1 - Bottled Up

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Shinoda Yoshinori


Nov 13, 2024 4:00 am
Shinoda Yoshinori
"It seems that is the case. We don't know how they are doing it, but if you do discover how, that will be one major clue to solving this issue. These two were attacked at our offices in Siam Plaza, Suite 104. Good luck, and find these bastards quickly."
nezzeraj sent a note to GreyGriffin
Nov 15, 2024 10:46 am
Assuming no one else has anything they want to say, Aiko will head out to the location.
Nov 15, 2024 12:22 pm
Siam Plaza is not far. The building is a semicircular modern structure of steel, glass, and white concrete. It is mostly a business park with each office space big enough to comfortably hold a dozen employees. Suite 104 is on the ground floor, fourth office space from the south. A yakuza guard in business casual, dark shades, and a pistol in a shoulder holster stands outside the door. He nods as you approach.

"Yoshinori-san called ahead. You are clear to go in."

Inside the room has the bland corporate aesthetic hated for decades: cheap linoleum floors, white walls, office decor bought from a major supply store that sells in bulk cheap. Except where you'd expect offices there are drug stations. Making, testing, purifying, packaging, weighing, and storage. If you didn't know there had been murders here, you wouldn't have expected anything was much out of the ordinary. There are a few broken pieces of equipment, spilled drugs on worktables and floor with footprints, but nothing a half hour of tidying wouldn't solve. Most notably, there are no bullet holes and no spilled blood.
Nov 15, 2024 3:47 pm
As they drove towards their destination Tadaoshi explains a bit of his abilities to the others

I am only able to cast a few spells but a couple should be helpful. My magic allows me to heal injuries, though hopefully we will be able to investigate without a fight. I can also compel others for a short time and create illusions over a small area. My last spell lets me detect various things nearby. However I am limited in how often I can use each spell. If you have an idea where my spells may be useful feel free to speak up.
In addition I have Soul Sight, allowing me to detect a person's mood and other bits about them. This should help when questioning anyone.

When they arrive Tadaoshi looks over the area, noting access points, security measures, signs of struggle, and anything out of place. After getting a sense of the situation he returns to the yakuza guard and asks several questions, though several are more for confirmation I assume there were no survivors? Have the neighbors been questioned? Can we get access to the security system?


Notice - (2d6+0)

(24) = 6

Nov 15, 2024 5:44 pm
Kla looks over the room for clues.


Notice (if applicable) - (2d6+1)

(33) + 1 = 7

Nov 15, 2024 7:12 pm
Knockout looks at the neighboring buildings to see if any of them happens to have a camera pointed in this direction or nearby. Couldn't have been that many cars with enough room for several cannisters in the area at the time.


Notice - (2d6+0)

(34) = 7

Nov 16, 2024 4:35 am
"We'll want to save the magickal questioning for a... special occasion, I am sure." He nods at the Mage. He was the wild card. The others, he could roughly assess, but without disclosure, there was no telling what magic could do...
Ryosuke takes a moment to assess the building as they passed by it, eyeing it for signs of an underground parking garage. As they step in, he examines the floor, looking for unusual drag or scuff marks. Curious about the layout of the building, he took some time to look for a freight elevator, wondering if the roof was a potential means of ingress and egress. He also kept a careful eye out for signs of damage, especially hidden damage - blood beneath the carpet, ceiling tiles off alignment, or even strange smells that might hide something between the walls...


Notice [0] - (2d6+0)

(53) = 8

Know [0] - (2d6+0)

(55) = 10

Work (Property Insurance Assessor) [0] - (2d6+0)

(24) = 6

Nov 17, 2024 1:50 pm
The crew sweeps through the room, checking everything they can think of. There are no blood stains, no bullet holes, nothing out of the ordinary at all except for drifts of powdered drugs with the Yakuza guard footprints in it, a few overturned office chairs, and some scattered papers and desk items. Ryosuke does notice that the electronic door lock is disabled and the mechanical lock has been picked. Whatever happened here happened quick and without harming anything except the employees.

Knockout sees several cameras on the building exterior pointing at the busy street out front and one behind for service vehicles. The jars are only slightly larger than human-sized so any panel van or box truck could transport several jars. Those types of vehicles are a nickel a dozen in this area, used by businesses of all kinds.

