IC Story Thread: Ch.1, Ad.3 - Black Hand

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Feb 27, 2025 11:13 pm
Cirion stumbles back away from the strangler, wheezing for air. I need to be more careful... try to attack from the distance, weaken the enemy...

He pauses for a moment to calm himself down and get his breathing back to normal.
Feb 28, 2025 6:15 pm
Adding a Medicine check if needed.
NPCs die upon reaching zero hit points unless the felling blow was declared to be a "Non lethal attack"in advance, like Stefron declared before attacking the swordsman last round incase his hit took the swordsman to zero.
Eothain finds the spearman lifeless, but he knows if it wasn't the Southron man lying there it likely would have been him.

The swordsman swipes at Duinhir's blade with his empty hand, cutting his knuckles open in the process, and falls to his knees gripping the pant leg of his traveling companion. Pressing his face down upon the fallen warriors foot, he rambles words in the Southron tongue, heedless of Duinhir's demand or the threat of his blade.
Mar 5, 2025 7:00 am
Anger flares in Cirion's chest. He points at the dead man, addressing the weeping companion.

"Fool! You've brought this down upon yourself! We were approaching in peace. Blame no-one but yourself, you treacherous idiot! "
Mar 6, 2025 4:09 pm
The swordsman continues to be unresponsive to words or physical threat. Any attempt to get a response or information from him would appear to require a more extreme means to produce results...

However, both of their packs sit to the side of the path, discarded before the fight to free up their bodies for the violent movements they had known were to come.
Mar 6, 2025 9:14 pm
"This is useless. He is not talking. Check their bag while I keep an eye on him." Duinhir says not moving his sword away from the man
Mar 7, 2025 7:17 am
Éothain checks the bag.


Investigation - (1d20+4)

(14) + 4 = 18

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