[Closed] Epic Superhero Adventure (Risus)

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Nov 14, 2024 11:32 am
Harrigan says:
I wish! I've got zero skills in that department, but I *love* seeing my designs brought to life by talented artists; I've commissioned hundreds of works over the last few decades. Chris Smith is the artist who did all the stuff above. Love his work.
Yeah, the drawings look great, and he has a consistent style. I was just looking through drawing of mine from the past five years, and I’m all over the place in style and quality.

I gotta force myself to draw a set again. I once made a rule book in the form of a Google Slides, and that was fun. The limited palette and simplicity helped with speed and consistency.
[ +- ] Cartoon Peril (Slide #3)
At the very least, drawing my favorite RPG characters is good for just-practicing.
[ +- ] My Action Movie World character (Barbarian script; lead)
Nov 14, 2024 3:24 pm
Love it, Legendary_Sidekick! Looks like you have a pretty consistent style to me and it's super fun. Dig Hanna!
Nov 14, 2024 8:24 pm
Those are awesome. I may draw my character if she makes it past the selection committee.
Nov 17, 2024 10:56 pm
Time to put on our spandex!

The four players are...



Sending out invites shortly!
Nov 19, 2024 12:42 am
Harrigan says:
Have fun, folks!
Thanks, Harrigan!
Jan 28, 2025 12:12 am
We had a player drop out, and waiting on another player's decision to remain or stay. So we need one, possibly two, replacements!

First off: consistent activity is expected. I've been lenient regarding activity for a while now, but moving forward, I expect this game to move forward at a faster pace.

Now, a brief synopsis:

The team (which we think is called the Fierce Fource) is still on their first real mission. A woman named Sarah Caldwell put up a "hero help wanted" ad saying her young daughter, Eliza, is missing. But was Eliza kidnapped, or did she run away? Eliza is willful, and supposedly an engineering genius.

The team saw some news that robo-squirrels had been spotted at Sal's Junkyard, which is just outside Small Town. Reasoning that they may have been created by Eliza for some purpose (scavenging?), they went to investigate.

But others had seen the same news, and Sal was a prick. Shenanigans and fights resulted. The team split up, eventually tracking the robo-squirrels through the surrounding forest to an abandoned sawmill...which turned out to be Eliza's base!

The feisty pre-teen wouldn't give up quietly, though. More shenanigans and fights. Eliza was eventually "defeated," and she revealed that she'd run away because of her strained relationship with her mother, and because her mother had hit her after getting frustrated with one of Eliza's inventions.

Now the team (and soon, mother and daughter) have reunited, and they're going to work together to find a solution. Will Eliza and Sarah forgive and forget? Will they live together, or will Eliza insist on living apart? Will Sarah accept Eliza's genius (which could materially improve their lives), or will she insist Eliza remain an "innocent child"? Stay tuned!

The application process is the same as before: submit a character concept, complete with dice distribution and gear. An avatar image is also appreciated.
Jan 28, 2025 8:55 am
I'm interested in applying! I hesitated to throw my hat into the ring back when this was first open, but I'll go for it now.

Superhero Name: Rocketeer

Real Name: Matilda Lark

Description: An unhinged (but not unheroic!) young woman who is obsessed with rockets. She can be argued to be one of the top ten most intelligent people on the planet, but her obsession makes her considerably less effective than she otherwise would be. However, even when operating within the constraints of her fixation, she has plenty of tricks. She's constantly looking for new ideas, from both friend and foe.

Mad Rocket Scientist (4)
High-Flying Daredevil (4)
Technopathic Nanoimplants (2)
Gear: Power armor with back-mounted jets and built-in missile launchers, regular missiles, trick missiles (in the same vein as trick arrows)

Jan 28, 2025 3:14 pm
I like her!

