Chapter 1: Friends in Need

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Nov 22, 2024 6:23 pm
Tzal approached the Philomena's family and put up a kind smile, "May I sit with you? Greetings, my name is Tzal 'Indigo' Pointius. We are travellers currently residing here. I came to the knowledge of your missing family member. We want to look into this matter and aid in any way possible. Can you share anything about who got missing and how? Any details can really help us."
Nov 22, 2024 9:11 pm
Not having left the bar much since Aazim and Wolfram left, Lauretta's attention is first caught on Candace as she comes to start her shift. So much activity in this wayside inn was unexpected, but it also meant that the group could easily spread out and tackle different leads at once. However, the odds that there wasn't at least one person who prioritized the gambling table were slim. After waiting for an opportune moment when the bartender wasn't inundated with orders, the priest would address her.

"Saints' blessings, miss. I'm guessing you're the Candace that Bertram mentioned since you're tending the bar. Said you've got a good memory and an observant eye. Good qualities to have. Would you happen to have noticed anything out of the ordinary here at the Traveler's Rest these past few weeks?"

As she asks the question, she slides forward a copper piece on the bartop.
Last edited November 26, 2024 1:00 pm
Nov 22, 2024 10:16 pm
Aazim and Wolfram's trek was uneventful, but Aazim didn't consider it a waste of time. He'd gotten to know his companion slightly better, and it was certainly more interesting than sitting around waiting. Sure, some ale or wine would help the minutes pass, but Aazim wasn't much of a drinker; he preferred to keep his faculties sharp.

His companions are already questioning people, so Aazim walks over to the adventurers who call themselves the Silver Coins Company.

"Well met, travelers. I'm Aazim Azar, a jann who arrived in these lands not so long ago. Right now, my companions and I are investigating some missing people. They left Traveler's Rest recently, leaving behind some possessions here, but never returned. We're also probably going to help someone examine some ruins in the Green Hills, but there are supposedly monsters stalking that area. If you have any information relating to any of this, I'd be much obliged if you'd share it."
Nov 22, 2024 10:49 pm
Feeling much better for having taken a stroll, Wolfram spies a sea of possibilities in the tavern now that the hour is later. He nudges Aazim and nods toward the band of adventurers.

"They have been out and about and might be worth talking to. Might be a bit of fun too once we have a good deal of ale in our bellies. What do you think, my friend? Some of our group have already started nosing about," he adds, nodding in Tzal's direction. But then he notices the pretty lady tending the bar. "Orrrr we can talk to who surely must be Candace, tending the bar. I like that idea better!"

When Aazim heads over to the band of travelers, Wolfram sees the pretty lady who surely must be Candace tending the bar and makes a beeline straight to her, turning on the charm.

"You must be the pretty Candace. I am Wolfram and very pleased to meet you. I wonder if I could trouble you for a moment of your time and of course I will have a drink. Give yourself one as well, on me." He hoped she caught the double entendre.
Last edited November 22, 2024 10:59 pm
Nov 22, 2024 10:50 pm
Ack, looks like cross-posted with Totes_McGee. I'll edit above.
Last edited November 22, 2024 10:59 pm
Nov 23, 2024 8:29 am
Gabalan joins Tzal and missing people families, after hearing what Tzal said he only says standing above him:
"Greetings, good people. We are here to help. I assure you. Don't leave out any detail"
Then - awkwardly - he sits at last place at the table, little behind Tzal, but close enough to hear all conversation. Certainly leaving Tzal at their front, and trying to be the less rememberable he can.
Nov 26, 2024 12:20 pm
Gabalan and Tzal

Philomena's parents are soft-spoken individuals, obviously still upset by their daughter's disappearance. They tell you that Philomena is a kind-hearted woman who is very passionate about helping others. They don't know much about the circumstances of how she went missing. All they can really tell you is that she came here to the Traveler's Rest one night several days ago but never came back home. Nobody they have spoken to saw her leave the inn. All of their efforts to locate Philomena have come of short, and they beg you to do your best to find her.
Lauretta and Wolfram

Candace eyes the two of you as you approach. She gives Lauretta a nod and swiftly takes the coin from the counter. When Wolfram tries to charm her, she gives him a withering stare. "I'm not interested in any nonsense, mate. I'm here to do my job and that's all. I'll get you your drink, but you'll have to look elsewhere if you're looking to 'whet your whistle,' if you catch my meaning."

She turns back to Lauretta. "Out of the ordinary? You must mean the people that've gone missing lately. Well, I'll tell you what I told Marya, even though she didn't believe me. I've noticed one thing that's linked all the disappeared together. And that one thing is him." Candace subtly gestures across the common room to where Pyram Peek sits. "That man's hiding something, mark my words. I don't trust him."

