"Now what do we have here…" she mused, producing the two vials. She held them carefully and took mental note of their appearance: color, viscosity, texture. These will require some testing," she added. Unmarked potions could as soon harm you as they could benefit you, she’d been told countless times by her elven tutors.
And then she pulled out the strange rod-like item with a fish cross-section. This one intrigued and excited the elf most profoundly. It could be something as mundane as a key or a lever. Or it could be a powerful eldritch artifact containing dormant magics only waiting for the needed string of words to activate. "Fascinating!", she exclaimed solemnly.
- how long is it?
- can Ella discern what it is made of?
- is it’s body a cylinder or is the cross section square-shaped?
- do the ends of the rod show any markings or other details that might suggest their use? Are te two tips similar? (i.e., scratches indicating that it is a lever fitting in a mechanism? Or deliberate marks —such as glyphs — or an ending that suggests it might link to other items?)
- is the fish-like cross-section about half-way up the length of the rod, or is its positioning asymmetrical? Does it seem like it can move up and down the bar, or turn around it, or is it affixed?