Greeting at the cliffside.

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Oct 22, 2024 2:45 pm
[Early Morning - April 1, Monday]
The crisp morning air greeted the arriving students at Yokai Academy, as the first day of the new school year began. Those punctual enough to get inside the bus and neither came on the day before, would find themselves in an old school bus in faded yellow, filled with strange kids, all (or mostly) wearing a bluish sea-green jacket, and olive green pants/plaid skirt, red tie or ribbon, and plain shoes; some wearing a sweater vest in place of the jacket. The bus' interior hazy by the fumes of the driver's cigar, which he smoked haphazardly (it seems monster laws aren't quite up to date with human ones...), while entering full speed through a tortuous dark tunnel.

Quickly the bright sky of early-spring morning, with its rosy hues, vanished. The headlights being the only light-source now...

Finally, after some five minutes inside that tunnel, it ends, revealing a totally different environment: the sky had a sinister gleam, the sunlight filtered to a pale lilac, while the clouds stood at differing grades of purple. The terrain was of a dusty, dry, soil, and alas, the road give in to a huge cliffside, from where a vast sea spread! The driver drove a bit forward, and promptly dropped the students the so-called stop, marked by a crooked dead tree and a scarecrow.

Up ahead, the cliff bends inwards, like a gulf and, on the other extremity, over the weird sun, a silhouette of a huge building could be seen; it gave an ominous feeling.
Not a minute after everyone got off the bus, the driver swiftly departed, with a creepy grin on his face. The students were left to in there on the cliffside, greeted by the crows atop that awry tree.

The scarecrow stood 5'9'' (1.75m) high; it had a pumpkin head, carved into a smile, it wore a russet cape or cassock, and a dark purple, almost black, long robe, that reached the ground, and white gloves as hands; finally, a white sigh hanged over its "chest". Overall, the robe seemed well fit, revealing a good volume to it, it certainly weren't made of poles... maybe a mannequin?

The sigh that hanged on it said: "Yokai Academy", but there were also tiny letters inscribes around it; though who came closer to check on then, was in for a surprise!

As anyone came closer, the scarecrow suddenly moved to greet them!! A laugh was heard from inside the pumpkin. "gwahahaha!! Gotcha!" Said a not-to-high, yet feminine voice. "How do you guys like my costume, huh?!" She presently introduced herself: "I'm the Academy's official greeter and concierge" With emphasis on the French word, "Pleased to meet you, young boys and girls, now students of this prestigious institution!"

"In thirty minutes, you're all expected at the auditorium, for the commencement ceremony, where you will be introduced to your classrooms, teachers and faculty, as well as receive the numbers of your dorms..."

To anyone who falters in the cliffside, maybe flabbergasted and bamboozled, she says: "Well then, go forth, go! Shoo, shoo!! Go!" She then disappears in a puff of blue smoke.

The students then scatter, some go down the road by the cliffside, some others decide to explore the forest, going uphill: a buzz of a shortcut by it is herd. Finally, some decide to stay a while on the cliffside.
Now it is time for you guys to describe what your PCs are going to do, what path they will take and also anything else you feel like it.
Oct 22, 2024 4:24 pm
A stoic Pink haired girl is among those staying by cliffside as she contemplates her next steps. She is a monster raised as a human stepping for the first time into the world of monsters in order to seek a way to leave it behind once and for all, this slurry of contradictions that is her being is not lost on her yet still she persists in pursuit of her ultimate goal. She start to walk down the road one hand clutching onto prayer beads held in front of her as she chants to herself "Om Mani Padme Hum" and continues down the path.
Oct 22, 2024 7:09 pm
Konomi is not among the students on the bus, having already taken up temporary residence in a dorm room a few weeks prior.

She gets up early, having not really slept much for all the excitement. Most of her belongings, an impressive amount of clothing, have already been packed up. She quickly finishes packing whatever is left. Today she would finally move to a new, proper, dorm room with the other students.

After washing her face and fixing her hair she finally gets to wear her uniform for the first time. Gleefully she inspects her new look in the mirror, turning and twirling around to get a look at every angle of the outfit.

"Finally! It's finally time..." She cheers. "...wait time..?" A quick glance at the clock sends her in to a hurry. "It's this late already?!" She fusses about, quickly grabbing a slice of toast along with her school bag. Almost tripping over herself while putting on her shoes and chocking on the toast she is hastily eating, Konomi rushes out of the door.

Not too much later she somehow finds herself on the cliffside road, bursting out of some side path. She briefly catches her breath.

"And now I am lost... " she is about to complain, when she notices the other students. Finally calming down she breathes a sigh of relief. "... or maybe not."

