- Sword (?)
- Quiver + 4 Arrows (wanted by Lauretta)
- Elixir of Healing (Suggested for R3N-L3)
- Crystal Orb of Climbing (Suggested for Tzal, Wolfram, or Gabalan)
Lauretta would like the quiver and arrows, as she will likely be investing in a bow in between adventures. We all seem to be doing well on melee weapons, so the sword can go to whoever wants it as a backup weapon. Alternatively, we can probably sell it. The elixir of healing is probably best given to R3N-L3, as he is a frontliner and struggles more than others with healing damage.
The orb could be well-used by a ranged character. Climbing into a position that keeps out of melee is a great strategy. Tzal, Wolfram, or Gabalan fit that description.
As for
coin, it's likely to be split up 4 or 5 ways, depending on how many PCs we still have. I'll be operating under the assumption that the people of Traveler's Rest, such as Marya, can help us split up our coin evenly.
Total Coin:
- 2 gold pieces
- 27 silver pieces
- 36 copper pieces
- 5 silver pieces per character (20 or 25 total)
If divided in
4 ways, then three PCs would receive
1 gold, 7 silver, and 6 copper while one PC would receive
1 gold, 7 silver, and 8 copper.
If divided in
5 ways, then four PCS would receive
1 gold, 4 silver, and 1 copper while one PC would receive
1 gold, 4 silver, and 2 copper.
Since silver is far more common and useable than gold, it's more likely that you'd subtract the gold and add 10 silver instead.
Last edited March 6, 2025 2:16 pm