Dracostern / Adela Beran

Oct 11, 2024 11:50 pm
For discussing your chargen.
Oct 12, 2024 1:23 am
Thank you! I'm thinking of making a dragon lady, but I need to figure out where to start.

Do you have suggestions?
Oct 12, 2024 1:40 am
Hi, I sent you a message.
Oct 12, 2024 1:40 am
Hi, I sent you a message.
Oct 12, 2024 2:43 am
Thank you, I got it!
Oct 12, 2024 5:20 am
Ok here is the first draft:

Concept: A clay statue brought to live by magical runes.

Powers: Super Strength and Endurence, Density shifting, Shape shifting. Also immune to poisons because she's clay lol
Weakness to Water and her magical runes being tampered with.


Attack (+2)
Highened Senses - Hearing (+1)
Knowledge - Art (+3)
Perceptive (+2)
Resistance - Blunt Force (+3)
Resistance - Poison (+3)
Shapeshifter (+2)
Strong (+3)
Iron Willed (+1)


Bizzare Appearence - Mannerisms (+1)
Complusion - Protect the Weak (+3)
Emotionless (+2)
Infamous (+2)
Loner (+1)
Outcast (+2)
Rude (+1)
Vulnerability - Water (+3)
Vulnerability - Magic Rune tampering (+3)
Oct 12, 2024 5:21 am

Adela Beran is the daughter of a Czech artist and sculptor Tomas Beran. Tomas always wanted a daughter but couldn't find love in his home, Prague. A traveling witch felt sorry for him and taught him the magic words to bring a statue to life.

So he would use these words, carving them under the tongue of a clay sculpture he made, and the figure came to life. Adela was born that day. Tomas loved his daughter, though he knew she was not human.

Adela struggled to fit in at school and would become infamous for beating up bullies to protect the bullied. So she was kicked out of a lot of schools.

One day, Tomas got a new art job in Japan and he moved there with his daughter, the witch he had met before mentioned Youkai Academy so he enrolled her there, believing Adela would get along better with fellow non-humans.


Seemingly cold and rude. Adela struggles to express her emotions. She is blunt and soically awkward. Yet has a complusion to defend the weak.

She is, however quite expressive with her art, creating amazing and beautiful pieces.
Last edited October 12, 2024 5:24 am
Oct 12, 2024 4:03 pm
1. Being resistant to poison is something really specific and accidental, don't bother spending points with it, you get it for free. Now, life support is an ability that you could look into.
2. I think you'd profit from a bigger balance of weaknesses - by the way, in the current stats, there's leftover points, you spent +17.5 points (knowledge is an ability that only costs half, so you should always pick an even number or take two different knowledges) in abilities and -18 weaknesses, meaning you still can spend 3 more points to reach the balance of +5. Thus, try thinking of ways to enrich your character and give him more weaknesses, that's the advice I'd give. An idea: being that she's a created being that may have had a very brief existence, she could have the Naive weakness, to reflect that. On the other hand, I should ask you what would fuel her infamy? There's also the dull weakness, which seem to describe her very well. Finally, wouldn't she be weak to fire and heat too? Things that could involuntarily harden her.
3. I think that the essential abilities this character would enjoy having are: armor (to reflect her being hardy when she wants to and augmenting her density), maybe some more points in shapeshifter, if you intend on making her able to copy other people, and maybe objects. Besides that, some levels in though would be a good idea, for her to have more Health.
Oct 12, 2024 6:33 pm
So new abilities would be:



And weaknesses would be:


Naive (maybe)

Also she’s infamous because she got into a lot of fights in the past.
Oct 12, 2024 8:00 pm
Alright, got it.
Oct 12, 2024 8:16 pm

Attack (+2)
Highened Senses - Hearing (+1)
Knowledge - Art (+3)
Knowledge - Folklore (+2)
Perceptive (+2)
Resistance - Blunt Force (+3)
Shapeshifter (+2)
Strong (+3)
Iron Willed (+1)
Tough (+3)


Bizzare Appearence - Mannerisms (+1)
Complusion - Protect the Weak (+3)
Dull (+2)
Emotionless (+2)
Infamous - Known to get into fights (+2)
Impulsive (+2)
Loner (+1)
Outcast (+2)
Rude (+1)
Vulnerability - Water (+3)
Vulnerability - Magic Rune tampering (+3)
Vulnerability - Fire (+2)

