Cha. 1.2 - Sadur's and Kimbek Down and... up?
"I'll get her. Stay safe."
He retrieves the club/tool he had dropped and turns toward the dinosaur.
In the same time Kimbek manage to steady his breath and takes out the crowbar he managed to "free" from one of their dreadful captors.
Rolling for monsters HP and will continue in the moment in the same post....
While they were doing above the Crest Bug shoved its Young One into the nearby bushes and returned to water[move], swimming in it not worse than a fish towards Kimbek. Still making this awful, ears and almost brain hurting sound, apparently caused by Crest Bug's shake of its crest. With a fast jump out of the water - with surprising impact, considering how short distance it head to gain some speed - the Crest Bug lunged at Kimbek...
In the same time Strange Tiger made a swift jump towards Sadur and attempts to free the dwarf from the burden of carrying his head on his shoulders with a mighty swing of its paw...

Sadur: please roll for Initiative and in case of winning it, state your actions. Also please roll Animal Lore(Per) check.
Kimbek: next time you will post, roll Int check.
Current Effects / Marching order | Weather / Clocks | Time |
Sadur: Doge until start of turn; Adv on Forager rolls in this jungle | Dryer jungle-like | Round 2(Init); Day 1: Afternoon 4:00 pm |
Kimbek, Sadur, Silver, Pepper | Trek progress: 4/6; Problems: 3/3 |
Strange Tiger - (4d8)
(7864) = 25
Crest Bug - (2d8)
(22) = 4
Strange Tiger - attacking Sadur - (2d20L1)
(56) = 5
Crest Bug - attacking Kimbek - (d20+2)
(7) + 2 = 9
Init 11 <5, 17> - (11, d20)
11 : () + 11 = 11
d20 : (19) = 19
Per 9 <4, 14> - Skilled Check - (10, d20)
10 : () + 10 = 10
d20 : (8) = 8
Int 16 <8, 20> - Check - (16, d20)
16 : () + 16 = 16
d20 : (4) = 4
Club - +Hit - (1d20+2)
(19) + 2 = 21
Club - Nat 19 - (1d10+2)
(9) + 2 = 11
Of course - not big deal with all of this, just wanted all of us be on the same page. I will try to use your post and rolls as much as will be possible after monsters actions:)
I will make a Int check I asked you in previous post for you just to make things faster with this post.
Oh.... Excuse me... I miss-read your previous roll under the post as Initiative roll, but in fact you made your Intelligence roll as asked. Sorry for messing it up. We will use your result of course:)
In the same time Crest Bug makes a swift u-turn in the water and repeats its attempt of jumping over Kimbek with its sharply pointed legs and hard beak.
Quite an interesting rolls results we have here... :)
Distracted by this sudden realization or not being ready for the tiger continuing his momentum and lunging with his whole body at him... Sadur doesn't mange to do another dodge and sees the tiger's jaws open and descending upon his head in a deadly grip.
But it is not his body that begins to hurt, but his mind that seems to be teared in two, as if the dizzying sound of the bug had finally managed to penetrate his scull! When he open - the instinctively closed eyes - again looking for help to ease the immense pain, he sees that the tiger is immersed in his body, which is otherwise intact.
Then he feels being pulled back. When he looks in that direction, he realizes that it's a completely disoriented Pepper trying to pull him off the fallen tree trunk, stepping back and holding his arm in her snout. But he is not able to do anything about it as the pain is almost unbearable.
Crest Bug's another attack at Kimbek was even less lucky than one before, as Kimbek managed to deflect it with a well-aimed blow with the crowbar, causing the bug to fall onto its back on the nearby shore. Rendering it helpless for a moment.
Kimbek - not wanting to waste such opportunity - runs towards the shore and the fallen bug and makes a well considered swing from the bottom, hitting the bug in its crest that breaks immediately [Nat 19, d10 result of 9: "Crushed Larynx"] and severing the fallen animal very badly[3 damage].
The moment awful sound stops to be generated by the bug's crest Sadur stops to feel pain and... the tiger vanishes.
Ok, the monsters had moved this Round, Kimbek has done his turn too.
BUT... due to bug's fumble(on nat 1) Kimbek has one more free attack against it - if he wants to use it.
Sadur has lost 3 points of Will due to tiger's(bug's in fact...) mental attack. Please note them as -3 situation mod. They can be slowly regained with resting.
Sadur (with Silver) turn now.
Kimbek: if the bug will be alive - after you will choose to attack it or if you will not choose to - please roll Initiative for next round.
End of post.
Current Effects / Marching order | Weather / Clocks | Time |
; Adv on Forager rolls in this jungle | Dryer jungle-like | Round 2; Day 1: Afternoon 4:00 pm |
Kimbek, Sadur, Silver, Pepper | Trek progress: 4/6; Problems: 3/3 |
Secret Roll
Crest Bug - attacking Kimbek - (d20+2)
(1) + 2 = 3
Strange Tiger - attacking Sadur - Claws - (2d20L1+4)
(201) + 4 = 5
Strange Tiger - attacking Sadur - Bite - (2d20L1+4)
(1316) + 4 = 17
Pepper - rescue Init - (6, d20)
6 : () + 6 = 6
d20 : (20) = 20
Pepper - rescue Luck(Dex) - (6, d20)
6 : () + 6 = 6
d20 : (9) = 9
Sadur Will points lost - (d3)
(3) = 3
Kimbek Opaltine: Club - Damage - (1d6+2)
(1) + 2 = 3
"By the spirits, that screaming! It's killing us."
Club - +Hit - (1d20+2)
(11) + 2 = 13
Club - Damage - (1d6+2)
(2) + 2 = 4
Pepper being yelled at and completely confused by sudden disappearance of strange tiger that moment a go seemed to be eating Sadur raw flesh and for that her attempt to help Sadur was met with such a negative reaction... she began to quickly retreat, completely embarrassed and disoriented, back to the other side of makeshift bridge made out of fallen trunk.
What do you do?