She quickly mingles with the other students, before drawing too much awkward attention to herself.
Last edited October 22, 2024 7:24 pm

Lín Jìng / 林静


Oct 22, 2024 7:42 pm
There's another figure standing in the distance, watching everyone from behind the bus. She clearly wasn't on the bus, though surely she wasn't around the premises yesterday either. Perhaps she was seen briefly in the corridors of the academy this morning, though. She's only carrying a light school backpack, so surely she has already moved her things here - very recently.

She walks to the sign and takes a closer look at it. Some may have heard that this year at the academy there would be a foreign student of a questionable background. Could that be her?

Lín Jìng / 林静
[ +- ] appearance
Oct 22, 2024 9:09 pm
When Hanami saw the absurd amount of secondhand smoke the bus driver was putting out, she had decided to make her own ride. The interior of that bus was a health hazard that she wanted no part of. With a discarded branch as a base and a touch of witchly magic, she conjured a flying broom that allowed her to coast alongside the bus.

She didn't immediately dismiss her broom on arrival, which proved to be the right choice in her mind when the scarecrow said there was only a half hour until the commencement ceremony. That's not much time. And I don't know where the auditorium is, either. Not loitering around, she took off on her broom and cut across the waters, heading straight for the huge building silhouetted in the distance.
Casted a spell to grant myself Gear +1 (Broomstick - Flight +1). Costs 5 Endurance at Arcane Magic +3
Oct 22, 2024 9:18 pm
There was another foreigner among the students, one of European decent, she had been on the bus, by herself, likely because other students avoided sitting next to her, not that Adela minded that much, she had been sketching in a sketchbooks she had brought with her the entire ride there.

Upon getting off and listening to the strange scarecrow, the golem would simply raise an eyebrow at it, though her expression did mot change at all. She made sure she had all her things before lumbering off into the woods towards the school building, hoping to get these introductions over with so that she ciikd find nice scenery to paint.
Oct 23, 2024 1:27 am
There had been a giant on the bus. Impeccably, incredibly, singularly gorgeous, athletic, shapely, and scaled-up to a towering seven feet high, plus a few inches from her boots. The school uniforms didnt come close to fitting her enormous stature, so she wore her own clothes. Bright red hair spilled down to her hips, shining like a banner behind her when she walked.

She projected firm, stern confidence and was impossible to ignore.

Most of the crowd kept looking at her, overawed in one way or another. She barely reacted to the attention, even though there was so much of it.

She was polite, though curt, with the bus driver and magic scarecrow. She was considerably warmer to any of the other students who had the courage to talk to her, greeting one girl with a winning, warm smile that, for as long as it lasted, made her look less than an imperious queen and more like a sweet big sister.

She didn't linger but made her way towards the school by the straightest path, blazing a trail for others to follow.
Oct 23, 2024 4:19 am
The girl thinks to herself. "so everyone here is like me? Monsters? Not sure if I should be comforted by this or not. I wonder what... what species they are I suppose"

As she thinks she will look around at her surroundings taking in her fellow students and the environment as well as charting a route towards the building in the distance that she assumes is the school
Oct 23, 2024 8:29 pm
The cliffside quick went unoccupied, as the students dispersed around, there only stood four of them now. two guys, one of medium build with spiky orange hair and a determined expression and the other with ash-gray hair and a fashionable, slightly disheveled style. There were also a girl, with faintly luminescent appearance, with silver hair and with softly glowing eyes.

And finally, there was Lín Jìng Who still remained in there.

The boys were chatting by themselves. While the girl seemed to play with the skulls and bones?!

Oct 24, 2024 4:47 am
Moyreau says:
And finally, there was Lín Jìng Who still remained in there.
Did it prove possible to read the smaller print on the sign?
Oct 24, 2024 11:35 am
Amongst the crowd of students that stepped off the bus was a short girl with silver hair and golden eyes. Much like the other students, she wore a standard school uniform, but with a cream vest instead of a blazer.

As she was taking in the view from the cliff side, the scarecrow interrupted her (and everyone else) with its message.

Heading to the auditorium is fine, but will we make it in 30 minutes?

You needn’t be such a worry-wort, Luna. Look, your companions are already leaving you behind!

The girl with two voices swirling in her head watched as some students decided to cut through the forest or fly straight there. A good chunk were continuing down the road though, which seemed to be the normal option.

Ah, you’re right! Wah, wait for me!

Not wanting to be left behind, Luna picked up her pace. Owing to her shy nature and short stature, she meekly followed her fellow students down the road from slightly behind.
Oct 24, 2024 1:53 pm
vicky_molokh says:
Moyreau says:
And finally, there was Lín Jìng Who still remained in there.
Did it prove possible to read the smaller print on the sign?
Líng Jìng is pretty sure it was just gibberish to draw people closer and scare them.
Is Luna running to catch her colleagues peace? Just to confirm it.
Oct 24, 2024 4:05 pm
Yeah, running to catch up and then slowing down just behind them

Lín Jìng / 林静


Oct 24, 2024 5:31 pm
Lín Jìng shows up out of nowhere just as Luna slows down.

