Character Creation

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Oct 26, 2024 10:29 pm
From what I read you apply 3 skill points to the skill. I believe if all the points aren't used up it can still be used later, making the next skill level a bit less experience. Alternately you could use 2nd lvl skill points to raise it to 1, then the foci will bump it to 2.
Oct 26, 2024 10:45 pm
Tickettbror says:

Consitution modifier applies to each roll, for -2 at level 2 and -3 at level 3.
Cities without Number says:
To determine their new maximum hit points, they roll 1d6 for each character level they possess. If they have the Hard to Kill Edge, they roll 1d6+2 for each. To each of these dice, they add their Constitution modifier, whether a bonus or a penalty.
Thanks! Somehow my assumptions caused me to read that as a modifier to the whole roll, not on each die. Even harsher than I thought!
ForeverDED says:
Ok, I'm confused about level advancement with regards to foci. I was thinking about picking up Alert or Deadeye, but they grant skills that my PC already has at level-0. After reading the text, I get the impression that all 3 skill points get used up by acquiring either of those foci and bumping those skills from 0 to 1. Ordinarily, they'd cost 2 points. Is this correct?
Skill points and foci are unrelated. If a foci grants you a skill it doesn't matter how many skill points it would cost. You get a free level-0 skill; if you already have it at level-0 you get it at level-1; if its already level-1 you pick any other skill you'd like.

For your background and skills, just a heads up that there is no driving in the adventure. Thailand is very walkable and has good subways. Most personal transportation are scooters, motorcycles, and tuk tuks.
Oct 27, 2024 1:52 pm
Think I'm close to finish. Close enough so that I have applied my character. Need to figure out the damage system with shock and trauma so I get my unarmed damage right. Ended up with an MMA fighter.

Ended up taking the hard to kill edge so a little more HP.


Proper HP level 2 - (2d6+2)

(45) + 2 = 11

Proper HP level 3 - (2d6+2)

(61) + 2 = 9

Last d6 on level 3 (not that it could roll better) - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Oct 27, 2024 2:25 pm
Lol you made a straight bareknuckle killer! Shock is miss damage on any target with AC equal to or less than the Shock target number. Trauma Die is an extra die you roll on a hit and if it meets or beats a target's Trauma Number, its a traumatic hit and you multiply the weapon's damage result by the atrack's Trauma Rating. Its basically a different way to do critical hits since this game doesn't crit on nat20s.
Oct 27, 2024 6:13 pm
nezzeraj says:
For your background and skills, just a heads up that there is no driving in the adventure. Thailand is very walkable and has good subways. Most personal transportation are scooters, motorcycles, and tuk tuks.
Oh ok. Then I'd better re-think my character's background and skills. I thought that maybe he was a smuggler outside the city and used either a truck or boat to deliver goods, hence the need for drive. I'll look for something else then, but keep the 1st level HP.
Oct 28, 2024 12:28 am
So what do we have and what do we need? Or doesn't it matter?

Psybermagi: Drone Jockey
Furmyr: MMA Fighter
Tickettbror: Hacker

Did I get these right?
Last edited October 28, 2024 12:30 am
Oct 28, 2024 1:53 am
Yep. I'm am a hardware guy with cyber gear and a couple of drones.
Oct 28, 2024 2:45 am
Going with Soldier for a Background.

Initial Skills: Shoot-0, Exert-0, Heal-0

Edge: On Target. Base Attack Bonus = Level. Grants him Stab-0

Initial Focus: Alert. Can't be surprised. Grants him Notice-0

Bonus Free Skill: Survive-0

Level 1 HP: 6

Crappy roll so... Level 2 HP: 7

Level 2 Focus: Deadeye. Bumps him up to Shoot-1

Level 2 Skill Points: Stab-1, Punch-0

Excellent roll on level 3 HP so... Level 3 HP: 17

Level 3 Skill Points: Notice-1, Sneak-0

I'll plop this into a character sheet tomorrow... unless something's wrong with what I did.
Last edited October 28, 2024 3:00 am


Level 2 HP roll - (2d6+2)

(21) + 2 = 5

Level 3 HP roll - (3d6+3)

(536) + 3 = 17

Oct 28, 2024 4:41 am
Looks good!

Hm no magic users or metahumans yet which is surprising lol.
Oct 28, 2024 12:09 pm
I can shift to magic user if you provide the directions for creation. If this is like shadowrun then we will likely need some form non tech abilities to be a good crew.

Do magic and cyber conflict?
Last edited October 28, 2024 12:52 pm
Oct 28, 2024 1:31 pm
Yes, just like Shadowrun. Here's the relevant rules:

The Spellcaster Edge
All would-be Mages must take the Spellcaster Edge at first level. Taking the Spellcaster Edge grants Cast as a bonus skill and allows the PC to pick four spells from the following list as starting incantations.

Mage Effort
Spellcasting is powered by a limited resource called Mage Effort. A caster’s maximum Mage Effort is equal to the higher of their Intelligence or Wisdom modifiers plus their Cast skill level, to a minimum of 1 point. Mage Effort refreshes completely each morning, assuming the caster has gotten eight uninterrupted hours of reasonably comfortable sleep. Casters who are starved, freezing, thirsting, sick, or otherwise
physically distracted cannot refresh Mage Effort.

Mage Effort is "Committed" when used to cast spells. There are three different kinds of Commitment for Effort.

* Commitment for the day means the Effort returns only the next morning. These spells are powerful, and make persistent demands on the caster’s energy.
* Commitment for the scene means the Effort returns at the end of the scene. This may be in fifteen minutes under ordinary circumstances, or at the end of each fight or specific activity when operating under mission time.
* Commitment for the duration means that the Effort can be reclaimed whenever the caster wishes as an Instant action, but whatever power it fueled ends as soon as the Effort is returned.