The Silver Coins Company look up as you approach. Their leader, a short, slender young woman with her hair cut to stubble, invites you to sit at the table with them. "Well met, indeed, Aazim. I am Mikka, archer extraordinaire! Allow me to introduce my companions." She goes around the table introducing them in turn: Pwyll, a shifty young man who is the company's burglar; Sash, a tall muscular woman who is a priest of the High One; Pyre, a mysterious masked mage clothed in red from head to toe; and Brutus, an ugly and pudgy warrior.

"We've only just arrived here ourselves. We were hoping to find work ourselves, but it sounds like you might have already cornered the market for adventurers!" Mikka chuckles.
Nov 26, 2024 1:36 pm
The ranger's approach to the bar wasn't unwelcome, but his attempt at flirting caused Lauretta's eyes to roll into the back of her head. Typical man. A part of her was grateful that she didn't receive that type of attention much any more. Even when she was younger, it never felt like there was room in her life for that sort of thing. It never stopped them from trying though. Her age, stature, scarring, and priesthood would be what eventually drove it away.

The priest hung on the bartender's every word as the accusation was laid out. Candace's subtle gesture was followed by a slight glance over Lauretta's shoulder, aimed at Pyram. She shifts in her stool as her typical frown deepens. Wolfram's theorizing from a few hours ago came to the forefront of her mind. A swift elbow juts him in the ribs as she whispers.

"Weren't you suggesting the missing folk were useful in varied ways? Strong, knowledgeable, or skilled in other arts? If he's been here for as long as folk have been going missing, just how many has he asked to keep him company in those hills?"

The last question haunted her as she asked it. Of course the coin was too good to be true. Anger started to well deep in her gut as she considered how many may have received the same bargain.
Nov 26, 2024 1:47 pm
Tzal acknowledged Gabalan with a polite nod as he listened to Philomena's parents. After the brief conversation, he assured the crestfallen parents that he and his companions will do whatever they can to the best of their abilities in order to solve this missing persons case. He then joined Gabalan at his table and said, "Master Gabalan, I believe you heard what Philomena's parents said? They claimed that she was last present in this very inn. My theory is that someone here must have taken her out. We should inspect the residents of the inn carefully. Maybe our suspect is still lingering here at this very moment. Can you think of any possible candidate?"
Nov 26, 2024 7:42 pm
"She told me. Hmph." Wolfram, says to Lauretta. He is of course used to rebuffs and compared to some, Candace's was mild. But he quits the act and looks on with great interest as Candace talks about Pyram.

"I was Lauretta, indeed I was. There seemed to be a pattern," he says as an aside to Lauretta. Turning back to Candace he says, "That is interesting, Candace. You've made the link. Well done. Now please tell us why you don't trust the man. What in particular has he done or is it women's intuition?" Wolfram adds hastily, "Which I admire greatly and hold in high esteem!"

Wolfram wonders if Pyram is somehow kidnapping and using these able-bodied folks to dig around in the ruins.
Last edited November 26, 2024 7:49 pm
Nov 26, 2024 10:14 pm
Aazim also chuckles at Mikka's words, and sits down with the group.

"Cornering the market? I doubt that. Our group is recently-formed, and we're still in the process of...finding our equilibrium."

Many would say that admitting weakness was folly; after all, this Company may not want rival adventurers around, and would take steps to dissolve or destroy Aazim's group if they found an opening.

Let them try. It would be a good test of strength and wits. Of course, Aazim could be overthinking, as usual, and the Company could simply be friendly and helpful.

"Since you've only just arrived, and don't seem to know much about the situation here, I'll toss a different query your way: how do you all work together efficiently? Your group seems varied, much like mine. Any pointers that will help us maintain harmonious working relationships?"
Nov 29, 2024 10:51 am
Hearing with caution what Tzal was saying, Gabalan started to slowly nod with his head:
"I must say I agree with your theory, Master Tzal. Someone from here must be involved. Although I don't have anyone particular in mind... yet. Although... the reward Prym offered us... was quite generous for such remote localization we are currently at..." - Gabalan looked in the direction "the old ruins fan" have left the main room.

"But something else also attracted my attention. They said: that nobody saw Philomena leave the inn. It would be truly wicked if all the missing ones would never leave this place..." - Gabalan looked at the ground, wondering how big the basement of this inn could be.

