1 - Bottled Up

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Dec 11, 2024 7:29 am
Talking with the clerk was the result of your 14. This first crime scene is literally a single paragraph in the adventure so I've been trying to gently move everyone along but I think I'm failing lol!
Dec 11, 2024 8:33 am
"So, I checked the cams you wanted me to. Copied the footage, made a nice little 3d recreation, that was the fun bit because the rest of it netted zip" Aiko shrugs.
I assume that tracks? I thought I'd respond in character but you mentioned the cameras wouldn't turn anything up @nezzeraj :p
Last edited December 11, 2024 8:33 am
Dec 11, 2024 12:15 pm
Lol perfect, thank you!
Dec 11, 2024 1:45 pm
Tadaoshi will leave the next steps to the others as he begins contacting his friends and other informants to gather information on and look for a possible employee to help with leg work. He focuses on emplyess with knowledge of forces with Hindu mages or origins.


Connect : find Henchmen & information - (2d6+2)

(64) + 2 = 12

Lead : Filter potential recruits for useful skills and price - (2d6+2)

(33) + 2 = 8

Dec 14, 2024 7:54 pm
Apologies if you were waiting on me. Kla doesn't really have much in the way of investigative skills besides Notice, and his social skills are for naught.
Kla will tag along with anyone who wants backup.
Dec 15, 2024 2:29 am
Knockout asks around about unusual activity but there's no news about anything that seems overtly suspicious.

Tadaoshi knows a guy who knows a guy. The contact drops the name Falah Almarri, an Arabic manager of the Dawood Syndicate in Pattaya. He says he's got some information for you based on what you're asking about and is willing to meet you at a Yemeni restaurant named Ali's. It's about an hour and a half south of Bangkok.
Dec 15, 2024 7:13 pm
"Then I guess that's where we're headed."
Dec 16, 2024 3:42 am
After explaining to the others what he has learned Tadaoshi agrees with Kla, I think this lead is worth following up. Aiko, would you mind driving us?
Dec 16, 2024 8:47 am
"I don't remember saying..." Aiko begins, then waves her own comment out of the air. "Sure, why not? Not like I've been helpful otherwise."

She leads the group to her van, when she pats the side of it affectionately. "Feel free to pile in, make yourselves at home but don't touch anything. You break it you buy it. Welcome to my abode and all that."
Dec 16, 2024 11:20 am
You take the trip down to Pattaya, the beachfront resort town just southeast of Bangkok. The streets are crowded with bikini-clad tourists, and the beaches are full of umbrellas and beer coolers. As in Bangkok, there are numerous clubs and bars, but the atmosphere is relaxed. In some ways, Pattaya is the sort of place that time forgot, and the music coming from the beach bars proves it: lazy, good-time surfer rock over a hundred years old blended with Euphoria and other classic ‘50s rockers. Everyone knows the words and sings along.

The fuzz use a more plain-clothes approach here so as to not scare the tourists. You make a mental note to be vigilant.

The area also seems to have a high number of Indian and Pakistani immigrants. Practically every restaurant serves food from the subcontinent, and dark-skinned men try to get you to buy tailored clothes. Come to think of it, this is just like Bangkok, only denser.

You pick your way through the crowds of backpackers, street trash, and beach folk until you find the Soi Post Office. There, nestled in between a shop selling "authentic nagahide" and a go-go bar, you find Ali’s. This little Yemeni restaurant is barely a hole in the wall, a door at the top of a narrow flight of stairs. Little electronic bells chime and then die as if the battery went dead as you enter. Ali’s consists of a counter and stool for the cashier and four small tables. The cashier, a young Arabic boy of twelve, smiles at you when you come in and points to a grey-haired man eating some sort of chicken and rice curry.

