Added trait details to your character sheet.
FYI : Any character in a game is editable by the game GM. No one else can see your character unless you share it by putting it into the character library which makes it public for viewing
Relying on his strength Wemmic plaots a course and uses his training as best he can. Though successful Wemmic realizes his broad knowledge is not a guarantee of practical application, but it helps. And though his accrobatic trainig is useful in climbinb and manuvering ovre th rough terrain it is not aimed at stealth and concealment. Still you manage to get to the area in question without too much trouble and staying to coveer as best you are able.
Though not a tracker it is easy enough to find where the beast landed and, by your guess, left several individuals before taking to th skies. The track of tose left quickly move to a small track, likely an animal trail by the way is meanders through the country. Curious you try and follow and are grateful that one of the sets of prints is so well defined. The large heavy prints are likely from a large person or someone carrying a heavy load, as the others ( 2 or 3 sets?) are much harder for you to keep track of.
Somewhat lost in your efforts to track the party you are surprised when you hear a sudden rattling noise and look down to see a snake that is several feet long coiling itself up just at your feet as it shakes its tail. As you hesitate it strikes out at your leg with long fangs. The fangs sink into your calf and you feel it's venom flow into you!
1 damage + Roll a SAVE TEST[ +- ] Save Tests
These occur when something undesirable happens to your character and are handled just like regular Tests unless otherwise noted by the rules or the Game Master. A failed save will have effects as determined by the GM or the adventure.
[ +- ] Combat
During combat each character has 2 actions that can be performed. Possible actions include
+ attack (1 damage per success unless stated otherwise)
+ evade (Until you can act again Test at disadvantage any time you are hit to avoid damage)
+ move (move to a new room/field)
+ focus (improve the odds on you next roll)
+ other test