Each spell indicates how long Effort must be Committed for when the mage casts it.

Mages and Cyberware
Mages are notoriously inapt with cybernetic augmentation. The more metal that is integrated with their body, the harder it is for them to channel their arcane powers. For each cybernetic system implanted in a mage, their Mage Effort maximum decreases by the System
Strain of the implant, to a minimum of one point even for trivial cosmetic mods. Thus, a mage who implanted hardware that had System Strain costs of 2, 0, and 0.5 would lose four points of maximum Mage Effort. This Effort can be restored by removing the cyberware.

Learning and Preparing Spells
Once a spell is learned, it must be prepared for casting. A mage can prepare a number of spells equal to half their level, rounded up, plus their Cast skill. Thus, a first level PC with Cast-1 skill could prepare two different spells. A tenth level master with Cast-4 could have nine on hand at any one time. Prepared spells can be changed when Effort is refreshed in the morning. No special grimoires or spellbooks are required to change prepared spells; just having learned the spell is sufficient.

Casting Spells
To cast a spell, a Mage must have at least one hand free and the ability to speak. Spells can be cast even while wearing heavy armor or being partially restrained so long as one arm is free and the caster is not being severely jostled or disturbed.
Mages who have suffered hit point damage, grappling, or other severe distractions in a round cannot cast spells that round. If the mage is struck mid-casting by someone who held their action to do so, the spell is
lost and the Effort required is wasted.
Mages can cast only the spells they have prepared, but may do so as often as the spell or their Effort allows them to.
The actual spellcasting is a Main Action. The caster must speak at a conversational volume and gesture plainly with one hand. Spells that have a physical effect on the world project beams, glows, or other signs that clearly indicate the mage who cast the spell. Spells that
have only mental effects, such as Stun or Stunwave, have no such obvious tracers. Most professionals in a magical cyberpunk world will know enough about spellcasting to recognize it if the caster is being observed.
Unless specified otherwise, spells only require one point of Effort to be Committed in order to trigger them.

There are times when a sufficiently desperate caster must push their magical energies past the point of safe usage in order to invoke a needed spell. In such cases, a reckless mage can overcast, drawing more Mage Effort from the ether in exchange for the risk of serious harm.
A mage declares overcasting as an On Turn action. The next spell they cast that same round has no Effort cost, but after the spell is cast the mage then rolls on the overcasting table below, adding their Cast skill and Constitution modifier to the die, and subtracting 2 if the spell requires Committing Effort for the day. Spells with a Commit-for-duration Effort cost last for one scene when overcast.
If the System Strain inflicted by overcasting would put the mage above their maximum, they fall unconscious for an hour before waking up with 1 hit point.
Oct 28, 2024 1:38 pm
@Tickettbror just got your reference . I had the Wired edge and this is what I got.
[ +- ] wired
Last edited October 28, 2024 1:53 pm
Oct 28, 2024 1:46 pm
Swapping wired for spell casting then. Is summoning a separate thing?
List of available spells for 1st level please.
Can additional spells be learned or are the bought like a skull plug
I'll mod the character tonight
Last edited October 28, 2024 1:47 pm
Oct 28, 2024 1:59 pm
Summoning is separate but follows pretty much the same rules. You get Summon as a bonus skill instead of Cast, and you get Summoner Effort instead of Mage Effort. The only difference are the spirits themselves which function uniquely different than spells. Of course you ask about one of the few parts I left out to save time xD.

Learning and Preparing Spells (Director's Cute)
Mages must learn their spells from a cooperative tutor or a very expensive enchanted grimoire capable of imparting the multidimensional arcane construct of the spell. Learning a spell requires one week of practice with a grimoire or tutor.
Tutors generally charge $5,000 to teach a spell, though special favors can cut that price substantially. Grimoires can only be obtained through Contacts, and start at $10,000 for the most common spells.
Oct 28, 2024 7:21 pm
While summoning sounds fun it is also likely more complex so I'll stick with spellcasting for now. Are there Backgrounds and Foci that help with spellcasting?

Can casters also have a metatype? If you think that is l just to complicated then let me know and we can forget it.
Last edited October 28, 2024 7:53 pm
Oct 28, 2024 10:14 pm
Character submitted. Still working on details for friend. Roll was kinda lame, so I have to put some creative effort into it.
Oct 29, 2024 3:42 am
No backgrounds, but there are three Foci: Dedicated Summoner, Elemental Mage, and Soul Sight. Ignoring Summoner, Elemental Mage just allows you to become immune to non-lethal damage from one energy type and ignore the first lethal damage per scene. Combat spells are reflavored to that specific element and deal bonus damage equal to your level. Soul Sight allows you to see (meta)human auras. You can see them even in darkness, sense their mood, identify significant health problems, and if they are planning immediate violence.

Yes metatypes are an Edge while casting is a Focus, so you can be both. Metatypes usually grant a combination of bonus skill, attribute bonus, and some special ability like infravision.
Oct 29, 2024 3:43 am
ForeverDED says:
Character submitted. Still working on details for friend. Roll was kinda lame, so I have to put some creative effort into it.
Accepted. Lame rolls often make for interesting characters! I find modifiers in this game are so small that your skills, Backgrounds, Edges, and Foci are much more important.
Oct 29, 2024 5:19 am
I'll hold off on another focus for now but I would like to add a meta. Can I get a list of options please?
Oct 29, 2024 6:54 am
They're named differently in CWN but we will just use the Shadowrun names. There are elves, dwarves, orks and trolls. The benefits you gain roughly align to what you get SR, +Str & Con for Orks and Trolls, etc.
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