"But... probably she left the inn at the time almost no one was able to see her." - Gabalan added to lift the grim mood, the thought of keeping the missing in the inn brought onto him.
"Like at the dawn - when everyone still sleep... and it's good time to depart on some expedition... in example... for nearby ruins..." - he winked to Tzal.
Investigators together, again, Stalker? :) But it looks that this time you are the Holmes and I'm the Watson... ;)

For other players: we play in other game where my PC is investigator by class... and behaviour:) And it turned out, our characters work together quite often.
Nov 29, 2024 11:34 am
Yup, nice to meet here again @Pedrop! We do tend to become very inquisitive investigators whenever we are together.
Dec 2, 2024 11:43 am
Lauretta and Wolfram

Candace reaches for an empty mug and wipes it with a rag as she eyes Pyram across the common room. "I've talked to him a bit, asked him questions about his background. He's slipped up a few times, contradicting himself. So, he's a liar, for starters. Plus, everybody who's gone missing so far has spoken to him first. It seems like he's targeting adventuring types. I've never seen again anyone who agrees to work with him. Tread carefully around him. He's dangerous."

Mikka laughs. "Working together comes naturally when you're facing down a pack of fire-breathing dragons! Yeah, dragons! They were menacing a village about a week's walk from here. We banded together and drove them away! Course, outside of fighting for our lives, we have our little issues. But we all put them aside when it comes time to fight for glory!"

Pwyll smirks while Brutus laughs boisterously and downs his ale. Sash, though, scowls at Mikka's bravado, and Pyre's expression remains unseen behind their mask.
Dec 2, 2024 7:14 pm
Lauretta leaned back in her stool and stared off broodingly in a random direction. There was no longer room for doubt in her mind that the deceitful man had manipulated at least six people into something foreboding. How to handle the situation and whether any of the people still lived weighed heavily on her mind.

"I cannot and will not lay my head on a pillow knowing that he is doing the same when he knows what happened to the missing. They could even still be living out there while he sleeps."

The priest's tone was grave as she looked back to Wolfram. Indignation was carved into the lines of her face.
Last edited December 2, 2024 7:18 pm
Dec 2, 2024 8:54 pm
"Let us go get him then and beat it out of him if need be!"

Wolfram was no stranger to extracting information from people but usually it was in the form of blackmail. He had a dagger. He was sure he could get Pyram to talk.
Last edited December 2, 2024 8:54 pm
Dec 2, 2024 9:45 pm
How powerful are dragons in this system? D&D level of danger, maybe?
Dec 2, 2024 9:51 pm
Yes, they are very powerful. It's likely that Mikka may be embellishing her story a bit. :D
Dec 2, 2024 10:11 pm
Not just one dragon, but a pack of them? To say Aazim was dubious would be an understatement. Still, he tries to maintain a cheerful, engaging expression.

"You all must be powerful indeed, to thwart such creatures...and without serious injuries, it would appear. Would you want to travel together? With your group nearby, my group would have little to fear!"

"However, I'm not the leader. I must discuss this with my companions. Why don't you do the same, and we'll reconvene in a few minutes?"

Smiling, he leaves the table and joins Lauretta and Wolfram. Judging from their expressions, they've been having an intense conversation.

"Mikka, the woman from that adventuring group, claims they recently drove off a pack of dragons. They're either immensely powerful, or liars and schemers...and I'm betting on the latter. Then again, Mikka might simply be a harmless braggart. Her companions did have mixed reactions to her tale."

"I mentioned the idea of traveling together, but gave no firm commitment; I mainly said it to boost Mikka's already-impressive ego. I'd actually rather not travel with them yet, until we learn more about them. And even if they are charlatans, they may still prove useful."

"What have you two learned?"
Dec 3, 2024 2:17 pm
There was some peace of mind afforded by Wolfram's immediate agreement. Lauretta knew this wasn't the safest course of action for the group, but it was the most just. She wasn't sure just how many in their group held a similar mindset. Turning to look for the others, she locked eyes with the jann who was heading towards them. The priest slid another copper piece towards Candace in gratitude for her help before waving to the rest of her group to come join them by the bar.

"Pack of dragons... Right. Fools or liars, more like. In earnest, I've got no room for thought about them at the moment. Wolfram and I were given a tip that the person connected to all of the missing folk is in the inn with us right now. Before I go tossin' out a name, remember that we need to have some subtlety. It's a very strong lead, and I'm hoping we can save some lives tonight."

Lauretta was hunched forward as she conspired with the two of them. It was difficult to not stare at Pyram while she waited for everyone to regroup, but she managed.

"So, everyone who has gone missing these past weeks all agreed to work with Pyram Peek 'fore disappearing. He also doesn't have a straight story about his background. Wolfram theorized earlier that all of the folk who went missing were good adventurous types. That makes sense considering his penchant for exploring places of ill repute. I say we wait 'til this crowd thins out and confront him as a group."
Last edited December 3, 2024 2:19 pm
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