2. The Ruins of Arden Vul

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Oct 13, 2024 7:12 pm
"Thrudmarr chop!"
Edit: I forgot the +4, oops. So that's a 21

Edit to the edit: Geez, I completely forgot how this game works apparently. I neglected to add +3 for Double weapon spec as well, so the grand total is actually a 24. That hits AC -9.
Last edited October 13, 2024 7:19 pm


To hit tree roots - (1d20)

(17) = 17

Damage (if hit) - (1d8+3)

(3) + 3 = 6

Oct 14, 2024 6:57 am
Vasco eyed the shiny jewellery embedded in the roots and stood beside everyone watching Thrudmarr's attempt at chopping the roots. He wondered about how the item got embedded in the root in the first place. Turning to the sky he watched the horizon and then proceeded towards the granite tower and its bronze doors. He checked to see whether there was any keyhole in there.
How tall is the tower? How long until night?
Oct 14, 2024 1:00 pm
Ellagel did not approach the group seeking to recover th shiny object, as she was concerned that the party might attract attention with all the hacking. Her eyes kept scanning the different spots she feared might hide assailants.
Not sure if it's the case in OSRIC, but in ADnD 1ed, your "to hit" bonuses couldn't make a natural roll of 19 or less go above 20. Only with a natural twenty and a bonus could a character reach a to hit roll above 20. That is the reason for the 20s repeated six times on the combat matrices.

So if your burly lvl 1 fighter warrior with a total of +4 due to high strength and specialization rolls an 18, his adjusted roll is capped at 20, and he can hit any target with AC -5 or worse. A peasant (0 HD) that is charging with a spear (+2 to hit) and rolls a nat 20, gets a 22 as a result, and could hit up to AC-6.

The whole point of this rule — which I suppose harkens to the game's wargaming past — was to say that extremely powerful creatures (as expressed in an unearthly AC) couldn't be hit by ordinary folk at all : a demon lord with -8 AC wouldn't be hit even if 300 archers shot at it, even if statistically, there'd be 15 natural 20s in the mix... and that's without considering immunity to non-magical weapons and such, which also made some relatively mid-level monsters impervious to mundane attacks, regardless of the rolls...
Last edited October 14, 2024 1:02 pm
Oct 14, 2024 4:56 pm
Interesting, hadn't ever heard of that rule before, but then again I've also never played 1e or OSRIC before. I take that to mean I can only hit AC 0 at my current level unless I roll a natural 20.
Oct 14, 2024 4:58 pm
Grand Forum
As soon as Thrudmarr’s axe bites into the roots of the oak, the tree erupts. Every branch, from the mightiest limb to the smallest twig starts to shake. Birds roosting in its canopy fly squawking into the evening sky. Most disturbingly, a deep, resonant growl that emanates from within the bowels of the trunk echoes across the plateau.

It is clear that the tree intends to defend itself. Currently, only Thrudmarr is in melee range. Please everyone declare any spells or your general actions for the coming round of combat.

In other matters …

Stalker05 says:
Turning to the sky he watched the horizon and then proceeded towards the granite tower and its bronze doors. He checked to see whether there was any keyhole in there.
How tall is the tower? How long until night?
There’s no keyhole in the bronze doors. The tower is 45’ tall (see above). Sunset will be at around 7:30 pm - less than an hour away.

6:40 pm, Demmasday 1st Lucreon (April) 2993 AEP
Ellagel, Elven Fighter/Magic User 1/1: 6/6, 90’
Grimidek, Dwarven Cleric 1: 9/9, 60’
Jacky, Halfling Fighter/Thief 1/1: 6/6, 60’
Thrudmarr, Wiskin Fighter 1: 5/5, 90’
Vasco, Thorcin Thief 1: 6/6, 120’
Zacharias, Archontean Fighter 1: 10/10, 60’

