Avro starts preparing an airlock with internal locks so we can accept them into safer conditions if needed. The reading are of an escape pod so likely not a scout. Avro continues to monitor everything going on and runs a single sweep of the sky with long range scanners... just in case someone is following the pod.

Don't leave the shipwreck until I give the all clear!
Last edited October 19, 2024 5:43 pm


long range scanners - (2D6)

(21) = 3

Oct 19, 2024 9:49 pm
"Let's finish this jellies, and help Avro"

Stinger fires at the ooze


1st shot - (3d6h1)

(525) = 5

2nd shot - (3d6h1)

(365) = 6

Oct 20, 2024 6:02 pm
"Aargh!", Alandra snarls a guteral Nain warcry as she jumps aiming to smash her shock staff into the icey ooze.


Alandra SMASH - (3d6)

(521) = 8

Oct 20, 2024 9:45 pm
HAL fires at the ooze that refuses to yield.


First shot - (2d6)

(43) = 7

Second shot - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Oct 20, 2024 11:46 pm
Your attacks finish off the threat and Alandra moves to check on Krom. A quick check reveals that he is frozen but more interesting is that all systems on him are also depleted of all energy. His tactical armor, his weapon, and other pieces of gear. Alandra supposes that she might be able to revive him as the freezing was rapid but doubts he would fully recover as the freezing has likely ruptured many of his cellular structures. The others secure the area and ensure there are no more of the Ice Ooze in the area but grow concerned as Sam has also gone missing in the commotion of the fight. As quick check fo the surroundings gives no clues as to what may have happened to her.
Avro continues to monitor the pod as it impacts the ice and stays inert for a time.
Oct 21, 2024 5:06 am
"Avro, we cant see Sam, do you see her in your scans?
Doctor, how is Krom? Shall we take him back to the Odessey for treatment?"
Oct 21, 2024 12:39 pm
Sam's suit is silent just like Krom's. I'll sweep a wider scan for bio signs, hold on.


scan for life signs limited to 1km radius - (2d6)

(61) = 7

Oct 21, 2024 1:26 pm
Avro only detects 2 life signs in the recently landed pod, as well as Stinger and Alandra. There is also a faint sensor reading that with a bit of adjustment registers as a potential cybernetic(?) organism as they appear to not have any of the classical organic elements. They have higher levels of energy than the surrounding ice but are not within the parameters of the system as a life form. Looking into the readings Avro is uncertain but believes it to be other creatures like those that attacked the away mission. Alandra might be able to fine tune the sensors to lock onto the source better but would require a an active terminal to do so. This would require returning to the ship or activating one of the functional ones on the wreck and tying into the Odyssey.
Oct 21, 2024 4:38 pm
"This scavenger mission is proving to be a costly exercise. We seem to have lost two valuable crewmen to the predators lurking within the wreckage. Upon further evaluation, I am concerned that further explorations of this vessel could incur further losses."
Oct 22, 2024 11:43 am
"Krom can be saved, though may never be the same. Someone help get Krom back to the ship. Then we'll deal with our guests.", Alandra says after scanning and grabs Krom under the arms and starts dragging.
Last edited October 22, 2024 11:44 am
Oct 22, 2024 1:09 pm
You begin heading back to the ship with the large heavy body and gear of the tactile officer. thankfuly the lower gravity and his durable suit makes this much easier. When you get to the hatch you can see faint plumes of steam still rising from the crater a ways off. Though you can not see the craft that landed from this position you could likely get a clear line of sight from the higher sections of the ship furthr back near it's raised tail.
Back to the Odyssey later today. Post any actions you want to do on your way out or before leaving the ship
Oct 23, 2024 2:37 am
As youstand in the door preparing to descend to the planets surface you see a pair of figures climb up out of the crater the small craft that just landed created. One is obviously a Tyranax while the other is an average sized humaoid. From this distance details are a bit vague but they appear to be weaing some of the most basic enviromental suits.
Oct 23, 2024 4:29 pm
"The individuals could be scouts from the raiders. Avro, were you able to get a good sensor reading on their craft to determine its type?"
Oct 23, 2024 8:45 pm
"Let's keep alert. They could be raiders or the could be remnants of the mutineers., Alandra says looking at the craft for discernable markings.


Do we recognize any sort of symbol on the craft - (2d6)

(36) = 9

Oct 23, 2024 10:13 pm
The steam still rising from it's crater and billowing snow kept aloft in the air by the prpetual wind partially obscure the craft but it looks to be a multi person escape pod. Avro does a quick check with the short range sensors and relays what she learns. The ship is an emergency escape pod for 4-6 individuals depending on the race it is designed for and how much of the craft is needed for engines and lifesupport. Alandra can see a few marking on the ship but they look more like gang tag signs than official insignias of any race or organization you are familiar with. This makes you pause as you know that pirates often tag their ships like the streetbound gangs of the mega cities.
Oct 23, 2024 10:34 pm
But escape pods aren't capable of long range travel though, right?
Oct 23, 2024 11:03 pm
correct. Slower than light speed only.
Oct 24, 2024 10:25 pm
"That escape pod is tagged with gang symbols. Pirates.", Alandra says placing Krom on the ice and grabbing her shock staff. She doesn't turn on the electricity yet, but holds it at the ready.
Oct 25, 2024 1:44 am
As you stand in the docking port doorway you catch a glips of movement. Looking closer you see the surface of the ice ripple is several places You realize that it is likely some of the ice ooze creatures. It is hard to determine exactly how many but you guess there are at least three. The Odyssey's weapons could easily obliterate the creatures but if they get to close to the pod or its crew it id doubtful there would be much left of either after the ships weapons are done firing.
Oct 26, 2024 1:35 pm
"More of those creatures. Pirates or no, I can't let them get to that pod!", Alandra says and spikes her shockstaff. She focuses on the closest creature and then runs towards it swinging her staff.


Secret Roll

Oct 26, 2024 2:45 pm
Alandra quickly descends the rope down to the planets surface from the ships docking port and starts running towards the two individuals and the pod which is about 100 meters away.

If you run you might make it to the pod in about 20 seconds or less but this will require an acrobatics test or a save test to determine if you can move at speed without falling. 30 second without any rolls
Alright, Everyone who used a ranged weapon in the last fight has to roll for cinematic ammo
[ +- ] Cinematic Ammo
Oct 26, 2024 9:46 pm
Athletics test it is! I didn't mean to hide that roll.


Athletics - (2d6)

(61) = 7

Oct 27, 2024 7:53 am
Sorry for the delay in answering, RL got the best of me last week.
Stinger, somewhat dizzy, runs behind Sandra to help her.


