1 - Bottled Up
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Nov 20, 2024 2:36 am
Kla gets the message. He says to the others, "Text me when you get to your next stop." With that he leaves the building, looks for a crowd, and tries to blend in.
Nov 20, 2024 5:08 am
Lol! I love how fast Kla bailed on the others. "Uh, whoops. Good luck guys, peace!"Nov 20, 2024 10:23 am
"Well, that was..." Aiko coughs to clear her throat. "Unexpected. So, want me to go chat up some camera owners and see what I can find?"
While she'd probably sold herself short on her lockpicking skills, after seeing someone a bit more confident end up in that situation she doesn't think its worth taking the risk. Instead, she turns to annoying people until she gets what she wants, her second best skill in life.
While she'd probably sold herself short on her lockpicking skills, after seeing someone a bit more confident end up in that situation she doesn't think its worth taking the risk. Instead, she turns to annoying people until she gets what she wants, her second best skill in life.
Nov 20, 2024 12:08 pm
Aiko, roll me Connect skill for finding camera owners willing to work with you.Nov 20, 2024 1:19 pm
Lol ouch. I see you were involved in a scam with your Uncle Bobby in your past. Seems like a good time to bring that up! OOC:
Who is this person? How were they involved in the scam? How badly did this person get hurt?Nov 20, 2024 3:02 pm
Tadaoshi informs Ryosuke and Knockout of his intentions before heading out after Aiko to to find if any nearby shops with cameras are willing to share their video feed over the last couple of days. As he does he looks at where Aiko went and mutters a reminder to himself about getting secure coms for the group to coordinate better.
Last edited November 20, 2024 11:07 pm
Connect - (2d6+2)
(66) + 2 = 14
Nov 20, 2024 6:25 pm
nezzeraj says:
Lol! I love how fast Kla bailed on the others. "Uh, whoops. Good luck guys, peace!"OOC:
Knowing when to bail is part of the reason he's still alive. ;-)Besides, he's worse at talking his way out of things than he is at picking locks.
Also, thought that maybe the security cameras, if any were looking at the door (wasn't sure), would be looking for him and not the others.
Nov 20, 2024 8:16 pm
Ryosuke, hearing the alarm, briskly exits the building. Counting on his bland appearance and the distraction of the blaring alarm, he tried to weave his way across the street without looking like he was fleeing the scene, ducking into a convenience store and purchasing a bottle of iced tea.
He glanced over his shoulder, as if just suddenly noticing the alarm. He spoke quietly to the cashier. "That's strange. Who is in there?"
He glanced over his shoulder, as if just suddenly noticing the alarm. He spoke quietly to the cashier. "That's strange. Who is in there?"
Ryosuke is trying to take advantage of the alarm to strike up a conversation with the locals, especially ones who work late, to see if there's some local gossip about the building.Rolls
Sneak [1-1] (Leave the building unnoticed) - (2d6)
(43) = 7
Connect [1+1] (Get the social lay of the land, pick up the hot goss.) - (2d6+2)
(66) + 2 = 14
Nov 20, 2024 9:42 pm
Knockout follows Ryosuke to get away from the building, though trying to stay close enough to see whenever the security forces is finished, so they quickly can get back to the task unless his companions have better luck.
Sneak - (2d6+0)
(23) = 5
Notice - (2d6+0)
(52) = 7
Nov 21, 2024 8:27 am
Ah, damn. Aiko pursed her lips as she considered her next move. Part of her wanted to smile and wave or something, but acting like an old friend would make things worse. She knew she'd be recognised after all.
Ms. Apinya still had the same thin framed glasses and narrow jaw. She looked older than she had when they'd last met, more wrinkles, but Aiko had little doubt the cause was stress. She had a simple tee and skirt on, a far cry from the luxurious suit from before too. Even still, Aiko felt the feint sense of the bizarre that radiated off her as a by product of being a mystic.
The severe, skeletal woman had been a secretary cross advisor for the company the scam group had targeted. She'd never trusted Aiko or Bobby, but since there was nothing magic going on she didn't have a reason to refuse. Her boss had fallen hook line and sinker for all manner of bootleg cybervans; sleek on the outside but junk on the inside. They'd lost everything.
She must've lost her job. And now, as fate would have it, she was here.