Also, if she swoops into the conversation with Eliza, it can’t hurt to have a sciency heroine for the girl genius to look up to.
Jan 29, 2025 1:51 am
Heh...her and Eliza teamed up would be heaps of trouble....💣💣💣

You're in, @Eltesla! Sending out an invite shortly....
Jan 29, 2025 9:40 pm
We need one more replacement player!
[ +- ] Embrace Your Destiny
Feb 5, 2025 3:25 am

1.) Apply.
2.) Don spandex.
3.) Fun.
Last edited February 5, 2025 3:26 am
Feb 5, 2025 5:20 pm
I'm interested in trying it out. Just so I have an idea: Is this like a street level team? Is it a bunch of people with their own names and outfits that fall under one name like The Defenders or The Avengers? Or is more "we share the same colors and emblem" like The Fantastic Four or OG Xmen?
Feb 5, 2025 7:07 pm
We have:

Rocketeer • both a mad- and a rocket-scientist
Shield Maiden • a nerdy guy who becomes a valkyrie
Small Fry • a subatomic size-shifter

The team is an all-female super team, but Victor is male in his not-super form.

Our outfits don’t match. So… more like Superfriends than Fantastic 4, I guess?
Feb 5, 2025 9:22 pm
The original premise of this game is that you start out as poor noobs, but then gradually achieve great things and gain renown. But as with many (most?) roleplaying games, it could go in a different direction.

It's more Avengers than Fantastic Four. You don't have to try and copy anyone's costume or attitude; in fact, it'd be more interesting if you did your own thing. Could lead to tension and drama!

For example, Rocketeer didn't even want to join the team, until she talked to some of the others in more detail. And even though she's helping out for the current mission, it could be argued she still hasn't "officially" joined the team yet.
Feb 15, 2025 7:57 pm

DID YOU KNOW...that super-villain attacks have risen 10% in the last year?

Are you gonna sit back and do nothing?!

The application process is the same as before: submit a character concept, complete with dice distribution and gear. An avatar image is also appreciated. We need one more!
Feb 21, 2025 4:11 am
I've had my eye on this, and my schedule seems to be settling down after the annual rush in January. I mostly post in the evenings and on weekends.

Meet Angela, based on a character I made for Mutants and Mastermind, but reimagined.

Superhero Name: Angela Armageddon

Real Name: Abby Anderson

Description: An angelic-looking woman who thinks she is an actual holier-than-thou angel, or at least part angel. Lawyer by day, divine justicar on call. Is she crazy? Perhaps, but what she lacks in believability she makes up for in conviction. Of course, with the end of the world just right around the corner (she says), she's been sent to do what good she can. Is she a little quick to judge? Also, yes.

Public Defender Lawyer (2)
Rich (2)
Smile like the Sun (2)
Gear: Besides her outfit and mask, and sparsely equipped law office, nothing of note that she needs

* Flight, radiant energy attacks, hard to kill

Feb 21, 2025 4:03 pm
@Qralloq, have you been reading the current adventure? Your character fits the image of an NPC we’re trying to rescue. (Not saying the GM would make it so, or somehow bring Abby into the story as an ally to help us not botch the rescue… but I am saying it would be cool to fit her in somehow. But that is up to @Totes_McGee…!)
Feb 21, 2025 8:36 pm
If you're still looking for bodies, I might submit something tonight. Got a few ideas rattling around.
Feb 21, 2025 10:14 pm
@Celestine: Sure, submit something if you're still interested!

@Qralloq: Small Town seems to be the destination of choice for the demi-god/goddess types!

So, for Rich...how rich, and how does she handle her money? Does she hoard it, or is she a profligate spender?

I ask because the premise of this game is that you start out as scrubs, but gradually gain renown and (hopefully) money. Having a character who already has plenty of resources could be used as an insta-win button.

Not opposed to her being wealthy, but maybe add some complications? Otherwise it could lead to situations like "I spend $2 million to hire the best mercenaries, so we're sure to win."

Or she can be rich as you originally intended, and if selected, I might create a storyline to separate her from her wealth. Joking? Not joking? Hmmm....😈

@Legendary_Sidekick: Nah, I'd stick with Meghana being rescued. Her relationship with Ragnar is established, and replacing her with Angela Armageddon would require retconning.
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