Planet VI: Ice Planet
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Oct 9, 2024 4:46 pm
"Perhaps we will be able to generate minimal power that would be too faint to detect at distance. The alternative would be to proceed to high priority targets such as the medical bay, cargo hold, and armory to determine if there is any salvage that we can use."
Oct 9, 2024 5:26 pm
[ +- ] Basic ship sections
1. Command Bridge
2. Engineering
3. Medbay
4. Crew Quarters
5. Shuttle Bay 1
6. Shuttle Bay 2
7. Bay 3 & 4 (Cargo Bay)
8. Comms 2 (Damaged)
9. Armory
10. Mess Hall
11. Medical Lab
no map - looking for a decent generator for quick simple designs, if you know of one let me know. Oct 9, 2024 5:54 pm
"Ok, let's continue then with our own power supply."
Do we find anything else useful in the Bridge?
Do we find anything else useful in the Bridge?
Additional Search - (2d6h1)
Oct 9, 2024 10:39 pm
Can someone check the navigation station and try to download the astrogation maps? That may speed up our repair on our corrupt systems.
Oct 9, 2024 11:19 pm
"Thanks Avro, we'll use caution. Hopefully we didn't make too big of a splash. I have some news on the fate of this ship. They went down in a firefight. A big ship hit them, carrior class. There's an old A.I blocking me from accessing the medical logs. We'll have to go to the med bay to find them. What do you all want to do? If we go to the med bay we may be able to find supplies, but those foot prints...There has to be survivors. Should we look for them?"
Oct 10, 2024 5:41 am
"I've already got all maps and nav logs." And he sends them to Avro through the Comms for analysis.
"I'm aware doctor, just let me a moment to finish this additional search please. We can go to Medway afterwards.
I believe that, if there are survivors here, we will run into them just by checking the rooms in order without being sneaky. Or they will find us.
If we finish searching the ship and they haven't appear yet, we could always search for them specifically."
"I'm aware doctor, just let me a moment to finish this additional search please. We can go to Medway afterwards.
I believe that, if there are survivors here, we will run into them just by checking the rooms in order without being sneaky. Or they will find us.
If we finish searching the ship and they haven't appear yet, we could always search for them specifically."
Oct 10, 2024 1:08 pm
Other than the components Sam is collecting for spare parts and the mostly intact navigation charts there is nothing useful to be found in the room. You are able to determine that the ships communications systems has been entirely ruined and sam doubs she will be able to get much of use from it anywhere on the ship.
Where to next
[ +- ] Basic ship sections
1. Command Bridge * | 2. Engineering |
3. Medbay | 4. Crew Quarters |
5. Shuttle Bay 1 | 6. Shuttle Bay 2 |
7. Bay 3 & 4 (Cargo Bay) | 8. Comms 2 (Damaged) |
9. Armory | 10. Mess Hall |
11. Medical Lab |
Where to next
Oct 10, 2024 1:12 pm
Remembering Alandra's strong curiosity on the ships Medbay...
"OK, we've got maps, nav logs and spare parts from the bridge. Let's go to the Medbay."
We get in travelling formation and walk to the Medbay.
"OK, we've got maps, nav logs and spare parts from the bridge. Let's go to the Medbay."
We get in travelling formation and walk to the Medbay.
Oct 10, 2024 10:33 pm
Alandra waits for Stinger to finish and then responds, "Great, the Med Bay it is. Hey look at that. According to your map the armory is on the way. Is everyone ready?", Alandra says gripping her staff.
Alandra will follow whoever leads us further into the ship."Oct 11, 2024 3:56 pm
The trip to the medbay will take you back through the ship, past the armory and a storage bay. Depending on which way you go (there are 2 main corridors that divide the ship into 3 sections) either an empty shuttle bay or cargo hold. Glancing in you see the armory is partially looted, with many of the weapons missing or damaged. The lockers show signs of forced entry, and several weapons have been disassembled with damaged looking pieces scattered around the room. A few weapons, pieces of armor, crates, and cases remain, though they are covered in frost.
Basic ship layout says:
1. B1 Shuttle | 4. Quarters | 7. B3 Cargo | ||
0. Bridge | 2. Armory | 5. Comms | 8. Medbay/Lab | 10. Engineering |
3. B2 Cargo | 6. Mess | 9. B4 Shuttle |
Oct 11, 2024 4:45 pm
Thanks for the layout!Krom, with his weapon knowledge would search for weapons and protection, but also for pieces and parts that could ensamble completé items. Also for ammo.
Since Krom has no player now, if it's ok with everyone, I'll roll his search.Rolls
Kroms search - (3d6h1)
Oct 11, 2024 10:32 pm
you find a couple laser rifles that are at least not in pieces but given the environment no one wants to be the one to plug power cells into them. There are several grenades frozen solid that may work once thawed, carefully and possibly remotely. There are also multiple discarded armor pieces but they are for humanoid use so Stinger has no use of them. Any of the others may be able to wear the one decent vest, with a bit of adjustment or tailoring.
Oct 11, 2024 10:49 pm
"That's a pretty good piece of armor, we should take it. Maybe Avro can use it. It looks a little big for me.", Alandra says. Then consults Stinger's map, "Looks like comms are next. I'll grab some of these frozen grenades. Who knows, they may work after they thaw., Alandra grabs the grenades and exits the room.
Thanks for the map! Cathamber, you can roll for Krom. How many grenades did we get?Oct 11, 2024 11:48 pm
you find 5 grenades, 2 laser rifles, 6 depleted power cells, 1 armor vest, and scraps of armor and weapons that might be salvaged for more with time and effort.
Oct 12, 2024 6:56 am
We take it all, and continue to Comms room.
Even the armour and weapon pieces because back in the Odyssey Sam may try to put them together. Stinger is putting all in his backpack for carrying.
Yes, maybe Avro could use it. But we are not sure this ship is free of risks, and Krom is walking first in our formation... I think he should wear it for now.
Even the armour and weapon pieces because back in the Odyssey Sam may try to put them together. Stinger is putting all in his backpack for carrying.
Yes, maybe Avro could use it. But we are not sure this ship is free of risks, and Krom is walking first in our formation... I think he should wear it for now.
I can't see Krom's character sheet, I don't know if he already has a better armour. If he does, the armour could be used by whomever got the least effective one at this time.Last edited Oct 12, 2024 8:23 am
Oct 12, 2024 1:55 pm
While monitoring the the away party, Avro starts to load the astrogation charts from the wrecked ships and get the ship AI to start overlapping our corrupt data with the charts recovered to see if they can get a fully functioning Navigation system.
Merging the star charts - (2d6)
Oct 12, 2024 4:10 pm
Kroms sheet got put into the character creation thread at the end but more has been added with the newcomer. I will add a link for both him and sam into the ship sheet under the crew sheet Peering into the space and looking at the ship layout you downloaded you determine you can either try to navigate the rough and ripped metal through the missing hall to an opening that should lead to the comms room or circle around to access it from the other side. Choosing the saver path you backtrack to the bridge then around the other corridor. On the way to the comms room you glance into the other bay and see the bay doubles as a cargo hold, with rows of large crates and containers tumbled around the room. Some of the cargo is intact, though most have been opened and frost covers everything.
Continuing your search of the ship you force the comms room door open. This room is heavily damaged, with the a section of far wall blown away. The room is completely open to the icy atmosphere, making it treacherous to navigate. Snow has piled up inside, covering the wreckage of the shuttle. The freezing winds howl through this section, making any exploration dangerous. Most of the terminals you can see have destroyed interfaces which will required a more manual approach to any data recovery.
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