"Must've gotten the wrong door." Aiko chuckles nervously, and turns to leave. She doesn't make it before TaDaoshi enters.
Ms. Apinya still had the same thin framed glasses and narrow jaw. She looked older than she had when they'd last met, more wrinkles, but Aiko had little doubt the cause was stress. She had a simple tee and skirt on, a far cry from the luxurious suit from before too. Even still, Aiko felt the feint sense of the bizarre that radiated off her as a by product of being a mystic.
The severe, skeletal woman had been a secretary cross advisor for the company the scam group had targeted. She'd never trusted Aiko or Bobby, but since there was nothing magic going on she didn't have a reason to refuse. Her boss had fallen hook line and sinker for all manner of bootleg cybervans; sleek on the outside but junk on the inside. They'd lost everything.
She must've lost her job. And now, as fate would have it, she was here.
"Must've gotten the wrong door." Aiko chuckles nervously, and turns to leave. She doesn't make it before TaDaoshi enters.
Nov 24, 2024 12:46 pm
"Just one minute, miss!" Ms. Apinya says as Aiko is turning to leave. "Don't I know you from somewhere? Yeah, you were with that older man, Bobby something."
Ryosuke sees a Thai convenience store chain, Save 'n' Crave. They are open 24/7 and located catty-corner to Siam Plaza. There's a college-aged Thai woman behind the counter watching a music trideo on a small screen behind the counter. She looks up as you enter and greets you with more courtesy than expected from a bored college student. "Welcome to Save 'n' Crave, where you can save on whatever you crave."
Ryosuke sees a Thai convenience store chain, Save 'n' Crave. They are open 24/7 and located catty-corner to Siam Plaza. There's a college-aged Thai woman behind the counter watching a music trideo on a small screen behind the counter. She looks up as you enter and greets you with more courtesy than expected from a bored college student. "Welcome to Save 'n' Crave, where you can save on whatever you crave."
Nov 26, 2024 9:16 am
"Mmm?" Aiko points at herself, determined to feign innocence for as long as possible. "Bobby? Bobby... That name rings a bell, but I'm not sure. What do you mean with him?"
She glances around, looking for an exit or some kind of physical barrier to put between her and Apinya. Even with neither of them being armed or remotely prepared for a fight, Aiko has very little expectation of victory. As usual.
She glances around, looking for an exit or some kind of physical barrier to put between her and Apinya. Even with neither of them being armed or remotely prepared for a fight, Aiko has very little expectation of victory. As usual.
Rolling perform to act innocent. If you'd rather I didn't then please ignore!Last edited November 26, 2024 9:17 am
Perform - (2d6-1)
(32) - 1 = 4
Nov 27, 2024 7:56 am
The innocent act is exactly what triggers Ms. Apinya's memory. "Ha! I remember now! You tried that same innocent act the last time I ran into you! Uncle Bobby you called him. You were swindlers, you were. Tricked the company into some investment and vanished without a trace. I remember now. Well well, what a small world. I'd call this karma, I would! You've got about five seconds to give me a reason not to call the authorities right now."
Nov 27, 2024 9:47 am
"Because there's an alarm going off right across the street!" Aiko doesn't hesitate to respond. The statement probably would do more harm than good, in the scheme of things, but it was the first thing that came to mind. She winces. "They've probably got a robbery or something to deal with, and I'm a victim as much as you are."
She mock shivers. "He forced me to be his poster girl, can you believe that!?" No one could, surely.
She mock shivers. "He forced me to be his poster girl, can you believe that!?" No one could, surely.
Nov 27, 2024 11:53 am
"As a matter of fact, I cannot believe that. And I bet you had something to do with that robbery, too. Oh, I bet there will be reward money for turning you over! Just stay right there!" Behind the counter she grabs her commlink...
Nov 27, 2024 12:04 pm
@Psybermagi did you want to follow Aiko? She mentioned you entering but I wasn't sure if that was your intention and forgot to ask earlier. If not you got a great roll so you can make up whatever store and helpful worker you want to gain access to their camera.Nov 27, 2024 7:46 pm
Rolling to see if Kla notices what's going on in the store Aiko walked into. If it's not possible, please ignore the dice roll.Rolls
Notice - (2d6+1)
(46) + 1 = 11
Nov 27, 2024 9:16 pm
I was mostly looking to get more info but sure, let's say I saw where she entered and went to help outload next