4. The First Expedition

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Jan 26, 2025 11:11 am
The sparkle of gold immediately catches Jacky's eye, and moments pass before he notices the unmoving bodies on the floor.
I assume since it's not mentioned, these bodies aren't stinking up the place like the earlier mass?
Holding up a hand to delay his armored companions, Jacky creeps forward - only as far into the room as he needs to see what injuries the bodies bear, if any.
Jan 26, 2025 4:14 pm
Ellagel would have wanted to stop Jacky from stepping within. She had hoped to hood the lantern and attempt to see in the dark, using her superior elven senses. But it was too late for that, at the moment. She prepared to shoot at anything moving towards Jacky.
Jan 27, 2025 7:43 am
If it looks too good to be true, it's probably hiding a life-stealing specter. Be careful when you check that treasure, Jeremiah!
Jan 27, 2025 2:27 pm
Thrudmarr clutches his lantern tightly, the golden light playing across his worried features as he watches Jacky creep forward.

"Jacky-friend, careful! Watch for trap!"
Jan 27, 2025 7:29 pm
Grim steps forward carefully. Stooping low and helping check for natural hazards and interesting stonework.
Jan 28, 2025 4:29 pm
Jacky creeps into the room to inspect the three bodies that are illuminated by Thrud’s lantern. Grim follows cautiously after.

From the robes she is wearing, one of the bodies appears to be of a human magic user. Another body is a halfling. The third is more unusual - a creature with an apparently normal human body (torso, arms, hands, legs, feet) but with the head of a pig. Somewhat strangely, from a cursory glance, none of the bodies show any signs of physical damage.

Jacky - please roll 1d6 for surprise - you want to roll high!

2:10 pm, Basilsday 2nd Lucreon (April) 2993 AEP
Ellagel, Elven Fighter/Magic User 1/1: 6/6, 90’
Grimidek, Dwarven Cleric 1: 9/9, 60’
Jacky, Halfling Fighter/Thief 1/1: 6/6, 60’
Thrudmarr, Wiskin Fighter 1: 5/5, 90’ (Lantern)
Zacharias, Archontean Fighter 1: 10/10, 60’

Link to Jacky’s maps …
Jan 28, 2025 10:32 pm
Jacky senses... something.


Surprise - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Jan 29, 2025 2:53 pm
Thrudmarr stands steady in the doorway, holding the lantern high to help light Jacky's way. His eyes strain to make out what his little friend is examining in the shadows between the columns
Jan 30, 2025 3:16 pm
As Jacky rises from inspecting the dead bodies, he senses a presence. It’s not in front of him, nor to his side, nor behind him. Rather it’s above him. Glancing rapidly upwards he sees a horror floating just over his head. It vaguely resembles a translucent floating octopus made of a thin gelatinous material. Four tentacles dangle from its cylindrical body, which features three ‘eyes’ surrounding a chitinous beak.

At the same moment, Grim notices a second such creature descending out of the darkness to hover above his head. Ella, Thrud and Zach, standing in the secret doorway, see four other such creatures heading in their direction.
The "Chasm Cephalopods" (for that is what they are) have used their surprise round to close into combat with Jacky and Grim, but they cannot attack this round. However, Jacky and Grim are both now considered to be in (separate) melee combat with the creatures.

The other party members are not yet in melee combat, but the remaining cephalopods are capable of reaching them in the coming round.

Before we roll initiative for Round 1, please can everyone declare any spells. Non-spell casters should declare their general actions for the round. It’s clear that the cephalopods intend to attack.


2:10 pm, Basilsday 2nd Lucreon (April) 2993 AEP
Ellagel, Elven Fighter/Magic User 1/1: 6/6, 90’
Grimidek, Dwarven Cleric 1: 9/9, 60’
Jacky, Halfling Fighter/Thief 1/1: 6/6, 60’
Thrudmarr, Wiskin Fighter 1: 5/5, 90’ (Lantern)
Zacharias, Archontean Fighter 1: 10/10, 60’