Billie, Mule, 120’
Oct 14, 2024 5:18 pm
Here we go again; we'll all be dead before we descend ten feet. THORSTEN, MOVE AWAY FROM THE TREE IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE. Zach is well out of melee range. He would prefer to fight goblins and kobolds and not 100 foot tall sentient trees.
Oct 14, 2024 5:53 pm
"Onod!" Ella exclaimed in her native tongue. From afar she determined her measly arrows would be of little use against such a magnificent specimen of that ancient race. "Thudmarr, RUN!!!" the elf cried out, pointing northwards, toward the general direction they suspected the inn might be.
Not waiting for the axeman to start doing what she suggested, Ella starts moving at a brisk pace towards the north end of the fallen square, and nocks an arrow. She might shoot to distract the living tree, but she won’t stay to fight.
Last edited October 14, 2024 5:54 pm
Oct 14, 2024 6:15 pm
"Tree angry! Tree very angry!" Thrudmarr shouts. "Thrudmarr sorry, tree! No more chop!"

Hearing his companions yelling at him to run, Thrudmarr doesn't hesitate. He turns and starts running full speed in the direction Ella pointed.
I had a feeling it would be bad idea lol. But hey, if I die at least I died doing something!
Oct 15, 2024 1:55 pm
At the sound of roots erupting and gravels shifting Vasco turned back to spot the enormous tree which has now risen to attack the party. Feeling horrified at the prospect he quietly shifted to the otherside of the tower and ducked down to hid himself. There was no way he would hit a massive living tree with slings and stones.
In the picture the tower has several windows, how far is the lowest one? Does it have glass panes or is it like stone cut windows?
Oct 15, 2024 2:01 pm
Jacky skirts a wide berth around the animating tree, keeping away from any inconvenient branches. He backs off as far as possible while still keeping the rest of his companions in his sight.
Oct 15, 2024 4:00 pm
Grand Forum
As the oak has no intention of going to all the trouble of moving for a minor irritant such as Thrudmarr, can I suggest that Thrud attempts a "Fighting Retreat" rather than simply "Fleeing"? If he flees, the tree will get an immediate additional attack at +4 to hit. If he performs a Fighting Retreat, not only does the tree not get a bonus attack, but Thrud may parry by subtracting his to hit bonus from any regular attack by the tree.

Thrud’s still in big trouble if he loses initiative, but at least this gives him a chance.

If you haven’t already done so, can I suggest you read through the various combat actions on pages 126-128 of OSRIC. I don’t mind helping out in these early stages as we all familiarise ourselves with the system, but I’m not always going to provide that safety net and will take your declared actions at face value.

Thrud - please roll for initiative (1d6). You want to roll high so that the tree goes later in the round.

6:40 pm, Demmasday 1st Lucreon (April) 2993 AEP
Ellagel, Elven Fighter/Magic User 1/1: 6/6, 90’
Grimidek, Dwarven Cleric 1: 9/9, 60’
Jacky, Halfling Fighter/Thief 1/1: 6/6, 60’
Thrudmarr, Wiskin Fighter 1: 5/5, 90’
Vasco, Thorcin Thief 1: 6/6, 120’
Zacharias, Archontean Fighter 1: 10/10, 60’

Billie, Mule, 120’


Ancient oak's initiative roll - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Oct 15, 2024 4:01 pm
Stalker05 says:
In the picture the tower has several windows, how far is the lowest one? Does it have glass panes or is it like stone cut windows?
The picture is not a true representation of the tower. The windows are all towards the top - you estimate at probably the tower’s 4th level - approximately 30’ above you. There are eight windows in total, two on each side of the square tower, and each window is 8’ wide. There is no glazing in the windows - they are simply wide openings.
Oct 15, 2024 5:37 pm
Yeah, I read through the options after posting and thought of that, but didn't want to change it after posting. With your permission though I will definitely change my action to a Fighting Retreat.
"Thrudmarr sorry, tree! No more chop! Thrudmarr leave now!" Thinking better of fleeing out right, Thrudmarr begins to back away slowly instead, keeping his axe raised defensively between himself and the animated tree.
Last edited October 15, 2024 5:41 pm


Iniative! - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Oct 16, 2024 3:02 pm
Grand Forum
(An easy initiative win for Thrudmarr, so he's able to execute the Fighting Retreat successfully. The oak does not follow up.)

