3 The Goblin Cave

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Feb 18, 2025 4:02 pm
We are currently headed back to the wagon.
Tatiana and Ammos have the contents of Klarg's chest, and I have it marked in my character sheet inventory for later distribution.
We have not mentioned the looted supplies yet. Tatiana doesn't intend to until we're safe.
Tatiana gives a nod to Decklan's words. She resets her Light spell to guide the way for those without darkvision and follows Raven to the wagon. While Ammos and Sildar see to Gundren, Tatiana keeps her senses alert for any signs of danger.
Last edited February 18, 2025 4:03 pm
Feb 19, 2025 11:08 pm
Raven will move ahead with Decklan to start finding the trail back to the wagon. He hoped that the oxen had been undisturbed while they were gone.
Feb 20, 2025 8:06 pm
If Gundren is able to walk an his own will just walk behind everyone
Feb 21, 2025 4:52 am
CancerMan says:
We are currently headed back to the wagon. Tatiana and Ammos have the contents of Klarg's chest, and I have it marked in my character sheet inventory for later distribution. We have not mentioned the looted supplies yet. Tatiana doesn't intend to until we're safe.
Alex may be a bit less circumspect than the restrained enchantress.
Alex heads back to the camp with the group. He cannot help but speculatively glance at the chest carried between Ammos and Tatiana. Ascertaining the value and resellability of goods was a endeavor in which he had some skill. Tearing his eyes away from the chest and his thoughts from lucre, he approached Gundren and Sildar. Turning to Sildar he said, I could not help but overhear. While I understand the need for the map, I think our priority is to get Master Gundren to a healer. There should be one in Phandalin. Turning to the limping Gundren he asked, back in the goblin cave, we came across a collection of trade goods which were blazoned with the arms of the Lionhead Coster. Are those yours as well?

Avraham sent a note to Arrcher101
Feb 21, 2025 5:04 am
Just for clarity, Tati and Ammy took the contents, not the chest itself.

Also, Gundren appears to be blind, so he will need assistance walking; I believe Sildar and Ammos are already helping with that.
Feb 21, 2025 5:12 am
CancerMan says:
Just for clarity, Tati and Ammy took the contents, not the chest itself.
Ohhhh. So much for picking locks and pockets. 😫😫😫😫😫


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