Thread for character creation.
Characters will be level 3. The adventure takes place in Thailand, so you can either be there or nearby in any South/East Asian country. You can have worked together before or be assembled for the first time, or a combination. At level 3 you have enough rep in Asia to be contacted by the fixer in Bangkok.
Character creation follows exactly as the book. If you want to play a magic user or a metatype and don't have the deluxe edition with those rules let me know and I'll post the relevant portions. Very simply, metatypes require you to spend your level 1 Focus on the metatype of choice. Mage, summoner, or adept requires you to spend an Edge to gain access to those abilities and skills.
For contacts, choose one example friend or you can roll one randomly from the tables on page 15.
For equipment, choose one starting package, one signature item worth no more than $1k, plus an additional $1k for being level 3 to spend on whatever you'd like.
The most useful languages will be English, Japanese, and Thai.
If you have any additional questions feel free to ask here!
[ +- ] Cities Without Number
Create character
Class: Operator
Level: 1
Ability | Score | Modifier | Roll
STR | 10 | | 1d20
DEX | 10 | | 1d20
CON | 10 | | 1d20
INT | 10 | | 1d20
WIS | 10 | | 1d20
CHR | 10 | | 1d20 |
Save | Value | Roll
Physical | | 1d20 DC
Evasion | | 1d20 DC
Mental | | 1d20 DC
Luck | | 1d20 DC |
Attribute | Value
HP Current / Max | /
System Strain | /
Melee / Ranged AC | /
Armor Soak / Trauma Target | /
Attack Bonus | |
Skill | Level | Modifier | Roll
Administer | | | 2d6
Cast | | | 2d6
Connect | | | 2d6
Drive | | | 2d6
Exert | | | 2d6
Fix | | | 2d6
Heal | | | 2d6
Know | | | 2d6 |
Skill | Level | Modifier | Roll
Lead | | | 2d6
Notice | | | 2d6
Perform | | | 2d6
Program | | | 2d6
Punch | | | 2d6
Shoot | | | 2d6
Sneak | | | 2d6
Stab | | | 2d6 |
Skill | Level | Modifier | Roll
Summon | | | 2d6
Survive | | | 2d6
Talk | | | 2d6
Trade | | | 2d6
Work | | | 2d6
Blank | | |
Blank | | |
Skill Points | |
Name | Relationship | Profession | Description
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | | |
Type | Melee / Ranged AC | Soak | Enc | Trauma Mod
| / | | | |
Weapon | Damage | Shock | Enc | Trauma Die | Trauma Rating | Roll
Unarmed | 1d2 | - | - | 1d6 | x1 | 1d20
| 1d | | | | | 1d20
| | | | | |
Weapon | Damage | Range | Mag | Enc | Trauma Die | Trauma Rating | Roll
| 1d | / | | | | | 1d20
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
Ware | Type | Con/Det | SysStr | Effect
| | | | |
MAGIC (Mage Effort: )
Spell | Effort | Duration | Effect
| | | |
[f=h1][f=font-neuropol]CHARACTER INFO[/f][/f]
[f=font-neuropol large]Name:[/f] [_=]
[f=font-neuropol large]Player:[/f] [_=]
[f=font-neuropol large]Background:[/f] [_=]
[f=font-neuropol large]Class:[/f] [_=Operator]
[f=font-neuropol large]Level:[/f] [_level=1]
[f=font-neuropol large]XP:[/f] [_=]
[f=font-neuropol large]Money:[/f] [_=]
Ability | Score | Modifier | Roll
STR| [_str=10] | [_strMod$=lookupBonus(str,3,3,-2,4,7,-1,8,13,0,14,17,+1,18,18,+2)] | 1d20[_$=+strMod]
DEX |[_dex=10] | [_dexMod$=lookupBonus(dex,3,3,-2,4,7,-1,8,13,0,14,17,+1,18,18,+2)] | 1d20[_$=+dexMod]
CON | [_con=10] | [_conMod$=lookupBonus(con,3,3,-2,4,7,-1,8,13,0,14,17,+1,18,18,+2)] | 1d20[_$=+conMod]
INT | [_int=10] | [_intMod$=lookupBonus(int,3,3,-2,4,7,-1,8,13,0,14,17,+1,18,18,+2)] | 1d20[_$=+intMod]
WIS | [_wis=10] | [_wisMod$=lookupBonus(wis,3,3,-2,4,7,-1,8,13,0,14,17,+1,18,18,+2)] | 1d20[_$=+wisMod]
CHR | [_cha=10] | [_chaMod$=lookupBonus(cha,3,3,-2,4,7,-1,8,13,0,14,17,+1,18,18,+2)] | 1d20[_$=+chaMod]
Save | Value | Roll
Physical | [_pSave$=(16-level)-max(strMod,conMod)] | 1d20 DC [_$=pSave]
Evasion | [_pEva$=(16-level)-max(intMod,dexMod)] | 1d20 DC [_$=pEva]
Mental | [_pMental$=(16-level)-max(wisMod,chaMod)] | 1d20 DC [_$=pMental]
Luck | [_pLuck$=(16-level)] | 1d20 DC [_$=pLuck]
