I also like interactions between PCs very much, even when they become quite tense. Of course hoping that everyone remembers that what my PC do is not what I would be doing in such situations. But seeing your interesting RPs: it seems we have an experienced players here that all know that already. Besides it looks we will have a really interesting game here:)
Gabalan was listening to all the exchanges between his companions in silence. If not even with slight disregard.
"Strong personalities. Good. If we will only be able to come to some agreement". - he thought.
But the part from Pyram Peek about indigenous people and their extinction certainly caught his attention.
"Could it be a trigger I was supposed to look for?" he wondered in his mind.
He made a pretty firm decision that he couldn't let Pyram go to those ruins without his supervision. But at the same time, he felt that the lives of the lost people could end if they focused on something else now.
Joining Lauretta next to Pyrm, Gabalan began:
"Mr. Pyram. You've probably heard about people disappearing in this area recently. Those of us who will officially, voluntarily and with full awareness agree to this " - Gabalan glanced at Azar with a slightly mocking smile -
"will definitely join your expedition. And there will be at least two of us." - Gabalan nodded knowingly in Lauretta's direction.
"However, I recommend that first - before we set off - you wait and let us investigate the case of the missing people first. You wouldn't want to join their ranks, would you?" - he asked with a slight emphasis in his voice, although his face seemed quite indifferent.
Then he turned back to Wolram and Azar, continuing in his dispassionate tone, more similar to a poorly prepared lecture read from a note than a speech:
"Master Wolfram and Master Azar. I fully understand your desire to act immediately. But - I - would first like to make sure of the right direction of our search. In accordance with Master Tzal's suggestion - let's find out more about those who come from here: Jonn and Philomena. Maybe their families will tell us in which direction they went? Could this be also Four Towers? Or maybe we should really split up for a while? Some of us will gather additional information in the area, and the other will start searching in the field? But how will we find each other then? Maybe if you find some traces, you will come back for us?" - he finished, hanging his voice like a teacher waiting for an obvious answer.
Gabalan wanted to look for the missing, but he also wanted to make sure Pyramus won't
escape. This approach seemed to solve both problems.
Last edited November 18, 2024 10:39 pm