Current Effects / Marching order | Weather / Clocks | Time |
; Adv on Forager rolls in this jungle | Dryer jungle-like | Round 2; Day 1: Afternoon 4:01 pm |
Kimbek, Sadur, Silver, Pepper | Trek progress: 4/6; Problems: 3/3 |
Sadur finds a vine to tie silver to himself. Silver, this is just in case. Now, follow! he orders his dog and start climbing up the ravine. That's something a dwarf spend his childhood in the mountains is well familiar with, so he don't believe it could be any hard, can it?
Str 15 <7, 20> - Skilled Check - (16, d20)
16 : () + 16 = 16
d20 : (15) = 15
What Kimbek does with his find?
Sadur with his head feeling like it was going to explode any moment [headache from the mind attack and -3 Will], finds some comfort in interaciton with his best friend: Silver. Gathering his strength and focus with effort that only dwarves can afford prepers for his way back. Up the ravine. In hope of joining others(?) or for his other reasons.
Either way: when you decide and we will move to the part about going UP - we will count this 1 success of yours and I will narrate it.
If by the time when Sadur finish talking to himself, pet the dog, spend time finding a vine, spend time securing that vine to himself and the dog Kimbek is still looking at the bug motionless I will certainly intervene, I just guess it is not the case and Kimbek is able to take care of himself. He just proved it killing the big bug without my help.
Int 16 <8, 20> - Skilled Check (Animal Lore) - (17, d20)
17 : () + 17 = 17
d20 : (18) = 18
Other than that, the confused animal seams to calm dawn on Kimbek's shoulder a little and in the few moments it seams to sit still and even its crest start to produce a nice, quiet, calming hum, resembling more of steady song of cicadas, rather than aggressive cacophony it's parent produced not so long ago. Kimbek also notice that it is munching with its beak, indicating that it may become hungry very soon.
What do you do next?
Adult Crest Bug has following stats:
Crest Bug Adult #2d12 AC 13 HD 2 Bite 1d6 and Stinger Poison: Luck (Con) save or 1d3 Dex loss Nat 19 Poison: Luck (Con) save or random limb paralysed for 1d4 days Dex loss S14 D14 C10 I1 P10 W10 Ch2 L5. Climb Norm. Reac 2-5 Violent 6-8 Hungry 9-10 Confused 11-12 Probing.
So the young one has them significantly lower, but we will think about it when there will be need for this:)
Please: note the bugling itself and the stats for adult at your sheet - if you want to keep the bugling with you.
Still, with the small creature quieted (except for the cicada-like sound it was making) on his shoulder, he made his way to where Sadur was.
Luck +1 - Con - (10, d20)
10 : () + 10 = 10
d20 : (18) = 18
Dexterity Damage - (1d2)
(2) = 2

Secret Roll