First one giant branch and then a second crash down into the space just vacated by Thrudmarr, splintering the paving stones.

With the threat repelled, the oak gradually calms down and resumes its regular tree-like state.

6:40 pm, Demmasday 1st Lucreon (April) 2993 AEP
Ellagel, Elven Fighter/Magic User 1/1: 6/6, 90’
Grimidek, Dwarven Cleric 1: 9/9, 60’
Jacky, Halfling Fighter/Thief 1/1: 6/6, 60’
Thrudmarr, Wiskin Fighter 1: 5/5, 90’
Vasco, Thorcin Thief 1: 6/6, 120’
Zacharias, Archontean Fighter 1: 10/10, 60’

Billie, Mule, 120’
Oct 16, 2024 3:17 pm
"This way!" the petite elf cried out, beckoning Thrudmar and the others to follow her north of the square, away from the tower and towards the pyramid, and from there to the structure that we have so far assumed is an inn.
She keeps her eyes on the now more relaxed tree, and scans the side of the tower to determine if Vasco has also heard her call. Though the windows 30ft up look enticing, in her mind they are one more mystery the party would be wise to leave unexamined for now.
Last edited October 16, 2024 3:18 pm
Oct 16, 2024 4:03 pm
Thrudmarr, still breathing heavily from the excitement, breaks into a wide grin as he watches the tree settle back down.

"Tree alive! Tree fight! Thrudmarr never see that before! Very exciting!"

He turns to Ella as he catches up to her. "We fight magic tree! We big heroes now!" he declares proudly. "People tell stories about us! Thrudmarr the Tree-Fighter!"

As they continue moving, he continues to jabber excitedly, "We do big things here, people make statue out of us too! Thrudmarr can't wait to tell home about magic tree!"
Oct 16, 2024 4:04 pm
We're going to die of old age before we even step foot in the halls—especially me Zach thinks as he contemplates the wonders of arthritis.
Oct 17, 2024 5:06 pm
Pyramid of Thoth
You continue north, leaving a growing wake of chaos trailing behind you.

The next landmark you encounter is the impressive Pyramid of Thoth. This is another structure that stands out for its intactness amongst the wider ruins. Its base is 90’ square and it rises to a height of 45’ above the floor of the city. Marble steps on each side of the pyramid lead up to a 30’-square platform, on top of which is a stone canopy supported by marble pillars. Underneath the canopy is a large statue of a humanoid figure, but you can’t make out the details from your current position.


6:50 pm, Demmasday 1st Lucreon (April) 2993 AEP
Ellagel, Elven Fighter/Magic User 1/1: 6/6, 90’
Grimidek, Dwarven Cleric 1: 9/9, 60’
Jacky, Halfling Fighter/Thief 1/1: 6/6, 60’
Thrudmarr, Wiskin Fighter 1: 5/5, 90’
Vasco, Thorcin Thief 1: 6/6, 120’
Zacharias, Archontean Fighter 1: 10/10, 60’

Billie, Mule, 120’
Oct 18, 2024 7:52 am
"You tallfolk have so many fancy buildings," Jacky remarks. "It must have taken forever to collect all that stone!"

Though the pyramid is an awesome sight indeed, the halfling would rather spend his night at the inn. If they can make it there!
Oct 18, 2024 1:41 pm
Ella is silently impressed : not so much by the building, but by its imposing silhouette in a waste of overgrown ruins.

She nods along with Jacky. Returning to this ought to be their first order of business, once they had located this inn and rested from their day's march.

"We should press on...", she stated curtly.
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