Ammo roll - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Oct 27, 2024 5:38 pm
HAL is the last to descend the rope to the surface.


Ammo - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Oct 28, 2024 12:04 pm
As you charge towards the crater, ship, and pair of individuals you ready weapons and Stinger finds he is out of ammo. Avro continues to scan the area trying to get a lock onto the creatures while warming up the ships point defense systems.
Avro can roll a standard test, 2d6, to target the creatures before the others get to the two from the pod. If that succeeds then she can attack, 1d6 at disadvantage, to soot the target with the ships lasers.
Oct 28, 2024 6:55 pm
Avro attempts to target the ice creatures under the ice sheet near the escape pod. If they get a target lock, they fires the ships lasers.


roll targeting - (2D6)

(44) = 8

if successfull attack ice monsters - (1D6)

(1) = 1

Oct 29, 2024 1:10 am
As you close in on the pair they also begin to move towards you, picking up speeed as they do. Maybe they detected the ice creatures and are moving to get to the ship for safety.

Avro links th ships point deffense lasers to the scanners and tries to adjust it so that the native life forms are classified as a tuhreat to the ship while fine tunning the scanners lock onto the creatures. Unfortunately the first attempt fails.

You wil meet in 1 more round so 2 actions each. Talking and other minor interactions do not require an action and are free as long as you limit the ammount and compllexity of the minor actions.
Oct 29, 2024 1:54 am
Avro switches on the outer speakers and cranks them to max call out: Get down! manually adjust the ships lasers 2 degrees up and fires the laser to blast the ice beyond the escaping pair from the escape pod.
after roll, "h" and lj" were supposed to be parenthesis
Last edited October 29, 2024 1:56 am


Fire ship lasers Hif disadvantage again use first dieJ - (2D6)

(25) = 7

Oct 29, 2024 6:55 am
Stingers ducks as he hears Avro's warning, and recharge his weapon.
Oct 29, 2024 1:47 pm
I will take that as 2 attacks at disadvantage as you have 2 actions per round
The ship fire tances out and stikes behind the two figures running and one of the blasts strikes a ice ooze which errupts in pain and begins retreating immediately.
Oct 30, 2024 5:50 am
Allen runs in with his new partner then pauses when he hears someone yelling. He would quickly duck as the laser shot past them and he blinked for a moment. Why would they give a heads up if they where hostiles? Maybe there was a misunderstanding there. The human's heart was racing as he called out to his ally.

"WAIT! Stop! We may be able to talk to them!" He had stopped running but he was weaker then her so of she keeps going, he will be dragged along with her.
Oct 30, 2024 11:42 am
"Talk to them? They just shot at us!"

Luminara is clearly not pleased about having to halt the acceleration on the ice - it's quite difficult and will get rid of a lot of momentum they have already built up - but nevertheless does slow down somewhat as to not drag Allen along. She needs him for the plan, after all!
Luminara does duck down somewhat, the laser cannons aboard the foreign ship clearly calibrating. If they have a gunner that knows their salt there won't be another miss.

"Come on!The closer we get to their comrades the more they'll hesitate to try to turn us into piles of steaming innards! At least I hope so!"
Oct 30, 2024 2:40 pm
Avro prepares the ship lasers for another round. Again manually shifting the targeting up 2 degrees to ensure there is not collateral damage they concentrate on trying to scare away the ice blobs with another round of fire...


laser bank 1 at disadvantage - (1D6)

(1) = 1

laser bank 2 at disadvantage - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Oct 30, 2024 7:12 pm
Allen looked up at Luminara and nodded his head, he understood exactly why she felt that way, and for all extensive purposes, the hunch he was feeling could indeed be very wrong. However the human still wanted to try something, though they would have to get a bit closer.

"Luminara, they seem to be firing at something behind us-."
Oct 30, 2024 8:46 pm
Stinger, pistol already charged, checks the direction of the ship's lasers, the position of the ice oozes, and the position (somewhat in between) of the 2 people running.
Then shouts to them "Careful behind you! Run!"
Oct 31, 2024 11:16 am
"Are you sure they're not just missing?"

Luminara ducks down even lower as another beam of light passes over them and the ice somewhere behind can be heard cracking. Allen is too slow at this point and Luminara herself has basically come to a halt, which isn't great for their original plan. She quickly throws a glance back to where they came from, trying to spot what, if anything, might be hiding there.


Trying to... percieve? Advantage due to trait. - (2d6)

(41) = 5

Advantage - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Oct 31, 2024 2:11 pm
The two from the pod slow and stop as laser fire continues to melt holes in the ice behind them.

Stinger and the others also stops a short distance from the pair but can not set the ice ooze. Having lost track of the creatures upon descending to the planets surface. Likely their coloration and fluidic bodies allow them to blend well with the environment.

Luminara glances behind but sees nothing but steam from their crafts landing and holes where the lasers have struck.

The two groups, of two and three, now stand a short distance 25'. Which takes a move action to cross.

apart about halfway between the pod and two ships.
All players should be able to see the TSO : Odyssey sheet, accessable from the characters menu at the bottom of the page or character buying below the "Rolls" section near the bottom as well. It contains some story info but also had a quick reference of the game system in the "Reference" section

@Katzle , I added a dice for you preceptive trust on the test roll
[ +- ] Advantage
[ +- ] Focus
Oct 31, 2024 10:37 pm
"Come fast!! Run you two!!" Stinger shouts, motioning the two to run with them to the ship.

Weapon ready to shoot if he sees the ooze approaching.
Oct 31, 2024 11:06 pm
"Let's just try it. If something happens you can blame me." Allen would say to his reptilian friend before making a break for the ship! He seemed to hear some shouting too, telling him to run for it. So hr was going to do just that, besides if they were actually shooting at them, then the plan might not have worked anyway.
Nov 1, 2024 2:05 am
Illuminated by the lazer blasts Alandra slams down her shock staff towards the ooze. She barely registers the people running from the pod as she focuses on the attack.


Focus with heavy Melle - (3d6)

(222) = 6

Nov 1, 2024 5:30 pm
Alandra's estimates where one of the creatures may be approaching from attempts to flush it out but only results in cracked ice. You look around and see nothing but ice. However the creatures are almost perfectly suited to blending in with the ice. You must "SPOT" a creature or it must move/act so you have something discernable to attack. To locate one you need to test with disadvantage and specify where you are looking, Near zone, Far to the north, far to the east etc. Laser blasts targeted very far from where you currently stand.
Nov 1, 2024 6:45 pm
Thanks for the advantage! I thought you rolled 1d6 on the regular and 2d6 with advantage, apologies! I also can't seem to get the Odyssee sheet working.. if I click on it, it says "Character not found". Probably not intentional, am I missing something?
Luminara lets out a deep sigh, then gives a reluctant nod.