"Um, if you feel like you're falling behind, maybe I can show you a shortcut to get to the academy faster. And avoid having to keep up with a big crowd. Uh, if that's okay with you?"

Her speech sounds foreign and her confidence was lacking, and yet there was also a hint of something shifty in the way she approached and addressed the other pupil.
Lín Jìng / 林静
Last edited October 24, 2024 5:32 pm


Teleport in line of sight - (3d6)

(455) = 14

Oct 24, 2024 11:47 pm
One of the last students to step off the bus, was a fourteen year old youth, with silvery-blue hair, pale skin and the signature, slitted pupils of a vampire.

Unlike the vast majority of students. Matsui’s school uniform was devoid of a blazer. Choosing to simply wear a crisp white shirt, with the sleeves slightly rolled back, accompanied by a loose black tie.

Descending the steps, Matsui watched all of his classmates dispersing into the distance. Using their various methods of travel to try and rush to the auditorium, and make it in time for orientation. Why bother?

Tucking both his hands into his pockets, Matsui begins the long walk to the Yoki Academy campus. Taking his time to enjoy the view, as he leisurely strolls away down the path.
Last edited October 24, 2024 11:48 pm
Oct 25, 2024 4:42 pm
Matsui should feel free to popup in the pathway scene, or skip through it (describe it in here); I presume Lìng Jín is going to wait for Luna's response?
Oct 25, 2024 4:49 pm
Moyreau says:
Matsui should feel free to popup in the pathway scene, or skip through it (describe it in here); I presume Lìng Jín is going to wait for Luna's response?
Yeah, hoping for a response.
Oct 25, 2024 6:02 pm

Matsui continues his leisurely walk down the path, enjoying the cool breeze in the air. The sun stung his skin a bit more than he’d like but it was bearable. Vampires really didn’t tan well.

Before long, he turned onto the pathways mains straight and saw what appeared to be a commotion happening up ahead. Bothersome. Hopefully, he’d be left alone and could walk around it. Whatever was going on, it was not his problem. That’s for sure.
So are you now going to post my intro into the pathway scene?
Last edited October 25, 2024 6:02 pm
Oct 25, 2024 6:13 pm
i dont think you will be there yet since you are taking your time, you will probably come in after the dragon acquires the cute thing
Oct 25, 2024 9:15 pm
yeah, the scene at the road seems complete, let`s skip Matsui to the ceremony.
Oct 25, 2024 11:25 pm
vicky_molokh says:
Lín Jìng shows up out of nowhere just as Luna slows down.

"Um, if you feel like you're falling behind, maybe I can show you a shortcut to get to the academy faster. And avoid having to keep up with a big crowd. Uh, if that's okay with you?"

Her speech sounds foreign and her confidence was lacking, and yet there was also a hint of something shifty in the way she approached and addressed the other pupil.
"Uwah!" Surprised at the sudden appearance of Lin Jing, Luna recoils and lets out a cute noise. After looking down the road to Yokai Academy, Luna decides to accept. She wasn't sure they'd get there in only half an hour of walking. "O-Oh, that would be quite helpful, actually."

Lín Jìng / 林静


Oct 26, 2024 5:04 am
Lín Jìng takes a few steps off the path, beckoning the other student. "Come closer when I say and we can take the shortcut."

She opens her third eye and performs wide-swinging and broad steps of old mudras, getting the youki flows just right for a quick jaunt. Finally, she freezes in a low stance with one hand extended to Luna. "Umm, if you just step closer, we're ready to go."

And then she begins performing a couple more mudras.

Lín Jìng / 林静
Performing a teleport 'out of sight' (i.e. difficulty 4) Area Effect 1, and Elaborate Gestures, whatever's the nuisance for the eye is called [which normally only happens when Lín Jìng casts Arcane stuff], to offset the Endurance cost back to 0. I'm assuming that when the rules tell to roll 'teleport dice', that means one die for each level of Teleport, without the base 2 dice on normal actions (please correct me if I'm wrong).

Lín Jìng will teleport in a few seconds, so now's the time to either step into proximity and join her, or keep a distance and stay behind.


Teleport against difficulty 4 - (3d6)

(425) = 11

Oct 26, 2024 6:06 pm
"Ah! Wait for me!" Luna hurries to join Lin Jing for the teleportation and steps close to her, glad to have met a helpful person.
Oct 26, 2024 6:14 pm
@Moyreau, feel free to transport us to the appropriate location when you feel it's time. Since Lín Jìng is taking her time, if there's something about to happen here still, it can happen before the departure.

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