Falah Almarri
The old man wipes his mouth and motions you over. "I’m Falah Almarri," he says. "I hoped you would come by sooner rather than later. What can I do for you?"
Dec 16, 2024 1:12 pm
"You seem to have the advantage of knowing us," Knockout replies. "You seem to be well informed for a restaurateur."
Dec 16, 2024 3:32 pm
Greetings Falah Almarri. Thank you for agreeing to meet with us. I understand you may know something concerning an investigation we are pursuing? May we know the type of information and what it will cost us before we continue? Tadaoshi begins the conversation cautiously, curuious what the man know before putting forth more direct questions.
Dec 16, 2024 5:41 pm
Kla enjoys the sights and sounds of Pattya. He makes a mental note to spend more time here when he gets the chance and the money. Once inside the hole-in-the-wall restaurant, he surveils the place. With a kid on the premises, it was unlikely that something bad would happen, so he makes it a point to keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't disappear. He listens to the conversation the others are having with this Falah guy.

Falah Almarri


Dec 17, 2024 7:58 am
Falah Almarri
Falah chuckles. "Indeed, I am not a restaurateur. A friend owns this place and the food is sublime. I am the manager of the Dawood Syndicate here in Thailand. As for what it will cost you, nothing, because you cannot give me what I want. But your employer can. I want the Kuroiban-gumi operations here in Pattaya. As for the information, yesterday some of my men got into a firefight with a group of Hindu cultists. The cultists had some confiscated gear from your boss's dead Kuroiban-gumi members. One of the cultists also had an address that seems to be their base of operations. You convince Shinoda to give me Pattaya, and I'll give you the name and address of the cult you're looking for." He continues eating his meal while the party digests this offer.
Dec 17, 2024 4:57 pm
Tadaoshi examines Falah closely, engaging his Soul Sight in the hopes of detecting any hostile or nefarious intent, before nodding. We can relay the offer to our employer he states and to the others to handle that while he stays with the informant.
Dec 17, 2024 6:24 pm
We can just use our commlinks to contact Nicole, right?
Dec 18, 2024 6:49 am
Ryosuke adjusted his spectacles, the gently shaded lenses shimmering in the now-crowded restaurant. It was a bold opening bid. He contemplated whether it sounded even reasonable - trying to recall the scale of the Yakuza operations in this area. While he normally would be perfectly willing to act as a go-between for this sort of negotiation, it was a bit out of scope of their assignment, and any lengthy, considered bargain might end with more men stuffed in jars, and angry Yakuza looking for more than their fingers in exchange for the delay.
Ryosuke is trying to figure out if this is a big ask - given the scope of the danger and the desperation of the Yakuza, versus the scale of the operation they would be giving up.


Know - (2d6)

(11) = 2

Dec 18, 2024 7:35 am
ForeverDED says:
We can just use our commlinks to contact Nicole, right?
Yep, easy peasy.
GreyGriffin says:
Ryosuke is trying to figure out if this is a big ask - given the scope of the danger and the desperation of the Yakuza, versus the scale of the operation they would be giving up.
I'll give you that without a roll. It is a big ask, but will get easier the more Yakuza that die and the more desperate Shinoda gets. It will be a DC 10 Talk check, but this will decrease by 2 for each additional attack on the Yakuza. You can all help each other in this roll by proposing different or additional arguments and facts. Tell how you're helping and make a check with the same DC 10 and if you succeed you add 1 to the person taking the lead.
Dec 18, 2024 1:38 pm
This new place, as with all places, had too many people. Aiko didn't particularly get anxious with crowds, but at the same time she had a healthy mistrust of them as any normal person should. She kept herself to herself, hands jammed in the pockets of her dress as she ignored anyone's attempt to make eye contact.

In the restaurant she stood further back, listening to the conversation and trying not to make it look like every step the group took she got a little more in over her head. Business handovers? Hostile information transactions? I got hired to look at people pickles.
Dec 18, 2024 4:52 pm
Kla isn't sure if Tadaoshi is looking to be alone with this guy or what, so with a tilt of his head he gathers the others to speak outside. He looks around for obvious security cameras and hopes the general noise of the bustling city will keep him from being overheard. Still, he keeps his back to the restaurant and his voice down, making sure to leave out specifics.

"We all realize that is a tall ask. I can't see our client willing to give up what this guy's asking for unless he thinks retreating from Pattaya is worth it for his overall business. The flip side of that: Do we know enough about that third party to find them on our own?"
Last edited December 18, 2024 4:53 pm


Notice (if applicable) - (2d6+1)

(52) + 1 = 8

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