Link to Jacky’s maps …
Jan 30, 2025 4:03 pm
The shadow descending on Jacky's head makes the halfling blink, but he's nowhere fast enough to pull back before the strange floating thing is on top of him! Nevertheless, Jacky will hasten to withdraw toward the entrance with a fighting retreat.
Last edited January 30, 2025 4:10 pm
Jan 30, 2025 6:53 pm
Eyes wide with terror, Ella drew her bow and considered the many foes descending on the party.
No spells for Ella. She’ll be shooting twice against the creature attacking Jacky and if possible fall back somewhat… though I think we can’t shoot and move on the same round in OSRIC.
Jan 30, 2025 8:39 pm
Zach shudders with terror, remembering the last time he faced off against a translucent figure. However, this time, he doesn't perceive the same supernatural cold that plagued the cursed trap door in the tower. Girding his loins, Zach grips his bastard sword and shield, and prepares to enter the fray. This is why I am here, after all, he thinks.
Jan 30, 2025 9:31 pm
Thrudmarr turns to Zacharias and gives him a curt nod. Friends fight. Thrudmarr fight too, he thinks, brow furrowing as he sets his jaw in grim resolve. He might not have the wits for fancy plans, but battle is in his blood—so he plants his feet, tenses his muscles, and prepares to spring forward, ready to barrel headlong into danger and protect his allies.
Thrudmarr will charge the one engaged with Jacky, hoping to give him a chance to withdrawal and block the creature from following him.
Jan 30, 2025 10:54 pm
Grim grungs his war hammer to fore preparing to defend dwarven self!
Jan 31, 2025 3:17 pm
Cephalopod Skirmish - Round 1
Please can someone, anyone, roll 1d6 for initiative. As always, this would be a good one to win!

2:10 pm, Basilsday 2nd Lucreon (April) 2993 AEP
Ellagel, Elven Fighter/Magic User 1/1: 6/6, 90’
Grimidek, Dwarven Cleric 1: 9/9, 60’
Jacky, Halfling Fighter/Thief 1/1: 6/6, 60’
Thrudmarr, Wiskin Fighter 1: 5/5, 90’ (Lantern)
Zacharias, Archontean Fighter 1: 10/10, 60’

Link to Jacky’s maps …


Round 1 initiative for the cephalopods - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Jan 31, 2025 4:13 pm
With my recent rolls, I'll leave it to another to test their luck lol.
Jan 31, 2025 4:38 pm

Edit: Oh boy, sorry Jacky and Grim, hopefully they dont hit too hard lol
Last edited January 31, 2025 4:40 pm


Iniative! - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Feb 1, 2025 2:59 pm
Cephalopod Skirmish - Round 1
The cephalopods above Jacky and Grim strike. And strike. And strike thrice more. Each attacks five times in total - once with each of its four tentacles, plus a bite from its beak. Ouch!

The other four cephalopods glide towards Ella, Thrud and Zach. However, rather than engaging, they halt about 15’ away from you. Whilst you stand in the doorway rather than in the columned chamber, they seem unwilling or unable to attack you.

2:10 pm, Basilsday 2nd Lucreon (April) 2993 AEP
Ellagel, Elven Fighter/Magic User 1/1: 6/6, 90’
Grimidek, Dwarven Cleric 1: 9/9, 60’
Jacky, Halfling Fighter/Thief 1/1: 6/6, 60’
Thrudmarr, Wiskin Fighter 1: 5/5, 90’ (Lantern)
Zacharias, Archontean Fighter 1: 10/10, 60’

Link to Jacky’s maps …


Cephalopod to hit rolls vs Jacky - (1d20, 1d20, 1d20, 1d20, 1d20)

1d20 : (17) = 17

1d20 : (9) = 9

1d20 : (1) = 1

1d20 : (7) = 7

1d20 : (14) = 14

Cephalopod to hit rolls vs Grim - (1d20, 1d20, 1d20, 1d20, 1d20)

1d20 : (12) = 12

1d20 : (1) = 1

1d20 : (10) = 10

1d20 : (14) = 14

1d20 : (9) = 9

Feb 1, 2025 3:06 pm
Cephalopod Skirmish - Round 1
Jacky is hit twice - once by a tentacle that sends an electric shock coursing through his body, and once by the creature's beak.

Grim is also hit twice, by two of the shock-inducing tentacles.

2:10 pm, Basilsday 2nd Lucreon (April) 2993 AEP
Ellagel, Elven Fighter/Magic User 1/1: 6/6, 90’
Grimidek, Dwarven Cleric 1: 5/9, 60’
Jacky, Halfling Fighter/Thief 1/1: 4/6, 60’
Thrudmarr, Wiskin Fighter 1: 5/5, 90’ (Lantern)
Zacharias, Archontean Fighter 1: 10/10, 60’

Link to Jacky’s maps …


Cephalopod damage rolls vs Jacky - (1d3+1d4)

(1) + (1) = 2

Cephalopod damage rolls vs Grim - (2d3)

(13) = 4

Feb 1, 2025 3:07 pm
Over to you.

If anyone wants to change their original declarations, now that it’s clear what you’re up against, please feel free to do so.
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