1 - Bottled Up

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Nov 28, 2024 1:34 am
"Just this, please." Ryosuke put a small can of iced tea on the counter, along with a credit chit. Not strange for someone travelling from Japan, of course.

He paused for a strategic moment, letting the quiet of the store allow the soft echo of the burglar alarm to fill the silence. Waiting until she had finished scanning his goods, but before she had set them back onto the counter, he turned towards the door, as if noticing the sound for the first time. "Strange neighbors, hmm?"

He held his commlink in one hand, glancing up at her, as if she captured his attention away from his own business. He gave a polite smile, trying to look open and curious, without being too pressing. It was a mere invitation to talk, a chance to socialize without real consequence on a polite stranger.

A calculated social feint.

As he prepared to listen, he typed a message to Aiko without looking.

24 hr srvlce sv'n'crv sec cam
Nov 28, 2024 8:13 am
ForeverDED says:
Rolling to see if Kla notices what's going on in the store Aiko walked into. If it's not possible, please ignore the dice roll.
Sure, that's possible especially since you lef first.
Psybermagi says:
I was mostly looking to get more info but sure, let's say I saw where she entered and went to help out
Ah, then I can say that you've gotten all the information you're able to get from this first crime scene.

The cashier looks at Ryosuke with polite confusion. "You mean the alarm? There are dozens of small businesses in the Plaza so I don't know which one that is coming from. Do you? I only work here part time while I'm in school so I don't see too much strange things outside the walls of this place. First time I've heard that alarm. I saw an accident in the Plaza once. It was bloody but thankfully nobody died, I heard."
Dec 1, 2024 8:50 pm
I was thinking of walking into the store that Aiko went to, flashing a fake badge to the store owner, and pretend to take her into custody. The stumbling point would be to have something, real or digital, that he could use as a pretend badge.
Dec 2, 2024 5:49 am
That's a great idea. You could forego the badge and use Talk skill to fast talk her, or Perform to impersonate a police officer well enough she doesn't think to ask for ID.
Dec 2, 2024 1:28 pm
I'll just use leadership in place of talk and try to bluff Aiko out of her situation

Stepping up to Aiko Tadaoshi says There you are. You should not wander off like that. Turning to the shop keeper he explains that he woks for the city social service, a minor branch of the police that exists mostly to make sure the corporate elite can feel good about themselves, and he Aiko is on his docket. Looking put out and exhausted the nudges Aiko to head back I think we do not need to spend any more time in this area. Let go get you settled so I can finish up your paperwork.


Lead - (2d6+2)

(45) + 2 = 11

Dec 2, 2024 6:09 pm
Psybermagi beat me to it! LOL
Kla surveils the convenience store that Aiko walked into and sees that the shopkeeper is upset with her. Looks like she might even be calling the police. Just as he decides to cross the street to pretend to be a cop and haul Aiko away, he spots Tadaoshi walk into the shop and pull off something similar. He chuckles to himself, Sonuva... But in case Tadaoshi is unsuccessful, he hangs out close by.
Dec 2, 2024 7:18 pm
Ryosuke glanced at the cashier. "Oh? Was this recent?"

In his offhand, he messaged Aiko again, touch typing in the grandest Japanese tradition, "???!?"
Dec 3, 2024 8:45 am
Aiko blinks, then looks back at Apinya and shrugs. She refrains for a smirk or anything, which isn't too hard since from the moment of stepping into the store she'd been swept along by the whole thing. Instead, with a baffled expression, she nods and shuffles slightly in the direction Tadoshi's offered. Inwardly, she curses herself for missing a chance to get at the security cameras.

After a second message on her comlink, she fishes the device out of her pocket very glad of the distraction. She hastily types a reply; "Hell if I know, crazy lady alert!!!"
Dec 3, 2024 2:37 pm
Once out of the store Tadaoshi regroups with the others.