Is this better?
Last edited October 12, 2024 8:17 pm
Oct 13, 2024 12:26 am
Sure it is, but you still didn't spend all of your points: you've +19.5 points in abilities (the .5 is because you have remaining 1 point in knowledge skills to fill their cost) and -24 in weaknesses, so you can spend 10 more points in abilities! Remember, the overall balance of abilities minus weaknesses should be +5.
Oct 13, 2024 12:42 am
Oh, well we can get rid of that .5 by bumping Knowledge Folklore +2 to +3

I don't...really know what other abilities to give her tbh, she's a very basic character.
Oct 13, 2024 12:45 am
Well, you still have some time to think about other abilities if you want, but pumping the ones she already got is a good idea also! Like raising her Shapeshifter, Tough, Resistance and Strong? Maybe pick some armor (that would stack with her resistance to blunt force).
Oct 13, 2024 12:46 am
I think bumping what she already has makes the most sense. Also can you explain how picking armor works real quick?
Oct 13, 2024 12:53 am
Armor and resistance work the same way, the only difference being that resistance only works for an specific type o damage. In combat, there's two relevant stats, the Attack Roll (for the attacker), Defense Roll (for defender) and DX (damage multiplier, for the attacker). DX is 1 plus your levels in Attack and Strong (should it be a physically powered attack), in your characters case, her DX would be 6: 1+Attack (2)+ Strong (3).

That means that for every point of damage you do, you multiply that by 6!

Armor and resistance directly reduce the DX of the attacker, so: if you attacked something with Armored +3, your DX would merely be 3.

If DX goes below 1 because of Armored, the Attack only deals half damage;
If DX goes below 1 because of Resistance, it's nullified (it may heal, if that makes sense, like if it were resistance to some kind of energy)
Oct 13, 2024 1:23 am
Got it, thank you! Ok updated list!


Attack (+3)
Highened Senses - Hearing (+1)
Knowledge - Art (+3)
Knowledge - Folklore (+3)
Perceptive (+2)
Resistance - Blunt Force (+3)
Shapeshifter (+3)
Strong (+4)
Iron Willed (+1)
Tough (+4)

Armor (+3) - Hardening her body to take hits.


Bizzare Appearence - Mannerisms (+1)
Complusion - Protect the Weak (+3)
Dull (+2)
Emotionless (+2)
Infamous - Known to get into fights (+2)
Impulsive (+2)
Loner (+1)
Outcast (+2)
Rude (+1)
Vulnerability - Water (+3)
Vulnerability - Magic Rune tampering (+3)
Vulnerability - Fire (+2)
Oct 13, 2024 3:45 am
That's better! Though you still have 2 points remaining!

27 24
Oct 13, 2024 3:45 am
That's better! Though you still have 2 points remaining!
Oct 13, 2024 4:13 am
Are there any crafting based skills? Like maybe she can morph her hands into weapons like spikes or something
Oct 13, 2024 2:15 pm
The morphing into weapons thing doesn't need another ability, it's just an attack, you make it with perks/flaws, and if you only want it to be a visual thing, it isn't necessary either.

As for crafting abilities, there's inventor, and knowledge can be used too.
Oct 13, 2024 4:25 pm
Ok so I’ll keep the hand changing to just visual then

Hmmm….nevermind then. I’m not sure what she would be able to craft- choosing abilities is hard haha.
Oct 13, 2024 4:34 pm
Maybe Agile (+2)?
Oct 13, 2024 10:35 pm
I know I keep copy/pasting this, but it helps me keep track of things.


Attack (+3)
Agile (+2)
Highened Senses - Hearing (+1)
Knowledge - Art (+3)
Knowledge - Folklore (+3)
Knowledge - Craftsmanship (+3)
Knowledge - Literature (+2)
Perceptive (+2)
Resistance - Blunt Force (+3)
Shapeshifter (+3)
Strong (+4)
Iron Willed (+1)
Tough (+4)

Armor (+3) - Hardening her body to take hits.