The guard says there are no cameras in this suite because of the illegal nature of their operation and they can't afford to have any evidence recorded. Suite 103 is vacant and Suite 105, a rug shop, is always closed this day every week. "So what do you think? Gotta be magic right? Deaths but no damage. Fuckin' weird is what I think. One of you able to do that mumbo jumbo shit?"
Nov 18, 2024 12:36 am
I may be able to help with that but it would help if I knew a bit more of what to look for

Leaving the exterior surveillances to the others Tadaoshi considers his options of what to try and look for. He doubts that Detection would allow him to simply locate "clues" he is unsure what to try and locate. He Looks over the room and surrounding with his Soul Sight, unsure if any traces will be visible. If nothing is found with his Soul Sight he will cast Detect Target and try and locate "traces left by the attackers"
Noted about "detecting magic' Cast/Detect roll added
Is there a more detailed description of soul sight and the spells I selected?
I was wondering if Soul sight is only living organics or if it has other uses.
Last edited November 18, 2024 2:53 pm


Cast - (2d6+2)

(33) + 2 = 8

Nov 18, 2024 5:07 am
Shadowrun has the "assense" skill which is like detect magic or arcana skill. You can use your Cast skill in this same way to detect residual magic auras, magical traps, etc. So you can give me a Cast roll to analyze the crime scene magically.
Nov 18, 2024 8:46 am
"Got no cameras? What kinda street ring operation you running here? I thought y'all were professionals." Aiko scoffs. Even cartels know security's worth the risk, especially for times like this.

She's not really sure what she's doing here, since the place is looking particularly low tech. Sure there was an electric lock but that's more hardware and not entirely in her wheelhouse. Well either way, it's an opening worth following up just to look like she's doing something.

"You got a security centre or anything connected to that lock?" She points at it. "Or 'keys' for the other two suites? Even if rughouse wasn't open it might be worth sniffing around in."
Nov 19, 2024 8:18 am
The Yakuza member shrugs, "Those choices are above my paygrade. I'm not good with technobabble. All I know is the lock is a lock. If you have a keycard or passcode, it opens. If you don't, it don't. The rug shop people won't be here today so if you want to snoop around, help yourself. We don't got any keys for that place so you'll have to do your own breaking and entering. Shouldn't be too hard for runners of your skills, so ka?"
Nov 19, 2024 8:52 am
"Yeah, yeah." Aiko turns back to the others. "Any of you got lockpicking experience? The electronic one shouldn't be a problem but I'm not bobby pin trained."
What skill would be used for lockpicking?
Nov 19, 2024 11:44 am
Sneak for lockpicking, both electronic (if physically bypassing them) and mechanical.
Nov 19, 2024 2:28 pm
Cast roll added earier = 8. Do I find any magical traces?
Nov 19, 2024 5:22 pm
"We don't need to capture the actual act that took place. We need to capture someone carrying or moving large glass containers into the building. Surveillance on the doors, the parking, or the hallways will be sufficient. We just need to scroll through and check on anyone moving anything very, very tall."
Nov 19, 2024 5:28 pm
"I know how to pick a lock. I'm not a pro, but I can usually get the simpler ones."
If no one objects AND there aren't security cameras outside the door to the rug place, then he'll make this attempt. Rolling to keep things moving.

LOL. Never mind!
Last edited November 19, 2024 5:28 pm


Sneak - (2d6+0)

(11) = 2

Nov 20, 2024 1:46 am
Tadaoshi opens his astral eyes and is greeted by a glowing radiance bathing the entire room. Every surface radiates magic and it is clear an area of effect spell was used that affected everyone inside. Moreover, noticing the subtle variations and patterns in the mana, Tadaoshi knows the magic is from the Hindu tradition.

Kla is surprised to open the lock very easily, but then is even more surprised when an alarm begins shrieking in a repetitive staccato.

RrrreeeEEE! RrrreeeEEE! RrrreeeEEE!

The Yakuza guard looks at Kla with a mixture of disbelief and anger.
Ryosuke can use Notice to look for cameras as well. Knockout already spotted some too so you can pick one of those, find the owner, get permission to view the video, etc. If you roll higher it could make this easier otherwise it will be time consuming.
Nov 20, 2024 2:08 am
"Shit." To the annoyed Yakuza guard, he says, "I said that I wasn't a pro."
Nov 20, 2024 2:25 am
"Probably best to leave illegal activities to the pros, then. Knowing the Thai forces well, I'd say you have between three and five minutes to either get out of here or come up with a very convincing cover story. One that doesn't involve the deaths and drug manufacturing right next door," he adds with a very penetrating stare.
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