"If you get us both killed my ghost will tear off the astral head off of your ghost, mkay? It might be a trap! After all, there's nothing there! I can't imagine why they would shoot empty land and tell us to drop down if it was not a ploy to get us to surrender more easily afterwards."

Luminara follows Allen towards the strangers... after all, he won't come far, still being tied to her.
Nov 1, 2024 8:18 pm
That is an ongoing site issue since their recent update. Just let me know when it happens.
The pair walk over as the trio from the Odyssey as well as Avro, still back on the ship, scan the area for the ooze.


perception - (trio:1d6, Odyssey:1d6)

trio:1d6 : (2) = 2

Odyssey:1d6 : (3) = 3

Nov 1, 2024 10:25 pm
"Watch out! There are some pretty agressive creatures out here. They blend in with the ice! Can someone get Krom?", Alandra cries to the trio and scans the surrounding area retreating slowly towards the ship.


Spot ice oozes - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Nov 2, 2024 7:09 am
"Hall, please help Avro receive our new guest in the dock. Let them be free from the cold, but don't let them in the rest of the ship yet. We shall have a talk with them first.
Avro, please control the ice. More ooze may come, we are not free from them.
Doctor, let's get Krom to our med-bay."

Then he starts jogging to Krom, to pick him up.
Nov 2, 2024 5:26 pm
Nov 3, 2024 12:54 pm
"Got it!", Alandra says following Stinger and helping him pick up Krom.
Nov 4, 2024 3:59 am
Alandra spots a change is an icy surface. Fortunately is is still dozens of yards away but heading towards you and the ship. She highlights the location on her HUD bor Avro before moving to assist in the retreat and recovery.

With the visual assist from Alandra, Avro now has a target lock on a target but the sensors indicate there are more than one, and it looks like more are inbound. Still limited to the point defense lasers (attack at disadvantage) Avro urges the crew to get aboard so the ships main weapons can be brought to bear.
Nov 4, 2024 6:00 am
Are Stinger and Allandra still getting Krom inside the ship, or have them arrived inside already?
I'd guess HAL arrives inside before them, right?
Nov 4, 2024 12:14 pm
Despite Luminaras suspicion, she nevertheless slowly looses her belief that they are being lead into a trap - the strangers ought to be very good actors in order to fake fighting a foe that is not there. Or.... there is actually something there, which wouldn't be great either.
Luminara keeps her eyes and ears peeled, sticking close to Allen.
Nov 4, 2024 1:10 pm
Stinger and Alandra rush to grab the body of their fallen comrade before turning to head back to the Odyssey. Hal is nearly back to the ship which is opening its cargo bay doors to accept the crew and refugees.

As you run several lumps begin rising up and sliding over the ice in pursuit of the group.

Acrobatics test of Save test to cross the ice at high speed without trouble.
Still going round by round at the moment but more of a chase scene than combat at the moment. Avro can go twice and everyone else can go again as most enter the ship, followed by Stinger and Alandra bringing up the rear a bit later due to their distance and load. Most will be running but Avro is just sitting in the ship so can scan/shoot etc, and those that reach the ship can act as they see fit.
Nov 4, 2024 1:25 pm
As soon as the path is clear, Avro starts firing laser blast in to the area where the ice oozes are approaching...


first laser barrage - (1D6)

(2) = 2

second laser barrage - (1D6)

(4) = 4

Next round laser fire - (1d6, 1d6)

1d6 : (1) = 1

1d6 : (4) = 4

Nov 4, 2024 3:24 pm
"Everybody Ruunnnn!!!"


added save - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Nov 4, 2024 6:49 pm
Laser fire strikes the ice behind everyone as you rush towards the ship but the ice ooze prices difficult to target and the shifting lumps if the enemy continue their pursuit. Panting Luminara and Allen make the ship right behind HAL and turn to see Stinger and Against staggering under the aquard weight of the armor figure they carry. At your best estimate the leading ice ooze will arrive meer moments after the two. The main cargo ramp you used for ground access is not fact and will take a bit of time to seal after the last crew members get aboard.
Nov 4, 2024 7:29 pm
Avro starts spinning up all the Odyssey's weapons and prepares to fire all a few meters ahead of the ramp... once everyone on the ramp and it starts raising, Avros will smoke the area.
The goal isn't to target any ooze but a target area (like artillery) hoping to either cause collateral damage to the oozes or make them hesitate.


fire lasers - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Fire gravity cannon - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Nov 4, 2024 10:01 pm
"Running!", Alandra says as she runs in lock step with Stinger. Her grip tightens on Krom's arm.
Nov 4, 2024 10:01 pm
Acrobats save


Acrobats - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Nov 5, 2024 9:49 am
"Avro, ooze can't jump, please hover the ship half a meter high. We can easily get Krum inside and climb it, while keeping the ooze away.
HAL, please lead the refugees to a side of the bay to free the entrance."

Stinger, making the best out of his several arms and legs, gets Krum up, helps Alandra up and then jumps in.

If Avro could hover the ship, and Stinger sees ooze too close he will shoot them. Otherwise, he will run to the pilot seat and fly the ship only high enough for the ooze NOT to climb the ship.
Nov 5, 2024 12:30 pm
"Oh my!"

Luminara finally spots these well-hidden attackers. Not the attackers themselves, for their hiding is supreme, but she does notice the bumps in the ice as they appear to be moving under the forzen surface - or something like that, anyways. She isn't exactly sure what they are up against, but it seems that whatever is out there seems hostile. Most likely some kind of planetary predator?
Catching her breath, Luminara takes a moment to look back at the approaching bumps, as well as the strangers carrying one of their own, who doesn't seem to be moving. A dire situation.

"You alright?"

The tyranaxi woman turns to her friend and comrade in escape, Allen the Human. It must have been noticeably harder for him to run all of this distance, having shorter legs and all.
Considering the approaching foes, Luminara also decides that she can trust these strangers - for now, at least, until this situation is dealt with. After all, they offered shelter in their ship and don't appear to be actively hostile.
With that, she'll retrieve the rod made out of hard ice that she fabricated earlier, swinging it in her left hands a few times to get its weight profile. If the critters emerge to... bite, or claw or wahtever, she'll try to fight back.
Nov 5, 2024 1:07 pm
Avro abandons the weapons station and moves over to the pilot control... Having never piloted a ship of this size, they take a deep breath and focus on the controls... Avro talks herself through the steps.