Any luck getting acces to additional information? Are we ready to check out the next site?
Dec 4, 2024 8:41 am
Aiko, feeling sheepish as usual, tries to draw a low profile even among the group. She jams her hands in her pockets and hopes no one decides to press for more information. Knowing her, she'd cave to peer pressure far too easily.
Dec 4, 2024 11:53 am
The cashier shrugs. "Oh, maybe a year ago or so now. Not very recent I guess. Can I get you anything else?"
It seems the woman is about to protest, she still has her commlink in her hand, but Tadaoshi's suddenness and professional demeanor makes her flustered and forget what she was planning to do. You leave the dry cleaning building, but it's only a matter of time before Ms. Apinya comes to her senses and thinks about Tadaoshi's cover story.
Where to?
Dec 8, 2024 3:08 am
@Furmyr,@GreyGriffin,@Psybermagi,@Tickettbror,@ForeverDED How's everything going?
Dec 8, 2024 3:30 am
Uhhhhhhh, I have no idea where to go to next.

We can try to figure out who crafted the jars, or we can visit the brothel or casino and see if we can get any security camera footage from them or their neighbors. But Kla would rather not risk trying to pick any locks as he botched that pretty badly.

A more risky avenue would be to start asking around about the rivals mentioned earlier. Do any of us have contacts that might know more about the rivals?
Last edited December 8, 2024 3:31 am
Dec 8, 2024 9:10 am
Yeah, the leads are the rival factions: The Yellow Lotus Triad, the Whites, and the Hodo-kai. Tadaoshi also discovered the magic used in the killings was from the Hindu tradition which is very unusual because most practitioners are Thai or Japanese and would use Buddhist or Shinto traditions. So he can give me a Know roll or ask around about that.
Dec 8, 2024 3:20 pm
Thanks for the summary.
As the group gathers to share their findings and plan their next step, Tadaoshi explains his findings and tries to recall any contacts he may have with more knowledge on foreign factions, specifically the Hindu.

I can try and find out more any maybe pick up an extra hand to help on grunt work. Tadaoshi suggests that perhaps they use the next day to try and gather additional information on the other sights and review any collected footage.
Know about Hindu magic users/organizations
Connect to find others with more information on organizations and their magic affinities/users

I rolled a 14 on connect to convince other storekeepers with surveillance to allow access, (perhaps at a cost?) but did not see any results on that

Tadaoshi has henchkeeper and mixing this with his connect skills he should be able to hopefully get help/information to narrow the field of interest but this will take a bit of time. Do we need to do all actions in the moment or can we do more generalized activities and FF a day?
Last edited December 8, 2024 3:22 pm


Know - (2d6+1)

(42) + 1 = 7

Connect - (2d6+2)

(64) + 2 = 12

Dec 9, 2024 11:22 am
"At least one of the of the rival factions must be into fight fixing," Knockout suggests. "I could ask around the circuit, to see if anyone's heard anything."
Dec 9, 2024 11:41 am
"I'm not the kinda 'gal who has connections... well, except- uh, anywho I can poke at the online places and see if anything bites?" Aiko shrugs. At this point she's looking to go with the flow and let someone else make a decision, accepting how she almost sabotaged the entire situation with something adjacent to grace.
Sorry, I didn't want to take the reigns after having something more Aiko focused and then my weekend got busy!
Dec 10, 2024 10:36 am
Psybermagi says:

I rolled a 14 on connect to convince other storekeepers with surveillance to allow access, (perhaps at a cost?) but did not see any results on that

Tadaoshi has henchkeeper and mixing this with his connect skills he should be able to hopefully get help/information to narrow the field of interest but this will take a bit of time. Do we need to do all actions in the moment or can we do more generalized activities and FF a day? [/ooc]
Ah, sorry about that. You can find access to some cameras but I will just say there is nothing to find on that front. This first crime scene is just to learn some background info so you've all exhausted all your leads here. For the henchmen, feel free to design an NPC! With your Connect roll you know that one of the major players in Bangkok is the Dawood Syndicate, based out of Pakistan and the Indian Union whose members include some Hindis.
Furmyr says:
"At least one of the of the rival factions must be into fight fixing," Knockout suggests. "I could ask around the circuit, to see if anyone's heard anything."
What is your goal of investigating fight fixing?
Dec 10, 2024 11:06 am
Just gathering info about the gangs. See if anyone heard of unusual activity with any of them.
Dec 10, 2024 5:34 pm
I was also going to peruse the local businesses and see if I could pick up relevant rumors - I rolled 14 on Connect. And I'm waiting for Aiko to acknowledge the surveillance cameras I've located and see if she can scrape some footage.
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