Attribute | Value
HP Current / Max | [_=] / [_hpMax=]
System Strain | [_=] / [_=]
Melee / Ranged AC | [_=] / [_=]
Armor Soak / Trauma Target | [_=] / [_=]
Attack Bonus | [_AB$=floor(level/2)]
Skill | Level | Modifier | Roll
Administer | [_adminl=] | [_adminm=] | 2d6[_$=+(adminl===blank)?-1+adminm:adminl+adminm]
[f=color:red]Cast[/f] | [_castl=] | [_castm=] | 2d6[_cast$=+(castl===blank)?-1+castm:castl+castm]
Connect | [_connectl=] | [_connectm=] | 2d6[_$=+(connectl===blank)?-1+connectm:connectl+connectm]
Drive | [_drivel=] | [_drivem=] | 2d6[_$=+(drivel===blank)?-1+drivem:drivel+drivem]
Exert | [_exertl=] | [_exertm=] | 2d6[_$=+(exertl===blank)?-1+exertm:exertl+exertm]
Fix | [_fixl=] | [_fixm=] | 2d6[_$=+(fixl===blank)?-1+fixm:fixl+fixm]
Heal | [_heall=] | [_healm=] | 2d6[_$=+(heall===blank)?-1+healm:heall+healm]
Know | [_knowl=] | [_knowm=] | 2d6[_$=+(knowl===blank)?-1+knowm:knowl+knowm]
Skill | Level | Modifier | Roll
Lead | [_leadl=] | [_leadm=] | 2d6[_$=+(leadl===blank)?-1+leadm:leadl+leadm]
Notice | [_noticel=] | [_noticem=] | 2d6[_$=+(noticel===blank)?-1+noticem:noticel+noticem]
Perform | [_performl=] | [_performm=] | 2d6[_$=+(performl===blank)?-1+performm:performl+performm]
Program | [_programl=] | [_programm=] | 2d6[_$=+(programl===blank)?-1+programm:programl+programm]
Punch | [_punchl=] | [_punchm=] | 2d6[_punch$=+(punchl===blank)?-1+punchm:punchl+punchm]
Shoot | [_shootl=] | [_shootm=] | 2d6[_shoot$=+(shootl===blank)?-1+shootm:shootl+shootm]
Sneak | [_sneakl=] | [_sneakm=] | 2d6[_$=+(sneakl===blank)?-1+sneakm:sneakl+sneakm]
Stab | [_stabl=] | [_stabm=] | 2d6[_stab$=+(stabl===blank)?-1+stabm:stabl+stabm]
Skill | Level | Modifier | Roll
[f=color:red]Summon[/f] | [_summonl=] | [_summonm=] | 2d6[_summon$=+(summonl===blank)?-1+summonm:summonl+summonm]
Survive | [_survivel=] | [_survivem=] | 2d6[_$=+(survivel===blank)?-1+survivem:survivel+survivem]
Talk | [_talkl=] | [_talkm=] | 2d6[_$=+(talkl===blank)?-1+talkm:talkl+talkm]
Trade | [_tradel=] | [_tradem=] | 2d6[_$=+(tradel===blank)?-1+tradem:tradel+tradem]
Work | [_workl=] | [_workm=] | 2d6[_$=+(workl===blank)?-1+workm:workl+workm]
[b]Skill Points[/b] | [_=]
Name | Relationship | Profession | Description
[_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=]
[_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=]
[_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=]
[_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=]
[f=h1][f=font-neuropol]READY ITEMS [f=small](Max [_=] / [_$=floor(str/2)])[/f][/f][/f]
Item | Enc | Notes
[_=] | [_=] | [_=]
[_=] | [_=] | [_=]
[_=] | [_=] | [_=]
[_=] | [_=] | [_=]
[_=] | [_=] | [_=]
[f=h1][f=font-neuropol]STOWED ITEMS [f=small](Max [_=] / [_$=str])[/f][/f][/f]
Item | Enc | Notes
[_=] | [_=] | [_=]
[_=] | [_=] | [_=]
[_=] | [_=] | [_=]
[_=] | [_=] | [_=]
[_=] | [_=] | [_=]
[table="ht center"]
Type | Melee / Ranged AC | Soak | Enc | Trauma Mod
[_=] | [_=] / [_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=]
[f=h1][f=font-neuropol]MELEE WEAPONS[/f][/f]
[table="rolls center"]
Weapon | Damage | Shock | Enc | Trauma Die | Trauma Rating | Roll
Unarmed | 1d2[_$=+punch+strMod] | - | - | 1d6 | x1 | 1d20[_$=+punch+AB+max(strMod,dexMod)]
[_=] | 1d[_=][_$=+max(strMod,dexMod)] | [_=][_$=+max(strMod,dexMod)] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=] | 1d20[_$=+stab+AB+max(strMod,dexMod)]
[_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=]
[f=h1][f=font-neuropol]RANGED WEAPONS[/f][/f]
[table="rolls center"]
Weapon | Damage | Range | Mag | Enc | Trauma Die | Trauma Rating | Roll
[_=] | 1d[_=][_$=+dexMod] | [_=] / [_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=] | 1d20[_$=+shoot+AB+dexMod]
[_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=]
[_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=] | [_=]
[f=h1][f=font-neuropol]MAGIC [f=small](Mage Effort: [_$=max(intMod,wisMod)+castl])[/f][/f][/f]