Nicole Triumph
Nicole looks at Ryosuke in silence for a moment, searching his face.
"There is not a budget for expenses, beyond covering your accommodations and travel. As for advanced pay, I can give you today's pay up front after we meet with the client. If this assignment takes a week, you will have failed your mission. But you will understand better once the client explains the situation, so let's head there. It isn't far," she says looking at Tadaoushi.
"As for Ms. Aiko..." she punches some info on her comm,
"...there, your room has been cancelled. The amount saved will be added to your travel expense when you have finished the job. Now if you'd all follow me..."
Nicole leads you out the back door of the nightclub and into a short alley, where the bouncer that greeted you earlier is waiting next to another door. The path is seven flights of stairs down into what appears to be the parking garage of the Siam Plaza Mall. There are only four cars parked here: a moving van and three trendy Rover SUVs. A cluster of Japanese suits nervously point submachine guns at you. One of them looks less nervous than the others; he simply looks miserable. He’s flanked by two thugs, one in a standard suit, and the other wearing a Hawaiian shirt and sporting a cobalt-blue ponytail.
"These are the prospects," Nicole says to the miserable looking man. She introduces you in turn. Then, she says,
"This is Shinoda Yoshinori, oyabun of the Kuroiban-gumi."

Shinoda Yoshinori
"Hello," Shinoda-sama says.
"Thank you for helping us. I’m going to be direct with you, because we don’t have time for great subtlety or protocol. Someone has been attacking my gumi. So far, we’ve lost nearly thirty men in five days. I didn’t find out about the attacks until the day before yesterday, when I went to a meeting with the former oyabun. I found him and his council of advisors like this."
Shinoda-sama motions to the moving van. The Yakuza in the Hawaiian shirt opens the rear door. Inside you see two large jars about one meter wide and one-and-a-half meters tall. Each jar contains a human body floating in a yellow fluid.
"These two were found in an opium processing operation in Siam Plaza. Every incident has had identical results. This is a fight for survival, and you’ll be well rewarded for helping us."