4. The First Expedition

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Mar 4, 2025 10:07 pm
Burbage says:
The southernmost door in the eastern wall, right?
Ahhhh I mixed up my directions, meant the western wall lol
The halfling dips his chin in agreement with Ellagel.
Last edited March 4, 2025 10:09 pm
Mar 6, 2025 1:26 am
Grim pockets the license.
Someone better grab de armor, Grim says. We can at least sell it, if no one’ll wear it.
Mar 6, 2025 1:51 pm
Thrud will gladly take the armor if Zach is fine with it.
Mar 6, 2025 4:25 pm
Hall of Columns
dracul104 says:
Do I think I could get enough that it would be worthwhile spending time on scraping a bunch off?
It’s gold-coloured paint rather than actual-gold-paint. It’s worthless.
Anyone taking anything from Dalton, please update your character sheets accordingly, including encumbrance. If this changes anyone’s movement rate, please let me know.
The western exit from the Hall of Columns is a closed, iron-bound wooden door. It’s not locked, but is stuck. If you want to open it suddenly with the possibility of surprising anyone/thing on the other side it will need an open doors check. Or you may open it without a check, but this will take longer and alert anyone/thing on the other side.

2:30 pm, Basilsday 2nd Lucreon (April) 2993 AEP
Ellagel, Elven Fighter/Magic User 1/1: 6/6, 90’
Grimidek, Dwarven Cleric 1: 9/9, 60’
Jacky, Halfling Fighter/Thief 1/1: 4/6, 60’
Thrudmarr, Wiskin Fighter 1: 5/5, 90’ (Lantern)
Zacharias, Archontean Fighter 1: 10/10, 60’

Link to Jacky’s maps …


Secret Roll

Mar 7, 2025 8:26 pm
Ellagel examined Dalton’s longsword. She wondered whether there was anything remarkable about it’s make. As she did so, she pocketed the flask containing the green potion.
Just so I am sure: all of the dead bodies are massed before the blocked door, and not next to one of the exits that have no doors, correct? It might be that there is some kind of trap or enchantment affecting those who try to open or force the door. Might be worth a check and maybe spreading out to avoid any spray of poison, noxious fumes or a rain of darts…
Last edited March 7, 2025 8:27 pm
Mar 7, 2025 11:06 pm
Jacky did search around the door, but nothing came of it. If the bodies do indicate they might have been headed to the door, let's go down the southernmost exit in the eastern wall instead.
Last edited March 7, 2025 11:07 pm
Mar 8, 2025 2:41 pm
Hall of Columns
matmaisan says:
Ellagel examined Dalton’s longsword. She wondered whether there was anything remarkable about it’s make. As she did so, she pocketed the flask containing the green potion.
There is nothing apparently remarkable about Dalton’s longsword. It seems to be an entirely standard weapon.
matmaisan says:
Just so I am sure: all of the dead bodies are massed before the blocked door, and not next to one of the exits that have no doors, correct? It might be that there is some kind of trap or enchantment affecting those who try to open or force the door. Might be worth a check and maybe spreading out to avoid any spray of poison, noxious fumes or a rain of darts…
No, the bodies are more randomly distributed amid the columns. They are not clustered in a particular location.

2:40 pm, Basilsday 2nd Lucreon (April) 2993 AEP
Ellagel, Elven Fighter/Magic User 1/1: 6/6, 90’
Grimidek, Dwarven Cleric 1: 9/9, 60’
Jacky, Halfling Fighter/Thief 1/1: 4/6, 60’
Thrudmarr, Wiskin Fighter 1: 5/5, 90’ (Lantern)
Zacharias, Archontean Fighter 1: 10/10, 60’

Link to Jacky’s maps …
Mar 8, 2025 3:36 pm
Thrudmarr will don the banded mail. This does push me over into encumbered territory, my movement will go down to 60'. My backpack doesn't have room to stash my chain mail, could I hand carry it around and just drop it immediately upon entering new areas or anytime something happens? It would not effect my encumbrance rate any further.
Mar 9, 2025 1:01 am
dracul104 says:
Thrud will gladly take the armor if Zach is fine with it.
Zach looks at the banded mail, and then at Thrudmarr, and then at himself. You take it, Thurgood old buddy, you tend to run into the thick of things before I can get there, it will do you more good he says with a rare smile.
Mar 9, 2025 10:30 am
Hall of Columns
dracul104 says:
Thrudmarr will don the banded mail. This does push me over into encumbered territory, my movement will go down to 60'. My backpack doesn't have room to stash my chain mail, could I hand carry it around and just drop it immediately upon entering new areas or anytime something happens? It would not effect my encumbrance rate any further.
Sure, you may carry the chain mail. However, it’s bulky, so both hands will be needed. This means that someone else will have to carry the lantern. And, if you’re caught by surprise, you won’t have your shield or weapon immediately to hand.

2:40 pm, Basilsday 2nd Lucreon (April) 2993 AEP
Ellagel, Elven Fighter/Magic User 1/1: 6/6, 90’
Grimidek, Dwarven Cleric 1: 9/9, 60’
Jacky, Halfling Fighter/Thief 1/1: 4/6, 60’
Thrudmarr, Wiskin Fighter 1: 5/5, 60’ (Lantern)
Zacharias, Archontean Fighter 1: 10/10, 60’

Link to Jacky’s maps …
Mar 9, 2025 11:03 am
Jacky glances at the warrior with his hands full. "I can lend you my cloak to wrap that up with, Thrud," the halfling suggests. "It'll be easier to carry in a bundle."
Anyone else have a preference for direction?
Mar 9, 2025 2:05 pm
On 2nd thought then, I think I'll just leave the chain-mail here, and hope to grab it when we actually plan on heading back up. I don't want to be caught lugging it around while exploring unknown territory.
Mar 9, 2025 3:06 pm
Grim can help carry it.
Mar 11, 2025 2:15 am
WhiteDwarf says:
Grim can help carry it.
Good with me. It's now party treasure anyways, we can split the proceeds from the sale of it if we haul it out. I already have my shield stowed when traveling in order to carry the lantern, so I'd rather keep my sword arm free at least :)

Sounds like we're going to check out the southeastern passage if everyone's ready.
Mar 12, 2025 10:06 am
Sounds good, let's go.
Mar 12, 2025 6:09 pm
Leaving the Hall of Columns and the remains of Dalton, you head through the southerly exit in the eastern wall. A 10’ wide corridor continues due east for 20’ before opening into a small, square chamber. The room appears largely empty, except for a pile of trash in the southwest corner.

There’s one other visible exit from the chamber - another 10’ wide passageway that continues east. You have sufficient light to see that it extends for 20’ before ending at a closed wooden door.

Mapping information: square chamber, 20’ x 20’. You enter through the northernmost section of the western wall. The other exit is in the southernmost section of the eastern wall.

2:40 pm, Basilsday 2nd Lucreon (April) 2993 AEP
Ellagel, Elven Fighter/Magic User 1/1: 6/6, 90’
Grimidek, Dwarven Cleric 1: 9/9, 60’
Jacky, Halfling Fighter/Thief 1/1: 4/6, 60’
Thrudmarr, Wiskin Fighter 1: 5/5, 60’ (Lantern)
Zacharias, Archontean Fighter 1: 10/10, 60’

Link to Jacky’s maps …
Mar 12, 2025 8:16 pm
As the party spilled into the new room, Ella looked at the ceiling, wondering if anything might be lurking there, observing the party enter. If satisfied there were no immediate threats, she will allow herself to examine the trash accumulated on the nearby corner (SW) without touching it or approaching too much.

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