Step 1, cold start of the planetary thrusters.
Step 2, Increase thrust gently to create separation form the surface and avoid hitting the crashed ship.
Step 3, Hover the ship in place.
If I fail, repeat each step until successful of Stinger get to the bridge.


Step 1 (if disadvantaged use first die) - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Step 2 (if disadvantaged use first die) - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Step 3 (if disadvantaged use first die) - (2d6)

(46) = 10

Nov 5, 2024 1:22 pm
"You are doing great Avro!!" Stinger says while getting to the bay
Nov 5, 2024 1:24 pm
Alandra and Stinger both stumble and slip on the ice as they try to reach the ship. Luminara also slips a bit before Allen lends her a hand and thy scramble aboard the ship. as it lifts off from the surface under power of its thrustes. Moments later Stinger and Alandra drag the body of Krom and shove it up for the others to grab. As they do the first of the ice ooze reach the area and move the envelope their feet. As they jump the large and stong hands of Luminara reach down and pull the two aboard quickly.


Save to move fast - (Luminara:2d6, Allen:2d6)

Luminara:2d6 : (11) = 2

Allen:2d6 : (51) = 6

Ice Ooze envelop - (Stinger:3d6, Alandra:3d6)

Stinger:3d6 : (424) = 10

Alandra:3d6 : (222) = 6

Nov 5, 2024 1:32 pm
With the crew all safely aboard Avro closes the cargo doors and activates the ships main weapons unleashing a barrage of heavy weapons fire. After several seconds of this the scanners indicate the hostile creatures have either been destroyed or moved off.

Meanwhile in the cargo hold 5 figure get a good look at each other. The rapid manners have shifted things and the two newcomers note signs of battle within the hold and a lack of any other crew, a bit odd for a ship of this size.
Nov 5, 2024 4:53 pm
Stinger breaths heavily, more than a glimpse of fatigue in his face... But things are not ok yet.
"Hello refugees, I'm glad you were able to reach us.
We shall have some time to talk soon, but we must first see that Krum here gets to the med bay, so doctor Allandra can check him up, and either cure him or freeze him for healing later.

Hal, they must be freezing under those makeshift suits, please help them into proper suits and a nice hot drink. Then we can try again the sensors to find Sam.

Well done Avro, you may have talent for piloting.

Doctor, let's see what can you do for him."

Stinger, does not wait to finish talking to pull Krum up, carefully. Then carries him to the med bay.
Last edited November 5, 2024 4:56 pm
Nov 5, 2024 5:35 pm
"Acknowledged." HAL turns to the two newcomers. "Please follow me." He then sets to finding them proper clothing and then on to the galley for warm food and drink.
Nov 6, 2024 7:30 pm
Luminara pulls the helmet off of her disposable suit, storing it under one of her arms for now. Its nice tasting air again that is untainted by the laborous trials behind them - in the truest sense of the word untainted, the suit doesn't have a air refreshment system after all - and this is far more comfortable as well.
Her suspicion further falters as they are not immediately being arrested or threatened upon escaping that tense situation... nay, the strangers seem friendly even? She might have been wrong in her assessment of the situation entirely - but just to be sure, she still holds her ice rod at her side, altough relaxedly and lowered.

"I must thank you for your... assistance? I am unsure if we would have been able to deal with these predators on our own, having no knowledge about them at all and, as such, especially vulnerable to their apparent hunting tactis."

Luminara observes quietly. She doesn't understand what the "Krum" has been afflicted with, nor does she know who this Sam is they are apparently looking for. Perhaps it will reveal itself in time, or not.
In any case, Luminara gives a brief smile towards Allen the human, then lightly shrugs and nods towards the leaving android figure.
Nov 6, 2024 9:36 pm
Once the newcomers have warm clothes, food, and a beverage, HAL says, "The predators are some form of ice ooze. We only just encountered them while investigating the vessel embedded in the ice. They are exceptionally stealthy and strong. They overpowered crewman Krom and may be responsible for the disappearance of another crewmember, Samantha. If we were a science vessel, they would be a worthwhile species to study. Their ability to maintain a fluid-like state at such low temperatures could lead to developments in fluid mechanics."

HAL pauses before asking, "May I ask what brings you to this planet?"
Nov 7, 2024 11:09 pm
"Hi! I'm Alandra. We'll talk later, right now duty calls.", she says and follows Stinger to the med bay. Once in she say, "Stinger if you could get him onto the bed. I'll boot up diagnostics."

Alandra runs to the med computer amd starts the diagnostic procedure.
Advantage? If not, no worries.


Scanning Krom's injuries - (3d6)

(235) = 10

Nov 8, 2024 7:19 pm
Krum's body is a heavy load for Stinger to carry but thankfully the medbay has a door to the cargo hold. Together Stinger and Alandra pull their comrade onto a cargo trolley and take him to the medbay and onto a bed. Alandra quickly confirms that there is nothing she can do at this point for Krum. His brain is inactive and though not quite frozen solid his body is almost as cold as the planets surface. His skin shows signs of abrasion and freezer burns at the point of contact where the creature breached Krum's suit, though the wrist/glove and neck/helm connectors.

Stinger checks Krums suit and notes that all of its systems have been drained of power leading to a speculation that the ice creatures feed off of power. A more thorough diagnostic indicates the suit and weapons were drained via their power ports indicating that they will not be able to draw power from systems unless they gain access to some sort of interface or plug.

HAL takes the two newcomers to the crew quarters, and Luminara gets her pick of Tyanax outfits left there as Krum was not the only of their species on the original crew. The two newcomers note that the ship is similar to but a bit larger and nicer than a standard Strike vessel. There are signs of internal weapons fire and though most common areas are cleaned and organized a couple of the crew quarters they search for clothing look to have been only partially straightened after some contents were through about haphazardly.
The {TSO Odyssey} character holds general information on the ship, systems, records, etc. It can be accessed at the bottom of the page, either from the character buttons below the "Rolls" section or the "Characters" menu on the page footer. It is public, at this time, but there have been glitches since the recent site upgrade causing it to become private. Just let me know if/when this happens.
Nov 9, 2024 5:10 am
Sharing his thoughts with Allandra... "They were able to eat Krom's suits power from the power ports. If we could secure or block the ports, we may be able to resist their attacks. Is there anything we can do for Krom?"
Nov 9, 2024 8:01 pm
"There's nothing we can do with our facilities. We maybe able to keep him alive if we find another cryo-pod so his body temperature stays in stasis, but I'm not sure we'll ever be able to fully revive him. His brain function is non-existent. It's...", she says running a frustrated hand through her hair. "It's a long shot even if we had another cryo-pod. He's been brain dead far too long. I'm sorry Stinger.".

