Adela and the Spirit (in the forest).

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Oct 23, 2024 7:54 pm
[Morning - April 1, Monday]

The interior of the forest was eerie and morbid at first, all trees were dead, the soil dried, and tombstones & skull were what decorated the place; throwing some students off the idea of going through there. Crows were everywhere, shrieking at any presence. But, as the school building got closer, the forest seemed a bit more normal, more lively; but even then, there were lots of trees and plants that couldn't be found anywhere in the human world, with rare colors. Occasionally, a stream could be seem.

The forest path narrowed as Adela continued onward, she lost sight of any other students, the trees growing closer together until their branches formed a dense canopy above her. The sunlight filtering through the leaves was dim and green, casting long shadows that seemed to shift as if alive. There was a faint rustling sound, like whispers in the breeze, and the air grew cooler the deeper she went.

Ahead, the trail split around an ancient, moss-covered stone shrine that stood off to one side. The shrine’s surface was cracked, its edges weathered with age, and a small stream trickled nearby, its water shimmering with a faint magical glow. The figure at the center of the shrine was a delicate statue of a forest spirit, carved with hollow eyes and flowing limbs, but even from a distance, Adela could see that it was damaged—its right arm was missing, and cracks ran along its body.

As she drew closer, a sound caught her attention: a soft, sorrowful weeping. It wasn’t coming from the statue itself, but from something sitting on the shrine's steps—a small, ethereal creature with bark-like skin and leaves woven into its hair. The spirit looked like a young girl, shimmering faintly as it wept, its voice barely audible. "...It’s all gone," the spirit murmured, clutching its knees to its chest. "The magic is fading…"

The shrine felt heavy with an aura of sadness, and the ethereal thorny vines that grew nearby pulsed faintly with a strange, dark energy, as if feeding on the shrine’s weakening magic. They twisted and coiled, blocking a portion of the path ahead.

The spirit’s hollow eyes turned towards Adela as she approached, blinking in surprise at the sight of the towering clay golem girl. "Y-you…" it stammered, its voice barely above a whisper. "Please… can you help? The vines… they’re stealing what’s left of the shrine’s magic. I’m growing weaker… I—I can’t stop them."
She points at the shrine: "That shrine is my home, but it is damaged. It makes me too weak to... resist... The corruption. It's spreading on this groove..."
Oct 23, 2024 10:27 pm
Adela glanced around the forest, at first it was creepy and dark. The golem was on guard for the most part, thankfully nothing happened so far…that was until she spotted the shrine.

She stumbled over towards it and put her bags down close by before moving to the spirit. Seeing how small and weak it was, her protective instincts took over and she heard the being out before nodding.

"I can try." She stated before glancing up at the dark vines and moving over to one, she was going to attempt to rip it part with her hands.
Oct 24, 2024 2:29 am
"Th-thank you!" She said in a groan.

As Adela approaches the vines with her hands, they seemed ethereal, her hand passing through them. "It's no use, miss... These are vines of spiritual corruption, geminated by an evil spirit... You won't be able to cut them... I- I need the help of an exorcist... Or that my shrine is restored so I can fend them off! She points at the statue's missing arm and cracks, "I reside in this statue, while it's damaged, I'll be weakened..."
Oct 24, 2024 4:40 am
Adela blinked for a moment as her arm passed through the vines, she really should have seen that coming, yet she recklessly tried to brute force her way through the problem. The spirit would bring her back though, and she would move away from the spiritual vines. She looked at the statue at the shrine and rubbed her chin.

"If I made you a new statue, would that work?" She asked before moving up to the statue and examining it to see if there was anything magical she could pick up on it.
Oct 24, 2024 2:00 pm
The spirit didn't weep anymore, tears still forgotten in her face: "hmm... Th-that would work... Yes!" She seemed a tad more relieved.

The spirit raises to her feet and approaches the shrine, picking her statue: "B-but are you sure you can do it?" It was a figure of carved limestone, a quite detailed one, its face showing a faithful representation of hers, showing details of her nose, chin, eyes, etc. Furthermore, the folds of her fine tunic were also very detailed. At last, the figure showed minor vestiges of painting, alluding that it was once painted, her skin fair, green eyes, and her tunic light-brown and beige, with green details.
Oct 24, 2024 3:23 pm
"Well we won’t know if we don’t try. I am…not a magical person, and I’m not sure I can repair the statue without help. But I am an artist, I can do it. "

The expressionless Golem would take a look at the statue. She had an eye for art, and statues were a form of art. So she should be able to recreate this hopefully. At least she could try it.

Adela would begin to look around to see if she could fine any large stones. Limestone is preferred but anything could work.
Should I roll Perception?
Oct 24, 2024 9:02 pm
Feel free too, actually, you can always presume you should, if you're wrong, no loss will come from that.
Noticing how Adela searched around, the spirit says, meekly: "A-actually, it mustn't be from the same material as the original... I-I don't want to take too much of your time..."
Oct 24, 2024 10:39 pm
Alright, got it!
Adela would speak up as she searches. "No worries. I want to help, I’m also an artist so I view this as a challenge too." Adela was very proud of herself when she admitted that…though it did not show on her expression or voice and it seems like she noticed that.