Bizzare Appearence - Mannerisms (+1)
Complusion - Protect the Weak (+3)
Dull (+2)
Emotionless (+2)
Infamous - Known to get into fights (+2)
Impulsive (+2)
Loner (+1)
Outcast (+2)
Rude (+1)
Vulnerability - Water (+3)
Vulnerability - Magic Rune tampering (+3)
Vulnerability - Fire (+2)

Does this work? Also have a few ideas for physical appearance. She's around 6'0 tall.


(The FC is Shibuya Rin from Idolmaster Cinderella Girls)

This would be her human form, I can't find a good ref of her monster form, but I imagine that it's just a humanoid shaped figure made of slightly melting clay
Oct 14, 2024 5:55 pm
Alright! That looks good. You don't need to bother with an alternate pic for her monster form if you don't want to. Next, you must only fill the Character sheet and submit it; if you don't know how, it is thus:

Go to the subforum called "Welcome to Yokai Academy", and then on the thread "Building a character", which is in here. Then you'll see a collapsible segment, you open it and it's the sheet; there'll be a button in the upper-right corner of it, "Create Character", you click it and a popup should appear, asking your character's name.

That will be saved and you'll be able to find it in the "characters" tab of the website. When you're done, you go to the "Game Details" page of our game and in the bottom you'll find the option to submit the character.

By the way, seems like there'll be a second towering girl to catch all attention, heh!
Oct 14, 2024 6:16 pm
Thank you for the explanation! I will get to it right now ^^

Also I mean her monster form is just mud shaped like a young woman so it wouldn't be hard to mentally visualise.
Oct 14, 2024 6:30 pm
Also I still don't know how to figure out Attack Stats and Defense, can you help with that?
Oct 14, 2024 6:34 pm
What exactly are you referring to as attack stats? Excepting Health and Endurance, everything in this game is revolved around Abilities & Weaknesses, and Perks & Flaws. In combat, you'll just use your abilities to roll, same as normal checks. Oh, there's also DX, which I've already explained earlier in this thread: 1+Strong+Attack(+perks and other bonuses)
Oct 14, 2024 6:36 pm
Alright got it, then I guess I've pretty much done? Will submit.
Oct 14, 2024 6:45 pm
Oct 14, 2024 6:46 pm
By the way, if you want some guidelines, you could check the other PCs' sheets.
Oct 14, 2024 6:51 pm
Moyreau says:
By the way, if you want some guidelines, you could check the other PCs' sheets.
You mean from their threads?

Also submitted it!
Oct 14, 2024 6:59 pm
Oh, forget that, it's probable you can't see their sheets.

Anyway, if your question about combat stats were referring to that table in the sheet, that's a place to put one's special moves: which are your Attack ability modified by different sets of Perks and Flaws. Attack isn't the only Ability that can be modified that way, but it is their main use.

Your character isn't required to have any (verily, the series we're basing ourselves here is very light in them itself) but it could be interesting for you to look that up (until we start our game); it could make combat more exciting for you (and everyone else, as they make the combat less lengthy).
Oct 14, 2024 7:05 pm
Yeah that was what I was referring to haha!

I probably should have waited before submitting to add it, but combat for her is really easy, she can punch really hard and turn her hands into spikes to stab...that's really it to be honest.
Oct 14, 2024 7:16 pm
Alright! Don't worry about that, these aren't fixed in stone, and can be added, changed and removed at a whim.
Oct 14, 2024 7:29 pm
Moyreau says:
Alright! Don't worry about that, these aren't fixed in stone, and can be added, changed and removed at a whim.
Yup yup! I've edited my character application already a little there, you can go through it to see if I got it right when you have the time!
Oct 14, 2024 7:49 pm
Leave it to me!
Oct 15, 2024 10:20 pm
So, how is everything looking?
Oct 15, 2024 10:44 pm
Everything looks good, your character is already approved.

Just one thing: you mustn't bother to list your combat moves if their only difference is descriptive, for that, you merely describe the attack however you like.
Oct 15, 2024 10:49 pm
Oh thanks for reminding me, also didn't notice the approval, sorry to bother you!
Oct 15, 2024 10:52 pm
No problem.
Oct 18, 2024 4:29 am
I just realised that I have Strong and Tough at +4, is that ok? Or should I change it?
Oct 18, 2024 1:19 pm
It's ok, nothing wrong with that. If those are core abilities of her (that define her character) she can have them in those values.

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