She puts her hands on her hips and paces around the table with her head laid low. Then after a sigh she says, "That sounds like a plausible plan, but it looks like they drained the energy from whatever they touched. If you looks at the burns and abrasions, it doesn't seem like they cared too much if there was a port or not. If we could find Sam, I would have her take a look at his suit. Maybe we can ask Hal or Avro to do the same. Maybe one of our guests are good a tech too...
Nov 10, 2024 7:47 am
Stinger listens carefully to Allandra, they did their best, they went beyond reasonable risks, but it is out of their hands. Stinger is not sure which spiritual belief did Krum followed so he 'wrote in the air' the one sign usually used for burials in his own belief, murmured a small prayer, and covered his body in a sheet. "You did great my friend, now you are free, now you are back home. Enjoy that party for us until we meet you there.".

Then, about the skin burns.. "Yes, I see what you mean. They couldn't damage him through the suit, but they could use the connecting points to reach his body. If we could secure the wrist/glove and neck/helm connectors, as well as the power ports, theoretically we could survive their freezing attacks. Let's meet with the rest at the bridge."

Stinger opens a coom line "This is Stinger, please let's all meet at the bridge. Of course, our new guests are also invited."
Nov 10, 2024 4:32 pm
"Ice Ooze? Oh my! That makes it no surprise that we did not spot them quickly, their ability to blend in with the ice was almost unmatched out there... only a low droning sound gave them away. Well, at least I reckon that was what we heard, thinking back now. I... uh, am sorry for your... for Crewmembers Krom's and Samantha's injuries."

Luminara awkwardly rubs her lower set of hands together, unsure how to express her condolences properly. She hopes the android gets the gist, anyhow. They most likely owe this crew their lives - who knows if they would have survived the treck over to this ship without their warnings and laser shots to ward off the oozes.
Throwing over a quick glance to Allen the human, Luminara thinks a moment how much they should reveal before hesitantly answering.

"We landed our escape pod next to the sensor signal of this ship... the other option would have meant waiting in orbit until something finds us and... well, the escape pods resources had been all but stripped before we took off in it. Was our best shot, even if a tad risky."

It doesn't really answer exactly why they were in the escape pod in the first place, but Luminara is still hesitant about laying open their whole escape route. Perhaps the pirates are still nearby and demand their prisoners back? In that case, it would be far safer to leave this crew in the dark so they wouldn't have to lie about knowing where the escapees are.
Luminara, taking some of the Odyssees overalls, has been fitted with a new fit, much nicer than the emergency suit and the rough garbs she had on beforehand.

"Oh my. Quite the fight in here, hm?"

Luminara notices, staring at a particularily bad patch of firefight-damaged wall.
Nov 10, 2024 5:21 pm
Before HAL can answer Luminara, Stinger's announcement comes through on ship comms. "If you will, please follow me to the bridge."
Nov 10, 2024 10:25 pm
Alandra does note that there are still several of the one time use stasis pod available on the ship that have not been used after the mutiny and one could easily preserve Krums body. He has suffered no neurological damage so it is possible that at a high end facility or with some cybernetic implants he may be revived but without a better understanding of what exactly happened the results are in question. A sample of the ooze would be quite helpful in this regard.

Making your way to the bridge the newcomers notice little other damage, all of which has been repaired. When you reach command deck you see another crew member, likely the one controlling the ships weapons earlier, who is obviously a hologram.
Nov 11, 2024 12:52 pm
Luminara follows suit, taking in the corridors and rooms in quiet contemplation. This ship has been through some trouble internally as well... she'll have to ask about it later.
She feels slightly uncomfortable without a weapon at her side, having discarded her ice stick alongside her emergency suit - it would melt anyways in this environment.
Entering the bridge after HAL3000, Luminara offers a quick tyranaxi greeting with her lower arms.

"Greetings. Fine shooting, I have to admit, altough a tad too close for comfort."
Nov 11, 2024 4:47 pm
Alandra slaps her head and exclaims, "I completely forgot about the stasis pods! Stinger I'll get to the bridge after I can get Krom in one! It will at least keep him alive until we can get somewhere with more advanced facilities.".

She lifts Krom onto a gurney and wheels him towards the stasis pods. Gently as she can, she removes the armor and lays his body into the pod. Closing the pod, she places her hands on the glass.

"I'm sorry.", she whispers and joins the crew on the bridge.
Nov 12, 2024 1:04 pm
"Greetings. Fine shooting, I have to admit, although a tad too close for comfort."
Glad you made it aboard in one piece. I was monitoring the scouting party and saw the damage those things could do. I didn't have much choice in the way of deterring them. Sorry if I got too close. I'm relatively new to all this... as Avro motions around the bridge. The name Avro, welcome aboard.

To Stinger: I have the Odyssey hovering about 2 meters of the planet surface, you want to take over?
Nov 15, 2024 5:39 pm
When everyone has joined the bridge... Stinger stands up in the middle of the room.
"I'm glad we can take a minute now, it's been hectic, but once again we overcame difficulties...
Please everyone, feel free to relax, sit wherever you feel comfortable, or grab a coffee from that coffee machine by the corner..."

Stinger takes a moment to put his thoughts in order.

"First, I wanted to recognise our fallen friends, Sam and Krom. May their spirits find either peace or their way back to us...
We shall talk about this last mission and our plans for the next a steps. But before that...

Second, I wanted to formally welcome Luminara and Allen. I see Hal treated you well, I trust you are now comfortable enough. It would be great if you could introduce yourselves, mention your professios or skills, and share whatever you feel comfortable sharing in relation to your travel here and your expectations... if you want a ride somewhere or want to join our crew or whatever plans you may have. I feel we have already introduced us in a way, as you have seen us all in action, but do feel free to ask any questions you may have after your introductions. Thanks "
Nov 16, 2024 11:40 pm
Alandra nods in contemplation at Stinger's speech. "Where is Sam?", floats through her mind, but she quells it in order to listen to the new-comers answers
Nov 17, 2024 4:14 pm
Luminara briefly ponders having a cup of coffee, but decides against it for now. Unless they have specialized tyranaxi beans, coffee is rather unhealthy for her due to the reptilonoid-ish part of her. She's very careful around coffee - Luminara remembers drinking too much while working on a case once, leading to her not being able to sleep for three days and also having to go to the hospital due to a massively increased heart rate.
Instead, she will listen and give a nod upon who she presumes to be the Captain of this vessel having finished.