"Oh…and I say that with pride. In case it wasn’t obvious." It was not.
Last edited October 24, 2024 10:40 pm


Perception (+2) - (2d6)

(63) = 9

Oct 24, 2024 11:06 pm
Just to rectify, all rolls are 2d6+your level in the relevant ability. In this case, you roll 4d6. Doesn't matter though, as she rolled high!
Not long after starting her search, Adela finds a nice chunk of soft limestone, in perfect state to be worked on!

Seeing Adela return with the piece, the spirit girl rejoices raising to her feet and approaching Adela, "Woa, you did find it!" She cheers, still feebly, but with a hopeful smile.
Oct 24, 2024 11:27 pm
Alright got it! So for the Sculpting I’m thinking of using Knowledge (Art) for it.
It was easy enough for the string golem to pick up the limestone and move it over in front of the shrine, yet out of the reach of the vines.

She would then move her suitcase over and open it, pulling out a small hammer and chisel. She even had goggles to put over her eyes.

"By the way. What is your name? My name is Adela. I’m from Prague."
Oct 24, 2024 11:40 pm
Yes, using knowledge (art) is the right way to go at it!
"Oh... How rude of me! I forgot to introduce myself in my weeping... Sorry..." Her sorrow for it out of the way, she says, a bit more cheery "I'm Yuzuki... Nice to meet you, Adela!" "Hmm... P-ra-gue? I've never heard of such place... Heh... What a funny name.

At that, Adela starts working on the statue: if everything goes well, she won't even be (too) late for the commencement ceremony.
Oct 25, 2024 12:22 am
Whoop! I think I’m getting the hang of this!
With a nod Adela speaks. "Nice to meet you Yuzuki, and yes Prague is a long way from here." She wanted to smile at the spirit but only a monotone expression came through.

With that she put chisel to rock and began to tap it with her hammer carefully…


Sculpting - Knowledge (Art) - (5d6)

(61543) = 19

Oct 25, 2024 2:26 am
a 6! Which means the result was: Good!
With the little time she had, Adela started chiseling the limestone, with skillful precision, she carved out the limbs and head, then sculpting the details on the members, and the dress and hair, finally finishing with the face details.

Overall, no one could deny it looked exactly like the Yuzuki, and it owned nothing to the old one (at least in its present, decrepit state).

Seeing the work done, Yuzuki couldn't resist jumping at Adela in a feeble but warm hug. Still without removing her arms from Adela's shoulders, she says "Oh thank you! Thank you very much miss Adela! I'm so glad you come in! You saved me, and my groove!"

The spirit gladly accepts the new statue, putting it over her shrine. After a moment, her appearance turned more vibrant in its colors, more opaque, and her aura gleamed stronger; with a wave of her hand, the vines retreated from the shrine and promptly disappeared in the dark. She seems very relieved with that, and sighs away all her preoccupation.

Turning back at Adela, she says, "I still don't know how to thank you... Not in this state I was in..." She seems to ponder for a moment, them glaring up, with an idea: "I know! Uh... If you didn't mind... would you maybe... come here later, and paint my statue? By then, I would surely have something nice to award you!"
Oct 25, 2024 5:58 am
The young construct would nod her head. She was very proud at how this statue turned out. She would for sure coming back to paint it, but alas...Adela had to head to orientation. She did not know if she was late or not. Still...the girl took time to pack her things away carefully, making sure not to break or loose anything.

Once that was done, she picked up her bag and suitcase and watched as the spirit fought off the vines with a nod. Face still as straight as ever. Her body whould stiffen at the hug however and she just nodded as well, not really hugging back, but not pushing Yuzuki away either. Everything ended quite well.

"I would love to come back and paint it. I must head to the school however, have a good day." She bowed her head before turning and heading towards the towering buildings in the distance.
Nov 12, 2024 10:20 pm
[Noon - April 1, Mon]

As Adela pass through the forest, she finally reaches the shrine, it was just as she left it, the statue still there, decorating the wilderness.

With her approaching it, a strange air fills the place, as if converging in a point, and then, Yuzuku slowly appears out of thin air, a pleasant smile on her face.

"Oh, Adela!! You came! What a pleasure to see you again!" She says as she fully materializes. "Oh, sorry for my eagerness, it can get quite lonely around here... Ever since people stopped coming." Despite the gloomy remarks, her tone and smile remain warm.

Seeing the painting tools she brought with her, the spirit cheers "Oh! You'll start painting my statue now!!" She then stays there, looking at Adela's actions with curiosity in her eyes.
Nov 13, 2024 7:27 am
The golem girl lumbers over, thankfully she remembered the way to the statue from when she was here in the morning. The seemingly emotionless girl would nod her head towards the spirit before setting her things down and pulling out her art supplies, setting up some different paint and a paint brush.

