Nov 10, 2024 10:06 pm

As in a fresh start, rebooting back to Roland Emmerich's film.
I would intend to preserve the dark and deep storyline presented. But like so many of the actors of SG-1 suggest do my own thing.
Namely I would place the Stargate program in the hands of civilians, making The Doctor Daniel Jackson a billionaire. Naturally the military would be involved but I find the restrictions of the military would chaffe creativity.
I am not an Egyptologist either, so maybe I would change the Stargate to something Sumerian/Akkadia, maybe something based on Kalevala, or even go to Scythian as I know a lot more about these myths and languages than anything Coptic.
I would also like to do something from later seasons SG-1 and get input on player related subplots, written at least in part by the player. Provided of course, that the players go to the end of their first deadly mission in the heart of the unknown.
As for rules, I am thinking something very lite. 2 stats, one for combat, the other for everything else.
Any interest?
Last edited November 18, 2024 1:13 am