"I must thank you for the rescue once again... I doubt we would have survived long against these ice predators, especially while unaware of their existence and in their favourite hunting ground. And... my deepest condolences for those you have lost or are close to losing."

She's quiet for a moment of respect, then clears her throat, uncrossing her lower arms so she can gesticulate as she speaks.

"I am Luminara, Private Investigator, Two-times Offworld Battlebot Champion of Muriel IV, unhonorably discharged from the Tyranaxi Imperial Navy for failure to slaughter innocents, and, most recently, crashlandee."

She throws a brief glance over at Allen.

"My skills? I am usually good at investigation, as it has been my primary method of bread winning for quite some time now. I apologise for the poor show of my skills earlier, I don't often get attacked by super predators while following a case. I reckon I am good at punching, but... I'd prefer if things can be solved more diplomatically.
Now, before I can elaborate on why we ended up here... when was the last time you have performed a system wide scan? Have you gotten in contact with any... hmm, shall we say, smugglers perchance?
Nov 19, 2024 1:26 am
"Smugglers? Mutineers and now smugglers", Alandra says with a shake of her head.
Nov 20, 2024 3:24 pm
The ship struggle to stay in place as it is not really designed to "hover" Considering your circumstances you have several options
1. Finish the salvage and data mining of the ship, getting the shuttle from the wreck would be worth the risk if you can get it to work (Allen)
2. Explore the caverns carved out below the ship. Sensors show they continue past your scanner range, with are not exactly designed for subterranean monitoring.
3. Head back up to space and ????

Avro thinks that if Alandra helps calibrate the sensor the ship should be able to track the ooze nearby and with a bit of programming may even be able to tie into the ships "anti collision defense" to target and eliminate any that get too near, though it would help if you had a tactical officer with the correct training to merge the sensor and weapons systems. (Luminara)
Nov 21, 2024 7:51 am
Stinger sits in the pilot seat to stabilise the hovering better. From the pilot seat he continues...

"Thank you Luminara, and welcome to the crew. I'm sure your skills will be helpful and will provide some light into this unknown region.

About the mission... It is clear that those creatures are really sneaky, and that costs us two friends. Also, we just started searching the wrecked ship, and there may still be plenty of useful information and equipment down there. But before we go back, we should have a better strategy to secure our search. Some way of keeping those ooze at bay for enough time. Any ideas?"
Nov 22, 2024 12:12 am
Well, I think I can help Avro rig something up to track the oozes so we at least know where they are., Alandra says.
Alandra will help Avro once we are done talking. I'll role the help action now using tinkerer.


Help Avro calibrate sensor - (3d6)

(453) = 12

Nov 22, 2024 10:25 am
That's great! If we can get to identify these ooze in a big enough radio around the ship, they won't be able to sneak attack us. And if the weapons are connected to the id system, we can blast them as soon as they enter our defense perimeter.
That should give us a safety cover enough to finish checking the wreckage.
Let's do that! Let's go!"
Dec 3, 2024 12:31 am
as stinger stabilizes the ship Alandra is able to get the sensors working with the weapon systems to the point that should any of the creatures return they can instantly be vaporized. Unfortunately due to their nature the sensos have trouble localizing thm when they are below the surface of the ice. You scan the derilict ship and are able to identify three of the creatures in a dormant state deep within it.
Dec 3, 2024 12:58 am
"There only seems to be three of those entities in the ship. Do you want to try salvaging whatever we can find from it again?", Alandra asked to the group.
Dec 3, 2024 1:09 am
"Now that we have a reasonable idea of their location and can detect their movement, searching the ship for salvage becomes a much more worthwhile endeavor. We should be able to dedicate more time for a more thorough search."
Dec 3, 2024 2:33 pm
With the ship sensors to guide you, hunting them down should be easy enough. Setting the ship back down in the shadow of the larger ship you prioritize recovering the remaining shuttle and then sweeping the ship for parts and supplies.
Let me know the plan
Dec 3, 2024 11:15 pm
"We're looking for parts, weapons, and medicine. If the coast is clear. Maybe we resume our journey where we left off. Maybe we should look for survivors as well. Right now this thing only detects oozes.
Is it possible to boost the signal on our sensors to detect more than just the oozes? Did we try that already?
Dec 3, 2024 11:15 pm
I'm sorry, RL will be demanding this week. I'll post a draft, everyone else feel free to fill in the details and/or volunteer for specific tasks...
"Alright, we can manage this!
My idea is that, with Avro at the Odyssey 's sensors monitoring the Ooze, we wil notice not only where they are exactly but also if the start to move.
I'm guessing Luminara is great at the Odessey's guns. Are you? In which case, I'd like to count with you in that position, so we can be prepared in case we need fire support of any kind. Otherwise, someone else should do this.

Sensors do not show any other living being in that ship, so Dr. Allandra can choose to support the mission either from the Odyssey or in the ground squad. Of course, we could double check on this before going back out.

I'd say the rest of us join the ground squad with 2 distinct objectives: recovery of the shuttle and salvage of suppliers and spare parts.
In order to minimise our overall timing, I guess there may be 2 ground teams, one for each objetive. Say, blue team for supplies and partes, and green team for the shuttle. We shall keep all Comms open, at any sign of trouble we back to the Odessey, we have lost already 2 friends and I wouldn't want to mourn more.

For the Blue Team, I suggest Acro checks each ship's area for oozes before advancing to the next area.