She then looked up at Yuzuku and nodded her head. She was happy to be here and help, maybe this place could be a secret retreat from the chaos of the school. "I don't have much time. Class starts again soon. Will get started on the statue." There was a pause. "Maybe that will attract others."

Then she would begin!
Nov 13, 2024 7:30 am
The Roll


Painting Statue (Knowledge - Arts) - (5d6)

(24554) = 20

Nov 13, 2024 1:00 pm
Amazing success!!
Switfly setting up to start her work, Adela starts. At her words, Yuzuku just nods eagerly, her eyes gleaming as she watches the artist's work.

Adela already had in mind a color palette, and she feels very confident in her dexterity right now, not even requiring warm-up. She used what would be most appropriate, green and blue, along with the use of their complementary, red and orange, and some hues of brown brown and pink (for the skin).

After less than an hour (not surpassing the lunch-time) the work was done, leaving almost no space for perfectioning. The overall style of the statue was a tad unorthodox by Japanese standards, Adela being carried away by her European education, but Yuzuku didn't seemed to mind that at all! In fact, she seems perfectly happy with it, clapping lightly as Adela worked.

When it was done, she says "Amazing, Adela! I've never heard of a more beautiful shrine than this! Oh, I must withstand puffing up now!" She says, chuckling. "What's more, my power to protect my groove never was greater!"

And indeed, as she talked, Adela couldn't fail to notice how the scenery changed, the leaves and grass were now of an impressively vibrant green, flowers of all colors sprouted everywhere, with great volume; and they were soft and robust, returning to shape after being stepped on, full of life. Even the sunlight, filtered by the canopies of the trees looked and felt warmer. All of this even days before the start of spring.
After the moment of bliss faded, Yuzuku's face turned graver, though it was still pleasant in such a place and under such a light, "I must warn you though, my good friend." She says, laying both hands on Adela's "The corruption that ravaged my groove before may be gone in here, but its source still stands. I sense it spreading, away from my domain, towards that school of yours." Her hands clasped tighter, "I will try to secure the path to here, but I can't do more than that. I urge you not to venture in the forests outside of it, and to avoid going out alone at night... Please relay this to anyone you're found of..."
Nov 18, 2024 3:09 am
Once Adela was done with her masterpiece. She would our her art equipment away slowly, while she did this though, she would listen to Yuzukj speak. She also did notice the scenery change and that made her very happy indeed! Of course this did not show on her face per usual. But she was indeed proud.

"You're welcome..." She would have said more had the spirit notmmkced closer and laid her hands on the Golem's as she turned to face her. Adela's face went red for a moment at the contact before going back to normal. She then listened to the other's warning and nodded. This was critical information. "Tell me. How can we stop it? Or slow it down?"
Nov 18, 2024 11:47 pm
After a moment of pondering, with her head low, she then raises her eyes back to Adela's. "This corruption isn't natural, Adela. Something must be generating it, something hidden in the school's grounds, the source of this. If you could find it, and destroy it, all of this would cease..." Her mind wanders for a bit, "I have no guess of its location, or what it is though... It's probable to be deep inside the forest, but I can't be sure."
Nov 24, 2024 7:15 pm
Adela listened with concerned inside her. She did not like the sound of this corruption. Maybe if she rooted out and destroyed it. Then she could help the others at this school! That could work! With new resolve she would not her head...all of this internal conflict with humorously not show on her face at all or be heard in her voice either.

"Alright, I will go find it. It's like trying to find a needle im a haystack though. Do you have any idea where one could start hunting?"
Last edited November 28, 2024 6:46 am
Nov 27, 2024 3:07 pm
Yuzuku seems to catch something inside the impregnable girl, giving her a meek comforting smile.

"The corruption would be more apparent in the middle of the night, during weak moons..." She digresses, but at her words, her expression turns graver. "W-wait now, Adela! Don't even think about going out in the middle of the night!! Specially not alone!! I... I would worry for your safety if you did..."

Her expression softens again, "Don't worry about this, alright? I'll commute with the spirits of this forest and we'll do something... Just... Be safe, and enjoy your school, understood?"

Looking up at the Sun, she adds: "Speaking about that, it seems it's almost time for you to return... My my!! Y-you didn't even ate anything, did you?!!" She seems confused for a moment, "W-wait... Do you eat, or are you like me? Oh, sorry for my rudeness..."

In the case you do, have this. She extends her beautiful arm to a vivid and stunning tree, plucking out a large fruit, a ripe and mouthwatering apple, of a rich ruby hue. "Well..." She starts, chuckling, "In the case you do, have this, as thanks for your help... and your visit." She then smirks, "And if you don't, you can gift it to some swain of your liking!"

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