Volunteers for each team? I think I could man the green team, based on my pilot background. But I'll just let you all decide what you prefer to do."
Last edited December 3, 2024 11:20 pm
Dec 3, 2024 11:22 pm
Alandra, we were writing at the same time. I think we already checked for living being before and found none. But of course we can check again.
Dec 4, 2024 5:28 am
The ship sensors have completely scanned the ruined ship and mapped a portion of the tunnels dug into the bedrock beneath it. While you do have a good picture of the surface and the wreck you are unable to penetrate the mines as they descend 100's of meters deep into the planet, well beyond your ships sensors range which are limited in use for mapping through the stone. The lack of any trace of Sam indicates that she was either killed and her gear destroyed or moved outside sensor range.
Dec 4, 2024 11:58 am
I'll continue to support the away parties with the scanner and communications. I can also continue to man the weapons if Lumniara feels they want to venture back out to the planet.
Dec 4, 2024 6:27 pm
"I would hypothesize that the tunnels underneath the ship were either dug by the survivors of the crash or by some indigenous sentient lifeform that detected the ship and constructed tunnels to access its resources. In the case of the former, it would depend upon how long this ship has been here and whether or not they had the equipment to do so."
Possibly stating the obvious here, but in-character for HAL.
Dec 6, 2024 11:27 pm
"I think having a medic with the away team is practical. Specially if we go deaper into the caverns. However, if you need me to stay back and support you, Avro. I can research any biological scans they may we may come across during the mission.", Alandra says.
I have no preference whether IAlandra stays in the ship or continues on the away mission. It might be good for her to stay in case anyone shows up looking
for an escape pod.
Dec 12, 2024 3:23 am
You make preparations to head back out, reequiping yourselves and decide that Luminara should use the armor left by Krom
Dec 15, 2024 1:42 am
"Safe travels, we’ll be here watching your back
, Alondra says as the rest of the crew prepares to explore the downed ship.
Dec 15, 2024 8:48 pm
I'll see if the old captain in his new form has any insights on the planet and the creatures we have encountered.
I'll bring a data pad that is not connected to ship systems with images and limited data of the ship ruins and the planet to the captains quarters. I share any information I gather with the entire crew.


gain insights from the old captain - (2D6)

(52) = 7

Dec 16, 2024 2:54 am
Once the away crew is ready, we go back to the wreckage ship to continue searching...
Dec 16, 2024 2:30 pm
Crystalline Thrace
Trace seems mildly interested in the lost ship and local lifeforms but has not relevant information to share other than perhaps that they likely do not enjoy heat and if you wish to be left alone to simply activate the heating elements of life support on the wreck anywhere you can seal compartments. This should ensure that they will not bother you in those sections of the shipt.

Moving back to the wreck Stinger, Hal go with Luminara, for muscle and defense, and Allen, to check system status and salvage value. They are able to reach the wreck and climb back aboard without incident. The basic layout of the ship is gone over

The crashed Cruiser-Class Ship is a large, battle-damaged vessel with it's exterior coated in snow and ice, the ship’s interior holds stories of a desperate struggle for survival. The ship is largely powered down, with only emergency lighting functioning in certain areas. Many sections are damaged from both the crash and subsequent raids or survivor activity. The ship is one of those designed to be partitioned so that few systems can directly interact, an old anti AI protocol often used by ships from those that fear or distrust synthetics or with high security concerns.
[ +- ] crashed ship layout
Command was checked and downloaded but not much of use was found. Coms was looked into but the fight interrupted a complete check of its systems. Are you starting there or on to medbar or engineering?
Dec 16, 2024 4:58 pm
"If our intent is to learn more about this vessel and how it came to be here, we should return to Comms, although that could prove dangerous as the ice ooze may have returned. If we are looking for supplies, perhaps the forward cargo bay (B2) will prove useful. But Engineering may have parts that we can salvage."
Dec 17, 2024 2:12 am
"I think that’s a good idea. Prioritize anything that can help the ship. However, those creatures are aggressive. I’m not sure about returning to comms.
Dec 18, 2024 7:35 am
"You are right, let's try the cargo bay first. Acro, if you can link with the ship, try to turn on heating systems on engineering, cargo bays, mess and shuttle areas please.
Let's go!"
Dec 18, 2024 3:12 pm
Climbing up the rope left secured to the side of the ships hatch you enter the ship. The interior is dark with red emergency lighting strip where walls meet floor and ceiling dimly illuminating the are within. The inner hatch is also open and small snow drifts have accumulated within the airlock area. Beyond the inner door you see an empty hallway, similarly light by the dull red glow that barely makes it better than pitch black. The local terminal in the airlock is dead as are all door controls. There are signs of wear on some of the surfaces of the panels and door. They could be tool marks from repairs but it could also be from someone forcing access to the electronics behind them. Other than that there is little of note here and you will need to delve deeper into the ship to learn more.

The ship is inert and due to its design with extremely limited networking requires those on site to manually control terminals or connect remote transceiver to individual stations for remote access. With this in mind you have brought a transceiver each and use them to connect to terminals as you come to them. The ship is on reserve power so until you get to engineering each section of the ship is limited to how much it can power up.

front middle aft
starboard 1. B1 destroyed 4. Quarters 7. B3 Cargo
0. Bridge2. Armory 5. Comms 8. Medbay/Lab 10. Engineering
port 3. B2 Cargo 6. Mess 9. B4 Shuttle

Turning on your suit lights you begin moving into the ship. The first thing you notice is that the snow blown into this hallway shows signs of traffic, with a path being trod into it in the middle compressed, but fresh snow covering it indicates it is not recent though you would need to examine or scan it for a guess on when this happened. You quickly come to a T intersection with what looks to be a main corridor heading forwards to where the drridge is and aft to the engines. So far the ship seems to follow the standard layout.

This section of the ship appears free of combat damage. The trail in the corridor indicates that there were either survivors or someone visited the wreckage afterwards often enough to compress the snow. Deeper into the ship past the first intersection the snow has thinned, though a thin layer of ice still coats most surfaces.

Moving from the midship hatch you move to to the main corridor and then move back to the unexplored cargo bay first. Upon reaching it you open the door to find a large room with neatly organized crates. They are arranged to create partitioned sections within the large area and there are old signs of habitation. Some of the crates are open while others look to have been positioned to allow easy access to their contents.
Dec 18, 2024 6:46 pm
ForeverDED sent a note to Psybermagi
HAL enters the cargo hold and begins to examine the crates for their contents. On the closed crates, he'll look for some kind of labels whether they be invoice numbers or something useful like indications of contents.
Dec 18, 2024 7:19 pm
If you are on the ship looking towards the front (prow) the port side is on the left and the starboard side is on the right, while aft is at the back where engineering is.

Much of the cargo is intact, though frost covers everything. This section of the ship was heavily looted, with several empty crates and boxes. Some crates still hold valuable trade goods (nothing useful at this time : ex: spices, perfumes, complex base chemical components, etc), though others appear to have been emptied and by the looks of the manifests you can find these likely held items that might be useful for survival or construction. All that you find are several broken tools or ones without any power, a few scattered personal effects and digital pads.
Dec 19, 2024 6:28 pm
Psybermagi says:
If you are on the ship looking towards the front (prow) then port is on your right and starboard is on the left while aft is at the back where engineering is.
So the ship is upside down.
Dec 19, 2024 6:47 pm
no - I just got mixed up somehow - fixed earlier post. Port is left if facing forwards
Dec 19, 2024 8:13 pm
"Unfortunately, it would appear that there is nothing of immediate use remaining in this cargo hold. Should we now proceed to Engineering?"
Dec 20, 2024 2:52 am
"Avro, I’ll be back in a moment. I want to add our findings on the ooze creatures into the med bay computer.", Alandra says and leaves the bridge. After a short while, she finds herself in front of the computer typing away.
Trying to add the oozes into the computer to find their chemical makeup and learn more to get an advantage if the away team needs to fight them again.
Last edited December 20, 2024 2:53 am


Data entry - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Dec 21, 2024 1:54 am
While the others move to the wreck and start searching it Alandra is able to direct the ship systems to correlate all the data collected on the creatures. The results reveal little in the way of weaknesses other than the expected susceptibility to heat, but the results do help enhance the sensors abilities to detect and target "vital" portions of their mass.
Dec 22, 2024 1:59 pm
"Well, at least now we know what do we have at the cargo bay. Yes, let's hit engineering. Avro, will we find the engineering room free from ooze?"
Dec 22, 2024 7:16 pm
A quick scan from the Odyssey reveals that engineering is clear of the creatures but looks to be sealed. After the exploration team heads down the main corridor they soon verify the doors are closed and unresponsive though they do have power.
Dec 23, 2024 3:27 am
HAL attempts to hack the locking mechanism.


HAL3000: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)

(63) = 9

Dec 23, 2024 2:49 pm
With a slight his the door release and you realize they had been pressurized and heated with what was likely breathable air. As the door opens a cloud of vapor billows out and the cold sweeps into the engine rooms beyond. The interior lights blink on revealing a large room with multiple control panels, several of which blink to life as the door opens. The room shows signs of battle damage but also some repair. Most of the clutter is simply shoved out of the way to keep select areas clear.
Dec 23, 2024 5:01 pm
"Looks like someone has been trying to take care of this place. Please enter and close the doors, so we hold the heating."
After everyone is insider, and doors closed... Stinger wants to make sure if there are survivors here. He remembers that the sensors didn't show any, but he still shouts out.. just in case... "Is anyone here? We mean no harm, we are coming in."
Dec 23, 2024 6:19 pm
HAL enters the room and begins to look around.
Dec 24, 2024 1:56 am
The doors close and the environmental systems begin to restore a habitable environment. Looking around you see nor hear signs of any but yourselves. Though there are signs of repairs it all looks ot have been done some time ago. Hal finds that other than power generation and life support all other engineering systems were intentionally disabled. The doors were rigged to lock when closed from the inside with only a forced entry allowing this to be bypassed. Thus whoever did the work left and closed the doors behind themselves.

A quick check of the systems shows logs dating after the earlier records recovered from the bridge. Though no records about the crew were entered you do find system status were updated after the crash and even adjusted as word was done to them. Whomever survived did not seem to care about leaving a record for any who found the ship but was keeping meticulous track of the technological resources still operating, or at least those that were deemed critical for continued use. You do not that many tools and smaller or portable systems receive a final mark of "Reassigned".

Give me specifics you look for and/or rolls on additional activities/searches.
Dec 25, 2024 7:42 am
Stinger checks the records, and sends them to Avro for further inspection.
Then look around for anything useful, like new gadgets, weapons, armour or spare parts.


Searching gadgets - (2d6)

(34) = 7

Searching weapons - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Searching armor - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Searching spareparts - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Dec 26, 2024 9:02 pm
HAL also searches for compatible spare drive and power plant parts. Anything that could be deemed useful for our ship.
Assuming duplicate searches for similar items are permitted.


Looking for salvage - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Dec 30, 2024 5:41 am
Tying the system in to the Odyssey and sending back all records for Avro and Alandra to begin reviewing you then search engineering and note the absolute lack of anything useful in its current state. Fortunately there are several large pieces of equipment that can be salvaged. The best pieces, unfortunately, are tied to the power plant and can not be removed till it is fully deactivated. Thus the most use and value you find would come from powering down the ship and draining it for fuel and stripping its primary systems.

You do identify that while the ships complement of swarm missiles has already been removed half the ship's rapid fire laser system is still completely functional. In fact some of the record indicate it was used after the crash though you are unsure for what purpose. Other than that all you find are large materials for ship repair such as bulkhead plating and spools of metals and plastics used by fabricators for system printings. Though not matching your ships fabricators you could likely adapt them for the use and craft components should the need arise. With all your finds being bulkin but of value your work to transfer them to the Odyssey looks to be a lot of heavy lifting and wrangling with sleds till you can get the materials to the open.
Dec 30, 2024 2:48 pm
"Let me know if there are any medical records in the files Stinger sent over, Avro"
Alandra will review any medical records if there are any.
Dec 31, 2024 1:03 am
As the ship is partitioned and the medbay has yet to be visited and its records downloaded there is little medical info to go through save some incident reports. But Alandra starts combing through the ships records and piece things together. As far as you can tell there were multiple survivors. However the encrypted record you recovered from the bridge and tech records from engineering give no hints as to their status after the crash.
Jan 3, 2025 6:38 pm
"Since removing any equipment from Engineering would require a considerable amount of time and effort, perhaps we should investigate other parts of the ship. I believe Dr. Mournbeard would like us to investigate the medical bay."
Jan 3, 2025 10:55 pm
"That’s right, Hal3000. Hopefully it can give us more insight into what happened to the crew.", Alandra says through a burst of static.
Jan 4, 2025 6:58 pm
After completing your search and leaving one of the interface modules plugged in so that the Odyssey has remote access to the engineering systems the group heads to medbay. All that is left after that is the mess hall and commons for a complete search of the ship.
[ +- ] crashed ship layout
The medical bay is eerily silent, with one of the cryo/medical pods shattered and covered in ice. Another pod is still intact but show signs of tampering. The surgical systems are frozen, with medical supplies scattered across the floor. There are multiple cabinets along one wall and a small side office to one side. Some signs suggest that injured survivors used the medbay for a short time before abandoning it. Blood-stained scraps and bandages were left behind, littering the floor.
Jan 4, 2025 9:39 pm
HAL investigates the still intact cryopod.


Investigate cryopod - (2d6)

(12) = 3

Jan 6, 2025 3:17 am
HAL's investigation reveals the pod is set to emergency mode for crew only and it blocks his access. Other than the fact it is accepting input and has power there is little else he can determine.

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